View Full Version : A very nice antique curly applewood plane

george wilson
06-23-2011, 11:55 AM
This old plane has a Butcher iron in it,but no other markings. It has such a great patina I really enjoy looking at it and holding it in my hand. Has seen some use. My main use has been for carving out large arch top instruments like guitars and viola da gambas.

It just has great character. Old enough that the wood has shrunken into the curls,like a real old violin.

It is about the size of a normal smooth plane. The way the iron is chamfered indicates a fairly early 19th.C. date.,plus the large chamfers on the plane's body.

It has worked fine in spite of wear around the throat. Not a flat plane,after all. Just for scooping.

Will Boulware
06-23-2011, 12:47 PM
Gorgeous! I too love the curl shrinkage. Thanks for sharing!

Bob Strawn
02-18-2012, 4:27 PM
Thank you for sharing this, George!
