View Full Version : Drying experiment

Jerry Marcantel
06-23-2011, 5:29 PM
On 4-15, I turned a tenon on each end of a small piece of green mesquite that ended up 8 1/8" long with a 2 7/16" od. I then cut two equal pieces 4" long and reinserted each back into the chuck and drilled a 15/16" hole about 2 3/4" deep.
After the holes were drilled, I put one piece into my DNA bucket, and the other piece went into a bag. The next day, I took the piece out of the DNA soak, surface dried it, stuffed it into a bag and weighed it. On 4-16, it weighed 325.2 grams. The piece that did not get the DNA soak, weighed 356 grams. I don't know why the difference, but that's what they weighed.
They were hung up in bags in a closet in an unlived in room in my house, (tool crib), which is not climate controled. Daytime temps inside were up to 75-95° during the day to as low as 60°-80° during the night.
Today, 6-23, I weighed them again. The DNA piece weighs 257 grams, showing a moisture loss of 68.2 grams.
The piece not soaked, weighed 261 grams, with a loss of 95 grams.
This was a fairly accurate and controled experiment and shows that DNA dosen't work that great for mesquite. I have found that turning a fresh green mesquite blank to finish size will net you an uncracked and slightly warped bowl, as apposed to rough turning, soaking in dna, bagging and then finding a bunch of cracks a month later. Fortunately, they are just hairline cracks, and can be hidden....
I made 14 salad bowls for a sister. They were all turned to 3/8" - 1/2" thickness. Half were soaked in DNA, bagged and let sit for 30 days. They had cracks. The other half not soaked showed no signs of cracks. I know, no pics, didn't happen...Just trying to stimulate conversation. ............ Jerry (in Tucson)

John Hart
06-23-2011, 5:38 PM
Nice experiment Jerry. Sounds like you kept your controls in place and tracked things correctly. Interesting result. Especially since I'm about to turn some mesquite given to me by Kathy Marshall :)

Mike Peace
06-23-2011, 5:39 PM
Sounds like DNA is not all it is cracked up to be.

Matt Hutchinson
06-23-2011, 6:49 PM
Sounds like DNA is not all it is cracked up to be.



David E Keller
06-23-2011, 9:50 PM
Good to know, Jerry. I chose to go to final thickness with my mesquite piece from Kathy, so hopefully I'll get a slight oval with no cracks.