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Joe Sanchez
06-21-2011, 6:53 PM
Dear SMC folks,

Found this site last year while researching laser systems. I did my homework and now am a proud owner of an Epilog Helix 24 - 60 watt system with roatary attachment. I am using CorelDraw X5 and Photo LaserPlus Software.

I narrowed it down to three manufacturers (Universal, Epilog, and Trotec). All three have a great system, but my choice came down to the pure fact that I live in Denver and Epilog is straight down I-70. I love the service from the rep and the factory. I am really excited to start uploading some of my work. I work full-time as a mechanical engineer and was thinking what I wanted to do with my second career. I felt so good about buying a laser that I used the money I had saved for a new truck on my new system. I know I did not make a mistake, only regret that I did not start my business sooner.

I have read every post since the first one came out in 2003 (yea, I started at the beginning) and I have loved every minute I have spent on this site. The comments, the knowledge, the comradre, and friendships that have developed here are amazing. Hope to become a friend to everyone on this site.


Joe Sanchez
Extreme Engraving, LLC
Denver, Colorado USA

John Noell
06-21-2011, 7:27 PM
Welcome to the creek Joe. This is THE place for help and advice. Sounds like you now have a great laser to play with. Have fun!!

Larry Bratton
06-21-2011, 7:38 PM
Welcome to the Creek! You made a good choice with Epilog, especially with the factory so close. We will look forward to seeing some of your work.

Dee Gallo
06-21-2011, 7:41 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Joe! I love your enthusiasm, can't wait to see what you can do with your new toy. Lucky you, being right down the road from the factory - I'd love to tour it someday.

cheers, dee

Michael Kowalczyk
06-21-2011, 10:02 PM
Welcome to the Creek Joe.... Since you are an M.E. I am sure you will dazzle us with your projects once you get the settings dialed in. 60 watts is a very versatile laser so expect to use lots of material to make lots of samples and gifts for all your relatives and neighbors.

Let us know if we can help and ...

Martin Boekers
06-21-2011, 10:32 PM
Welcome aboard!!!

And Joe, right now I am standing and applauding you!

Lets all hear it for Joe!

Why you may ask (no it's not that you live next to Epilog);)
It's that this is your first post and already you have taken
on yourself to read every post here! Joe you WILL succeed,
you know what it takes. Many have recommend that should be
the first step before you buy a laser. Many think they don't
have time for it.

You have what it takes! Can't wait to see your work as you get
up and running!

Hopefully in a year are two this will have generated enough that you
can get your truck to.


Bill Cunningham
06-21-2011, 11:28 PM
Welcome to the forum Joe.. I took a leap of faith the other way.. I just took delivery of a new truck on Saturday morning, now I have to hope my laser will last three more years before I buy a new one.. But the good thing is, when you find your niche, the laser will pay for your new truck..

Neil Pabia
06-22-2011, 10:30 AM
Welcome from another nubee, by the way, I like your choice of machine too. Mine has been great to me so far.

Jiten Patel
06-22-2011, 10:32 AM
Welcome to the Creek Joe,

I have learnt so much here and continue to do so. It's an amazing place. Glad to have you aboard.

Belinda Barfield
06-22-2011, 11:13 AM
Welcome Joe! You certainly have the right attitude for the Creek. I look forward to seeing what you produce. Have fun and remember, you can't tattoo a cat - they won't hold still long enough!:D And when all else fails lasers can create some interesting morning toast. :)

Chuck Stone
06-22-2011, 11:39 AM
Have fun and remember, you can't tattoo a cat - they won't hold still long enough!

Two words:
Form :p

Neil Pabia
06-22-2011, 12:03 PM
Two words:
Form :p

Chuck, shame on you. Cat Nip
I have a guy visiting my shop tomorrow , do you have any Chloro Form, we can test this theory. You know the guy too so it will be that much more fun.

Chuck Stone
06-22-2011, 12:27 PM
Chuck, shame on you. Cat Nip
I have a guy visiting my shop tomorrow , do you have any Chloro Form, we can test this theory. You know the guy too so it will be that much more fun.

Oh, I'd pay good money to see you feeding him Cat Nip

Neil Pabia
06-22-2011, 1:09 PM
Oh, I'd pay good money to see you feeding him Cat Nip
Come on down, it's Chris, the young guy from CT. Might be able to talk him into tasting it.....LOL