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View Full Version : Valentine's Flowers @ Trader Joe's

Erin Stringer
02-13-2005, 10:13 AM
This post is for those of you lucky enough to have a Trader Joe's nearby. I was in this morning and they had very nice roses for $7.99 per dozen or 1 dozen Long Stem roses for $24.99. LOML has always said "no flowers" for Valentines day because they are so expensive. This year I get to surprise her on the cheap :D!

Jim Becker
02-13-2005, 10:57 AM
Trader Joe's (http://www.traderjoes.com/)is a wonderful place to shop...we have to drive about 20 miles to get to one. Their "simmer sauces" are supurb, pricing on cheese, etc., very good, and for you fish lovers, they have nice flash frozen portions of a variety of species. I wish they were closer so we could shop there more often...the "regular" supermarkets have really gone down-hill in the last 5 years and we're always looking for alternatives.

Thanks for the tip on the roses!

Joe Mioux
02-13-2005, 11:02 AM
No No No.... Support your local florist.:)

Jim Becker
02-13-2005, 11:48 AM
Good point, Joe...although for us, it's the local nursery (of which we have about a billion in this area) since we generally only buy live plants/shrubs/trees. But Trader Joe's IS a great place to buy food stuffs!!

Joe Mioux
02-13-2005, 12:35 PM
Good point, Joe...although for us, it's the local nursery (of which we have about a billion in this area) since we generally only buy live plants/shrubs/trees. But Trader Joe's IS a great place to buy food stuffs!!
Jim: How about a LIVE rose bush, either a mini rose or a regular rose such as a Hybrid Tea for Valetine's Day!:)

Jim Becker
02-13-2005, 12:40 PM
Great idea, although we don't do roses in our gardens (Our neighbor has outstanding roses in his that we enjoy looking at) and I can't have them indoors as the fragrance really bothers me...not from dislike; I just can't handle certain fragances period.

Erin Stringer
02-13-2005, 2:07 PM
Joe, for 51 weeks of the year I'm all about the local florist. Once V-day comes around though I normally stay away. My goal when I got married was to give my wife flowers every week. After the first two years that started to slip but I have spent plenty at my local florist. There is even a pair of kids that grow and cut flowers for sale in front of their house, I've stopped by their little booth a good number of times.

I just wanted to post that Trader Joe's was selling great flowers at a tremendously good price. I'm not sure if you have one near you but it really is a good store for buying healthy, high quality food and wine. They are anything but a Wal-mart.

No offense taken, I just want to spread the Trader Joe's love.

Jerry Olexa
02-13-2005, 4:05 PM
I also love Trader Joe's. Great selection of unique teas, jams, jellies , mustards, root beer, etc etc or am I weird?

Jim Becker
02-13-2005, 4:12 PM
...or am I weird?
No more than the rest of us!! :p

Dan Mages
02-14-2005, 12:12 PM
I have a Trader Joes near me as well. They sell stuff at a great discount compared to other grocers and the quality of their food is top notch. I am helplessly addicted to their meatless meatballs.

Thanks for the tip on the flowers, but I have nobody to give them to :(
