View Full Version : Vacation

Bernie Weishapl
06-30-2011, 8:47 AM
Well we are headed back from our month long vacation. All is good but the good news is that three galleries I visited wants a sample of my work and if approved by their boards I will be displaying and selling there. All will be a 70/30 split. My wife said it was exciting and a great oppurtunity. I told her I haven't made it yet. So now I need to get some things turned. One wants nested utility type bowls. I am excited but will stay reserved till it happens.

Ed Morgano
06-30-2011, 8:57 AM
Congratulations Bernie. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed.

bob svoboda
06-30-2011, 10:19 AM
Good for you Bernie! I'm sure those galleries will proudly and successfully display and sell your work.

Faust M. Ruggiero
06-30-2011, 10:37 AM
I'm confused. You are retired but went on a vacation. While vacationing from retirement you and found a great opportunity to work. What's wrong with this picture? I'm not sure if we should congratulate you or say, "wassa matta wich you".
In all seriousness, best of luck getting in with a gallery. Doing so is a trophy that says you have excelled at your craft.

Scott Hackler
06-30-2011, 10:51 AM
Bernie, you might want ot re-think coming back home right now. Its going to be 102F today and close to 100F the rest of the week. I wish I wouldn't have left St Paul yet.

Doug W Swanson
06-30-2011, 12:16 PM
Bernie, you might want ot re-think coming back home right now. Its going to be 102F today and close to 100F the rest of the week. I wish I wouldn't have left St Paul yet.

Don't be so sure of that, Scott. It's going be in the mid 90's today and high 80's over the weekend....

Bernie, congrats on the deals....

Steve Schlumpf
06-30-2011, 12:21 PM
Bernie - Congrats! Wow - hopefully real soon you'll be able to tell folks that you are in galleries on the East coast! Cool! Best of luck with your sales and have a safe trip!!

John Keeton
06-30-2011, 12:36 PM
Hey, Bernie, that is great news!! And, that is a great split on the commission, too - much better than most galleries.

Robert McGowen
06-30-2011, 1:35 PM
And, that is a great split on the commission, too - much better than most galleries.

John beat me to it. That is about the best split you will find. Congrats!

Bernie Weishapl
06-30-2011, 10:28 PM
Thanks to all for the kind comments. I am excited to say the least but until the jury of all three says it is a go don't want to get my hopes up to high.

Scott when we came thru Oklahoma today it ranged from 102 deg to 109 deg. When we filled up in Wichita it was 106 deg. I need to get home and get some water on the lawn before it burns up. Our neighbor says it is starting to turn brown after 2 weeks with no rain.

Michael James
06-30-2011, 10:47 PM
Congratulations Bernie on getting some more outlets for your work and I wish you the best of luck! But I have a question for you too.
As a guy who has about 4yrs left "suitin up" I wanna know: What the heck is a vacation from retirement??? :confused::eek::rolleyes::cool::D

(yes boys and girls I have retirement envy..there I said it)

Bernie Weishapl
07-01-2011, 9:25 AM
Thanks Michael. As far as the vacation part is concerned this is a vacation from vacation. Huh??? Well that is what the LOML said. After 44 yrs I have learned not to argue.:D;):rolleyes:

Tony De Masi
07-01-2011, 12:53 PM
Good luck with the galleries Bernie. Not get home and get to turnin.