View Full Version : Finishing Red Mallee

Scott Hackler
06-30-2011, 12:29 AM
Ok all you exotic burl turners out there. I turned one of my red mallee burl caps tonight and was wondering what the experiences with different finishes were. Its as smooth as a polished rock and very dense so I dunno. I want something that really makes the grain pop and likely high gloss in the end.


Rick Markham
06-30-2011, 3:24 AM
I've had great success with shellac/WOP on the aussie burls. They take the finish extremely well. Every single one that I have dealt with personally has been dry as a stone though. I will be interested in seeing where you go with this as I have a good chunk of Red Mallee coming very soon :)

neil mackay
06-30-2011, 3:49 AM
Like most hardwoods you can use just about use anything. If its very smooth then try a thin clear finish such as wipe on poly. It may take 6-8 coats to get a high gloss, but when its dry and hard polish it back slowly to avoid heat build up. The end result will look like you have polished the burl itself rather applied a varnish.
But in the end any high quality clear finish should pop the grain and Mallee is a very good burl for a high gloss finish.

David E Keller
06-30-2011, 7:11 AM
I've used BLO, shellac, and WOP for the few pieces I've done... That's given me the shine I was after. WOP alone might be just as good. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

John Keeton
06-30-2011, 7:22 AM
Scott, I am jealous of those burls! Can't tell you how many times I went by the Aussie burl booth while at AAW - really, really nice stuff. Jim Syvertsen said he used an "oil finish" on the one he had there at the booth, but, of course, that could mean many things.

Whatever you end up with, I am betting it will be beautiful.

Greg Savage
06-30-2011, 10:03 AM
Minwax Antique Oil followed by a tripoli and white diamond buffing, then an application of a light wax (by hand or buff) always worked well for me.

Greg Savage
Hardwood Studio

Michelle Rich
06-30-2011, 3:31 PM
all the ideas above are good, but if you have any dark wood that has pin holes or rough spots, the white diamond can show in there..