View Full Version : The Masked Marshall Strikes Again!

John Hart
06-22-2011, 7:27 PM
Came home this evening, expecting another grueling battle with computering, but came home to the most pleasant surprise!!!

Kathy Marshall decided to ship the most beautiful piece of mesquite I've ever had the opportunity to turn. That's no small deal, since my brother in San Antonio has given me nice pieces out of his firewood pile any time I visit Texas.

But this piece....Holy smokes. Clean, big, check-free, gorgeous color 12X12X6.

Cherry used to be my favorite wood to turn....but over the years, mesquite took its place. I love it for the smell, how nicely it cuts, how nicely it dries, and the end result is usually a beautiful unique grain, found no where else.

I've already decided....I will cut it in three pieces One tall all-mesquite vase. And two smaller vase bodies for multi-species pieces.

Thank you Kathy. You made a very difficult day end in delight. :)


Tim Thiebaut
06-22-2011, 7:36 PM
John...I have to add my praise here as well, I opened the door today to the same box with a beautiful piece of Mesquite in it, the thing is massive!!!! I am so looking forward to turning this! Thank you Kathy, this means a great deal to me!!! Tim

John Hart
06-22-2011, 7:48 PM
Then we are like blood-brothers, Tim!!! We should do matching pieces!!! :)

David E Keller
06-22-2011, 8:12 PM
Good deal, John and Tim! That Kathy is a sneaky character, and she's to be praised for her generosity!

Scott Hackler
06-22-2011, 8:17 PM
Kathy is awesome, you two stink! :)

John Keeton
06-22-2011, 8:22 PM
Kathy is truly the wood fairy - spreading cheer all around the country! Way to go, Kathy, and to a couple of deserving critters, too.

Rick Markham
06-22-2011, 8:37 PM
Good on yous guys! I can't wait to see what they turn into. Too cool Kathy!

Tim Thiebaut
06-22-2011, 8:38 PM
Then we are like blood-brothers, Tim!!! We should do matching pieces!!! :)

Hey that sounds like a good idea to me, I am in!!

Michael James
06-22-2011, 8:44 PM
That Kathy M is something else, eh? I think she epitomizes everything I like about the spinny creeker attitude. Passion for the sport (wear your helmet)... and generosity with a pleasant demeanor. I have some Kathy wood I picked up in Az a while back, waiting to get my lathe remounted to a more stable stand before I give it a go. You boys turn something nice, and make her proud!

Bernie Weishapl
06-22-2011, 10:22 PM
That is some great looking mesquite John. Love turning mesquite. Kathy is a gem for sure and awesome for sure.

Steve Hayes
06-22-2011, 11:22 PM
One other great use for mesquite is the shavings. Throw them in the smoker with a 10 lb brisket and you have some great turnings and even greater BBQ!

Jeff Nicol
06-22-2011, 11:53 PM
John, Send me the left overs for the smoker!!!! I hope to get to Texas in the winter to visit my buddy in Corpus Christi, and make a run through the southern states to visit family and other SMC folks if it all works out!

I have one similar from Michael James that I need to get on the lathe, maybe next week before the new grandbaby is born and we take a 10 day trip to Idaho!

Have fun and no rest for the weary,


Kathy Marshall
06-23-2011, 12:03 AM
Glad you like it John and Tim! Can't wait to see what your turn from them!
I really enjoy giving little surprises and how much better when you find your little surprise has turned someone's day around!
And thanks to those that have helped out with addresses, wouldn't be a surprise if I had to ask the surprisee.....the saga continues...

Tim Thiebaut
06-23-2011, 12:36 AM
One other great use for mesquite is the shavings. Throw them in the smoker with a 10 lb brisket and you have some great turnings and even greater BBQ!

Oh man I am so glad you reminded me about that, I am going to save all the shavings for the grill now!

bob svoboda
06-23-2011, 9:59 AM
Kudos to Kathy. Nice gesture to deserving guys.

Roger Chandler
06-23-2011, 10:16 AM
That was a very sweet thing to do, Ms. Marshall.............very classy indeed!

Tim Rinehart
06-23-2011, 10:23 AM
As said, kudos to you for your generosity, but an extra 'well-done' for your ability to make it happen without each one knowing!! That's the best part of giving...the surprise!:D

Rick Markham
06-23-2011, 4:26 PM
Kathy, you are something else! I wake up to the sound of my postal carrier leaving the house with a giant thud. (Poor guy has suffered tremendously since I started turning, one day he even asked me "are you ordering a transmission piece by piece")

What is it? Why it's 30# of solid mesquite from Kathy. (This is some spectacular looking mesquite) You totally made my day Kathy, this is super cool of you! Now I am going to have to figure out a way to surprise you! You're something special Kathy! Thank you!

(I grew up in Kansas City, you're dang straight the shavings are going into my smoker. Gonna do some turning, and smoke some Ribs!)


