View Full Version : Extra pictures: Hammers with handles shown

george wilson
06-24-2011, 6:45 PM
I now know that my camera WIL NOT reliably take pictures in focus. Not close up,anyway. I had the camera on a tripod,used photo lights,and a 2 second delay on the shutter so I would not shake the camera when it clicked.

The out of focus pictures on the "graceful hammers" is there,nevertheless. Yet,others are better???? New camera time? Must be.

Pedder asked for these,maybe others too.

The large chasing style hammer has a short handle. I use it for driving engraving chisels,and use a close up grip.

The chasing hammers have ash,and the others are hickory. I used potassium permanganate as a stain. It gives a wonderful warmth and beautiful brown. Keep it off your hands,though,it is considered poison,but will also harden your skin until it cracks and has to WEAR off. Boy Scouts used to use it to treat poison ivy. Not now.

I made the handles on the chasing style hammers,but the ball pein type are old "Tatum" handles I picked up years ago. I wish I could get more. They are very petite. The graceful heads are 1" dia. on their faces.

Steve LaFara
06-25-2011, 12:54 AM
Thanks for posting these George! I love the chasing handles and will be trying to make a couple soon. Any tips would be welcome! Were these done on a lathe or by hand?

george wilson
06-25-2011, 9:07 AM
They could be started with a lathe,but then the handles have to be cut into oval cross section(usually) .Oval does give a more directional feel. My handles were just carved out,no lathe work.

Niels Cosman
06-25-2011, 11:46 AM
Are you full zoomed out with you camera. Most point and shoots can't shoot macro unless you are full zoomed out. It might help.

george wilson
06-25-2011, 3:36 PM
I got tired of taking pictures and (slowly) zoomed my way back into the house.

No,I wasn't zoomed out,or using macro for that shot. The setup was exactly the same,yet the camera took o.k.(not great) pictures of the other 3 handles.

Pedder Petersen
06-26-2011, 2:21 AM
Thank you George for the pitures, these hammers are beautiful!

Cheers Pedder

george wilson
06-26-2011, 9:35 AM
coming from you,Pedder,I appreciate your kind words. And everyone else,too. Klaus and Pedder really do first class work.