View Full Version : Small limbs worth keeping?

Steve LaFara
06-26-2011, 12:45 PM
I had a rather large limb broken off one of my maple trees in a recent storm and I'm wondering if the large protion is worth keeping for small turned items? It's about 6" in diameter and about 3' long. Has a couple of spots where smaller branches came off of it.

Is this worth keeping and if so, what kind of projects would it be good for?


Jim Burr
06-26-2011, 1:53 PM
You could make bowls, handles for kitchen utility items, pens...all sorts of goodies!

John Hart
06-26-2011, 1:53 PM
Sure, Steve. Just about anything that'll go round and round. Even smaller diameters than that are useful.

At 6"....any type of project. Just keep in mind that it is green wood...needs to be rough turned, then dried, then finish turned.

I think you'll find fresh green maple quite appealing!!

Oh...but do watch for ring shake....as it suffered from a break in a storm. Maple usually is pretty hardy, but you don't want to turn wood that has had it's growth rings separated.

David E Keller
06-26-2011, 1:55 PM
I'd keep them. That's a great size for endgrain hollow forms and lidded boxes. If you quarter them, they's be great for candle sticks, peppermills, and tool handles. Even smaller portions work well for pens and stoppers. You're pretty much only limited by your imaginations.

Harvey M. Taylor
06-26-2011, 2:30 PM
Bird houses work fine for that size. Even smaller with the bark are attractive. Max

Jim Burr
06-26-2011, 3:06 PM
Now bird houses are a great idea for maple....it takes dye very well

Steve LaFara
06-26-2011, 3:50 PM
If I'm going to let it set for a while, maybe a month or so, should I seal the ends and if so, with what?

Jim Heikes
06-26-2011, 4:21 PM


Dennis Ford
06-26-2011, 4:35 PM
limbs 2 - 3 inch dia are perfect for natural edge goblets.