View Full Version : Finally getting things sorted - I hope!

Richard Kennedy UK
06-26-2011, 6:02 PM
Thank you so much everyone who has offered advice over the last few weeks with my chuck problems I think ( fingers crossed well everything crossed really) I think I have turned a corner the chuck seems to be behaving and the lathe is a dream I've finally got to the point where I can make some stuff

like this!




And the lathe in its new home!


Thanks for looking!

David E Keller
06-26-2011, 6:09 PM
Beautiful work, Richard! That spalted piece is especially gorgeous.

Glad to hear the chuck troubles are behind you... What was the problem/solution?

Nate Davey
06-26-2011, 6:40 PM
Good Lord that is a clean lathe. Beautiful work Richard, glad the chuck issues are sorted out. I can attest to the frustration associated with it.

Steve bellinger
06-26-2011, 7:00 PM
Richard great looking pieces. I also like that spalted piece, but that last bowl is a very close 2nd

Rick Markham
06-26-2011, 7:52 PM
Wow! Good show Richard (great name by the way!) I love the shape of the first bowl, the spalted piece is extraordinary, the platter has an incredible shape, the third bowl is really super cool! What are the woods for all of them? I like your style!

Roger Chandler
06-26-2011, 8:16 PM
Very well done Richard.........glad you got that mustard monster, er, uh, I mean mayo monster set up and getting productive!

cal thelen
06-26-2011, 8:19 PM
they are all great looking but that spalted piece really stands out for me too.

Faust M. Ruggiero
06-26-2011, 9:01 PM
Once you got the chuck problems sorted out you really hit the ground running. Beautiful work. Great variety of embellishment. I love them all but I've always been partial to a calabash, especially when it's made from a nice piece of cherry.

Richard Kennedy UK
06-27-2011, 3:23 PM
Thanks everyone for your responses its good to be working again and not having the dreaded wobble! I narrowed down the problem to the backplate had a ding in it which meant it didnt sit flat plus a damaged jaw carrier and lastly my screw chuck screw had moved and was running out of true but fingers crossed all systems go now!

Thank you again for your comments I have seen some wonderful work online recently and no I cant wait to try some of it out for myself. Need to make some cash for that monster system!!!

Pete Jordan
06-27-2011, 3:35 PM
They are all spectacular!

I can't pick a favorite.

Jim Underwood
06-27-2011, 3:42 PM
And what is that fancy cover on your tailstock?

Is that really a 1642? Or is it something else? The bed looks shorter than mine, and the centers look higher too...

Richard Kennedy UK
06-27-2011, 5:25 PM
Hi Jim Its not a 1642 its a 3520B in white! The cover is a storage compartment. PM sell them under the Jet brand in the UK