Kathy Marshall
06-23-2011, 5:46 PM
Hey Rick! Surprise! :D

I have to say, making someone's day really brings a smile to my face!

Ed Morgano
06-23-2011, 7:11 PM
Kathy, you are something else! I wake up to the sound of my postal carrier leaving the house with a giant thud. (Poor guy has suffered tremendously since I started turning, one day he even asked me "are you ordering a transmission piece by piece")

What is it? Why it's 30# of solid mesquite from Kathy. (This is some spectacular looking mesquite) You totally made my day Kathy, this is super cool of you! Now I am going to have to figure out a way to surprise you! You're something special Kathy! Thank you!

(I grew up in Kansas City, you're dang straight the shavings are going into my smoker. Gonna do some turning, and smoke some Ribs!)


I couldn't help but noticing your tail stock hanging off the back of the lathe..... do you need an extension? :-) Kathy, you are obviously a very generious person and are to be congratulated. Hope these guys reciprocate in no small way.

Tim Thiebaut
06-23-2011, 8:15 PM
Kathy, you are something else! I wake up to the sound of my postal carrier leaving the house with a giant thud. (Poor guy has suffered tremendously since I started turning, one day he even asked me "are you ordering a transmission piece by piece")

What is it? Why it's 30# of solid mesquite from Kathy. (This is some spectacular looking mesquite) You totally made my day Kathy, this is super cool of you! Now I am going to have to figure out a way to surprise you! You're something special Kathy! Thank you!

(I grew up in Kansas City, you're dang straight the shavings are going into my smoker. Gonna do some turning, and smoke some Ribs!)


How cool is that! Kathy you are awesome, and a very generous person! Have fun Rick, not sure what I am going to turn with my piece yet but I know I will enjoy it! Rick it looks like your tailstock is just about at its limit there!?!

John Hart
06-23-2011, 8:18 PM
Yep...I'm certainly impressed. Kathy just prances around sprinkling her pixie dust and everyone smiles!! :) 'cept maybe the postal worker that has to lug them around!:eek:

David E Keller
06-23-2011, 8:35 PM
Well, well... Looks like Ms. Marshall has managed to make someone else's day too!

I heard the thud of something heavy on my porch today as well. It's a gorgeous hunk of mesquite!

Kathy, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you and your generosity! I actually turned my chunk today into a nice salad bowl... I'll post some photos when I get it finished. Today started out as a stinker, but it ended up so sweet thanks to you! You're the best!

Rick Markham
06-23-2011, 9:19 PM
David, you've already turned yours? Haha, that's great. Kathy totally did a number on us!

You're seriously one cool friend Kathy!

Ed, do you have an extension? I will ALWAYS consider adding to the mustard monster.

Tim, the 3520B's tailstock is made so you can actually use it like that, or store it that way, just a simple thought that gives you a few more inches of useable bed space. Pretty niffty huh!

Cathy Schaewe
06-23-2011, 9:23 PM
Kathy's a heck of a generous person, and I've been on the receiving end of that generosity more than once! Thank you, thank you, thank you! That's what I love about turners......

David DeCristoforo
06-23-2011, 9:34 PM
I get to join this club! Came home today to one of those boxes on my doorstep too! I know just what I'm going to do with this.... Thanx so much!

Michael James
06-23-2011, 11:02 PM
I think I've figured it out! Kathy is related to Santa Claus and is summering in the desert. Yeah, that's it. Santa's niece or something. Yeah...Santa's niece - it all makes sense now. Prolly got little elfan helpers too. Notice how late she posts her work? That's so no one will see them..... very tricky and sneaky.

Kathy Marshall
06-23-2011, 11:08 PM
I get to join this club! Came home today to one of those boxes on my doorstep too! I know just what I'm going to do with this.... Thanx so much!
You're welcome David, I know whatever you turn from it will be amazing! :D

Just picturing you guys opening your surprise packages gives me such a good feeling!

Kathy Marshall
06-23-2011, 11:10 PM
I think I've figured it out! Kathy is related to Santa Claus and is summering in the desert. Yeah, that's it. Santa's niece or something. Yeah...Santa's niece - it all makes sense now. Prolly got little elfan helpers too. Notice how late she posts her work? That's so no one will see them..... very tricky and sneaky.

LOL...It's just to bad the little elves are too small to handle the chain saw! :eek:

Kathy Marshall
06-23-2011, 11:15 PM
Well, well... Looks like Ms. Marshall has managed to make someone else's day too!

I heard the thud of something heavy on my porch today as well. It's a gorgeous hunk of mesquite!

Kathy, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you and your generosity! I actually turned my chunk today into a nice salad bowl... I'll post some photos when I get it finished. Today started out as a stinker, but it ended up so sweet thanks to you! You're the best!

You're very Welcome David! Glad I could "turn" your day around! and looking forward to seeing your new salad bowl!