View Full Version : Anyone here Built their own Record Players?

Ray DuBose
06-23-2011, 12:01 PM
So I've collected and inherited my fair share of vinyl and using my grandparents old RCA Record Player / Radio / 8 Track Player piece of furniture thing from the 60/70's. I've really enjoyed listening to vinyl and decided I wanted to upgrade my record player / Turntable but it seems they are either really cheap these days or stupid expensive. Most stupid expensive ones are custom made wood / MDF ones.

After doing some research I've found there are a lot of people that make their own and thinking of giving it a try. Anyone here make one? How did it turn out? any plans you worked from?



Ray DuBose
06-23-2011, 12:03 PM
ohh.. and here is a link if anyone else is interested in them: http://www.theanalogdept.com/diy_turntables.htm

Mike Henderson
06-23-2011, 1:21 PM
Here's a modern story somewhat on topic.

A little girl was bugging her mommie by saying the same thing over an over.

"You sound like a broken record," her mommie finally said in exasperation.

The little girl looked at her quizzically and asked, "Mommie, what's a record?"


David Cefai
06-23-2011, 1:34 PM
You will probably be able to find a very good one very cheap at a flea market. But first check on the availability of cartridges and styli.
A new stylus for my old, fairly cheapie Yoko was going to cost me 25 Euros plus postage. I found a Kenwood KD-40R for 35! It had a new stylus and can take a range of cartridges. The week after i saw an unused and boxed Lenco turntable for 25 Euros!

I would expect a similar state of affairs in any country.

@Mike Henderson: Over 40 years ago my little brother butted into a conversation I was having with another brother to ask "What is an inch?" We nearly thumped him until we realised that he had never been exposed to Imperial units.

Chip Lindley
06-23-2011, 3:42 PM
My Garrard Lab-80 turntable of '60s vintage gave up the ghost after many thousands of hours of play time. As CD's took over in the early '80s, I grabbed one of the last new Techniques direct-drive TT's in town, so I'm good! No doubt you can find a good used TT for much less than the learning curve would cost you to build your own. I have the feeling you will spend your leisure time perfecting a TT rather than enjoying listening to your vinyl collection.

Jim Matthews
06-23-2011, 6:36 PM
Whatever for? (http://cgi.ebay.com/Technics-SL-B250-Stereo-Turntable-Refurbished-/370519440810?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5644adfdaa)

Kim Gibbens
06-23-2011, 10:08 PM
What kind of budget are looking at? Vintage audio is another steep and slippery slope. I have made three custom turntables and will build probably at least two more. I started with an old turntable and refurbished the mechanicals and then made custom plinths. Including the old turntable, better tonearm and new cartridge, wood for the plinth, I have probably $700 in the low end and around $1000 on the high end. And over 40 hours in each one. You can go as cheap as you want or the sky is the limit. I have a pretty good LP collection and some good sounding equipment to enjoy them on. I suggest spending some time on an audio site, audiokarma is one of my favorites and there are a few threads concerning a couple of my builds. you will at least have to have an a pre amp that has phono in jacks for an outside table to work.
If this hasn't scared you away and you have questions feel free to ask or PM me.


Scott Stafford
06-23-2011, 10:33 PM
I would bet that these homemade turntables range in price from about $1000 for the Thorens to $10,000+ for a couple of them with all the custom machining. Vinyl audio is another one of those nutsy hobbies that will either make you poor or keep you poor.

I would check out some of the turntables at www.needledoctor.com (http://www.needledoctor.com) . I have no affiliation with them but know them to have a good variety of turntables. I know they sell turntables in the $300 to $500 price range that sound amazing for the dollar. One of the brands they sell, Project, is made in the Czech Republic and offers complete matched packages of turntable, tonearm, and cartridge. BTW, does your amplifier have a turntable input? So many don't anymore.

Good luck!

Scott in Montana

George Gyulatyan
06-24-2011, 6:08 AM
There are also turntables built for DJing that you can get w/o the rest of the DJ centric stuff (mixers, preamps, etc.) by Stanton, Technik, Numark and such that are solidly built, reasonably priced and you won't have to worry about getting stilii. Might be worth consideration.

Jim O'Dell
06-24-2011, 9:18 AM
I've got an old Technics SLQD22 I got when CMC stereo went out of business. (I worked there for 8 years) Quartz direct drive. Back in the day, I think we sold these for about $150.00. How many of you still have the Diskwasher system with the Zerostat gun?? :D:D Yes, I am dating myself.
One thing you might think of is one of the USB turntables. I have no idea how good they might be, but I've thought of getting one to put my vinyl on CD. One more thing that would take a couple hundred hours to do. And yes, the new electronics, preamps or receivers, it's hard to find one with a phono input. Anyone still make an outboard phono preamp? We used to sell one for about 30.00 back in the day. Jim.

Jerome Hanby
06-24-2011, 9:43 AM
Buddy of mine has one (Ion, I think..came from Costco) that he used to burn one of my Hotel LPs to CD. Worked well!

I've got an old Technics SLQD22 I got when CMC stereo went out of business. (I worked there for 8 years) Quartz direct drive. Back in the day, I think we sold these for about $150.00. How many of you still have the Diskwasher system with the Zerostat gun?? :D:D Yes, I am dating myself.
One thing you might think of is one of the USB turntables. I have no idea how good they might be, but I've thought of getting one to put my vinyl on CD. One more thing that would take a couple hundred hours to do. And yes, the new electronics, preamps or receivers, it's hard to find one with a phono input. Anyone still make an outboard phono preamp? We used to sell one for about 30.00 back in the day. Jim.