View Full Version : Delta Lathe Questions

Chris Tedford
06-22-2011, 10:00 AM
Hi all,

I'm looking to purchase my first lathe. I use an old Delta reeves drive at work, but want to get the Delta 46-460 for use at home. I have two questions concerning the 46-460.

1) I have a Nova G3 chuck, do I need to get a new one because the 460 has reversing?
2) Will I want the bed extension for turning pepper mills? 16 1/2" between centers seems pretty short for mills.

Neither is a deal breaker, just wanted to know if I can use the reversing feature without a new chuck.


Michelle Rich
06-22-2011, 10:08 AM
Hi Chris..is there a screw on the side of the chuck? If so you can run it in reverse. Usually reverse is for sanding. One can sand in only one direction, so it's not mandatory.So no, you don't need a new chuck.
Bed extensions help in many ways, so if you can afford it, I'd get it.
Good luck with your new hobby & I hope we see your projects

Alan Trout
06-22-2011, 10:27 AM
Chris, No you do not need a new chuck. At most you may need to change the insert but if the threads are the same size you don't even have to do that. I think Nova makes a grub screw insert for a 1" spindle now.


John Keeton
06-22-2011, 8:29 PM
I hesitate to say this, as I would not want you to have a mishap by relying on what I do. That said, I do not use a grub screw when I sand in reverse, but I do go slowly, make sure the chuck is tight, and sand lightly when in reverse. Usually, the sanding is done only in the higher grits to get rid of the fuzzies. I have never had a problem - but, again, please understand that the chuck can spin loose, and do so very quickly!

As to the bed extension, if you ever get a hollowing rig, you will want the extension, and there are many other times it will come in handy - do get the extension!

Wally Wenzel
06-22-2011, 8:39 PM
Chris, I have the 46-460 "great lathe" I made my own bed extension, very easy to make, I used some eight quater oak for the ways. It is every bit as good as the store bought,you just have to be close when you line it all up. If you would like i could take a couple pics. and e-mail them to you.

Donny Lawson
06-22-2011, 8:57 PM
Wally, would you be willing to share the bed extension pics? I would like to see them myself.

Don Alexander
06-22-2011, 9:58 PM
+1 on the bed extension pics

also i too sand in reverse with my Nova G3 chuck the key is slow speed and light touch never had a problem with it spinning loose but if it did it isn't spinning fast enough to be dangerous to anything but the bowl

Keith Westfall
06-23-2011, 12:18 AM
Yes!! Bed extension pics please!