View Full Version : AAW... Let's see what you got!

David E Keller
06-27-2011, 9:39 PM
I've enjoyed the threads about the symposium, but I find one thing missing... THE GOODIES! I want to see the new tools, the wood, etc! Photos please!

charlie knighton
06-27-2011, 10:32 PM
i got the red sweat shirt, my faithful blue one was showing light thru it

Alan Trout
06-27-2011, 11:01 PM
I got a bag of sandpaper and not much else. For me taking stuff back on the plane was to much of a hassle and the money that I recouped from my sales is going into a large pressure pot which I have wanted for a long time.


Jeff Fagen
06-27-2011, 11:31 PM
I didn't see too many bargain prices,all I got was a couple of sanding mandrels for my drill.

Bob Bergstrom
06-27-2011, 11:40 PM
Got a autographed copy of Tim Yoeder's DVD. Better yet I got to talk both wood turning and video production. Great guy and very personable.

Scott Hackler
06-28-2011, 12:50 AM
Here is a funny story. I went up to Doug's booth on the first day and a very pleasant fella started to talk to me about Doug's stuff and turning in general. The whole time I am thinking, "boy does this guy look familiar". It wasn't until I looked down and saw his DVD's that I was able to put the name Tim Yoder with his show on PBS!! He was a really nice guy and we had a great time talking. I think this is when I missed the first of many demo's I had planned on attending!!

Justin Stephen
06-28-2011, 1:06 AM
Got one of those hollowing bits from One Good Turn and some Oneway Jaws from Craft Supply. That was it I think. I had the same baggage/travel concerns as Alan so I knew I would buy very little. Did go ahead and subscribe to Woodturning Design while I was there though. Have to keep up with all the Scott Hackler articles.

Greg Just
06-28-2011, 6:52 AM
I had to order some chuck jaws from Craft Supply. I tried to buy them at the Nova booth and but they would only take cash. I also picked up the pendant mandrell at Ruth Niles booth and the only bargain of the weekend was a 1/2 priced AAW sweatshirt on Sunday afternoon.

David Gilbert
06-28-2011, 1:29 PM
I had a pretty short shopping list and more than filled it. One of the problems with a show like this is that the vendors are always there to visit and I kept returning for additional items.

SWMBO demanded that I get a turning smock so I got the 25th anniversary version from the AAW. I picked up a nice Robust tool-rest and a box rest from JT Turning Tools. Vince’s WoodNWonders supplied me some more sanding mandrels. I got some dovetail jaws for my Talon scroll jaw and a really nice hone from Alan Lacer. Our fellow creeker, Doug Thompson, was very happy to sell me his two top-selling items, a ½” v-bowl gouge and his 3/8 detail gouge and handle. I’m going to post the story (gloat) about how I got the detail gouge later today.

The screw driver in the foreground was made by Tim Heil of the Minnesota Woodturners. He gave two demonstrations on making tool handles. He was kind enough to make everyone who attended his demos one to take home! In the demo he made a tool handle for a Trent Bosch bowl gouge and gave that away too. He drew numbers and the guy in front of me got it. I was very happy with his excellent demo and the screw driver.

Here is a quick photo of my loot.



Baxter Smith
06-29-2011, 1:22 PM
Nothing exciting here for you David but since you did ask for pictures.
The only thing on my shopping list was a Oneway live center chuck adaptor and a Thompson 5/8V since mine is getting rather short. Thought I might also get a handle but ended up getting the 3/8 detail gouge instead. Doug recomended the standard one so went with it. Any thoughts? That and the 5/8 15V got shipped.
Picked up a couple of Hosaluk tool holders, then got the Oneways too since they might be easier to remove if I wanted to modify the handle in some way. I held off shopping until Sunday afternoon so the velcro stuff from Vince was sold out. Fortunately I only went with a carryon bag! That and the fact that the back of my van parked at the airport still had a 15" spiral head planer sitting in it. Picked that up from a fellow creeker a week ago. Sometimes I like to imagine someday using all that other kind of wood I have collected.:)

David E Keller
06-29-2011, 8:40 PM
Looks like most of you folks have a little more self restraint than I do... I'd be like a fat kid in a candy store! Hackler and Gilbert seem to have done it up right, and Baxter got some neat stuff as well. I hadn't thought much about the travel issues with flights and bags, so I guess I was expecting a little too much.

Baxter, I use that 3/8 detail gouge all the time. It's one of my favorite tools. I've got a 5/8 bowl gouge, but it doesn't get a lot of mileage... I don't do a lot of big stuff, but it comes in handy when I do. I'm anxious to hear your impressions of the 15v versus the 10v you had before. As for the planer, I'm assuming that you're gonna strip off the carbide cutters and use them for homemade roughing tools!

Jim Adkins
06-29-2011, 10:44 PM
I tried to show some restraint but caved!! I purchased a turners smock, AAW of course. a 6" Robust tool rest, 3/8" fingernail gouge and a bowl gouge (same size) plus a 12" handle from D-way, an asortment of sanding interface pads from Vinces and a couple of tee's from AAW. I also got to meet Steve S., John K., Baxter S., Scott H. & bride, Bob Bergstrom. It was a very busy affair!! So much wood, tools & turners. Sorry I missed the photo shoot & Saturday nt. get-together. Sorry, no pics......yet!

Quinn McCarthy
06-30-2011, 9:33 AM
I got the new Alan Lacer skew. It is bigger than the one that Hamlet tools makes. Unhandled. It is wicked looking. Can't wait to try.

And 2 turning blanks. I took advantage of some last day wood discounts.

What a great weekend.


Baxter Smith
06-30-2011, 11:32 AM
....Baxter, I use that 3/8 detail gouge all the time. It's one of my favorite tools. I've got a 5/8 bowl gouge, but it doesn't get a lot of mileage... I don't do a lot of big stuff, but it comes in handy when I do. I'm anxious to hear your impressions of the 15v versus the 10v you had before. As for the planer, I'm assuming that you're gonna strip off the carbide cutters and use them for homemade roughing tools!
The 5/8V I have that is getting short is an older Taylor but has no markings. Saw Dale Nish using the exact same one, handle and all, at the totally turning symposium in New York this spring and asked him about it. Great idea on the carbide cutters too! I hadn't thought of double duty. As soon as I get my 14-15 inch walnut (saved for 20+ years) planed and ready for segmented work I can start taking them out.:)