View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
06-20-2011, 9:58 AM
20 June 2011

Good Morning,
Well, I hope that every one of you had a great weekend and a nice Father's Day for those of you that are "dad's".

I'll keep this short as there was no woodworking for me due to my travels to Alabama to spend Father's Day weekend with my mom and dad and to share a bit more "life" with my dad while he can still enjoy our time together. I'm back home, tired, sunburned face, road weary, but I would do it again in a heartbeat for my dad. I love my parents....with all my heart.

That's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

David Hostetler
06-20-2011, 10:50 AM
I put in about 80 hours in 4 days last week, I spent the majority of my weekend just catching up on some much needed sleep. I did however manage to get my second clamshell shop cabinet mounted, and partially loaded. I do not have magnetic catches for the doors yet, but that will be coming soon...

I have the 4x8 sheet of wall mounted pegboard dead empty finally, and am working on clearing the strong tie bench off of any "stuff". I spent a little bit of time measuring and working in Sketchup. The idea is that the table for the miter saw will be set such that any stock on the miter saw will pass the freezer doors when closed. I will set up a dust chute / hood for the miter saw as well. Before I can get a good start on any of this, I need to rip down the peg board and its framing, patch the wall, and prime / paint the wall and ceiling.

I started filling the void between the garage doors with expanding foam insulation. It's such a small space that I am simply using expanding foam in a can to do the job. it quickly expanded to 2+" thickness, so I should be reasonably good to go here, but I only have the bottom part done. I need to gain access to the upper, meaning I need to tear out more sheet rock. Once it all sets, I am going to patch the sheet rock back together, and I should have that air leak fixed....

I helped a less than wood handy neighbor fix his fence on Friday. His dogs and mine play together, usually in his yard, and so I have a vested interest in a solid fence. This thing was basically quality time with a jig saw...

And this week started off badly, with more of my weekend time spent at work due to a server behaving badly...

Matt Meiser
06-20-2011, 11:01 AM
Friday afternoon was my company's picnic. For those of us out of town it was a 1/2 day off to do something with our families but my wife couldn't take off so I took my daughter and her friend to lunch, mini-golf, and ice cream. Then we returned home, they played Wii, and I took a rare nap. Saturday morning I got up early, changed LOML's oil, and finished my finishing room to to the point of being ready for drywall. The rest of the day was spent traveling to her family reunion, spending a few hours there, then back home before going to dinner at my mom and dad's since my brother and his wife were in from out of town. Sunday we spent pretty much the day on yard work--lots of weeding, spraying weeds in the driveway and on the playground, getting weed trees out of the pines (an annual task,) etc. I did spend some time cleaning up in the shop but it still has a ways to go.

Jerome Hanby
06-20-2011, 12:46 PM
Spent quite awhile gleefully anticipating the Festool Jigsaw my wife and daughter bought me for father's day from a fellow creeker (thanks Chris!). Had just enough time to roll the planer and associated gear into the driveway before it started to spit a little rain and I had to roll it all back in. Went to the folk's on Sunday and mom asked my if it would be possible to bust up the top of their pool table with a sledge hammer (not, it's all MDF). So long story short, I partially disassembled the thing and I think I can get it into small enough pieces that I can load, so looks like we have a pool table...

Jim Becker
06-20-2011, 10:09 PM
It was a "full" weekend up here, Dennis. Normal riding lesson and barn time on Saturday followed by mowing the grass and a few other odds and ends. Sunday, there was the monthly riding show at the barn and our younger daughter, Alesya, was competing. (Pic below before she rode in her division) Afterward, we headed to Oh-Wow-Cow, an amazing local craft ice cream place to enjoy some delicious, well...ice cream...in celebration of both Father's Day and of Alesya's promotion out of elementary school and Tia's moving on to 10th grade this coming fall. We had a delicious dinner at a local Asian place to continue celebrate the day followed by a few episodes of Master Chef on the DVR.

Oh, and I picked up another tack trunk commission on Sunday at the show. :)


Recent Family Picture - Girls are "15.5 going on 4" and "11.5 going on 30" already...

John Towns
06-21-2011, 12:10 PM
On Saturday, had two shop door openers (garage)installed for my two new shop doors. On Sunday,after church, went to the driving range with two of my sons, then had a very nice cookout. No shop time. Have to put it all back together after all the moving around for the new doors and openers.

06-21-2011, 4:35 PM
Hey Jim - thanks for pictures. For me, I finished installing new window sashes (replacements, more energy efficient) on about 12 casement windows (did about 10 a couple years ago). FYI, replacing sashes on Andersen casement windows is an easy job - great engineering on their part. After church, mowed the lawn, replaced throttle cable on the weed eater, sprayed the lawn for clover.

george wilson
06-21-2011, 5:14 PM
I got an order for a Record plane cap screw,and some brass parts done for a SMC member. Also worked on making 30 more bezel cups for my wife's jewelry making(for master models). This makes 150 by now,recently. Also,making a very delicate boxwood part for an 18th.C. antique ivory swift(for measuring yarn). I'll post pics when it's done.

Peter Scoma
06-22-2011, 3:26 AM
I spent part of Saturday turning some cocobolo and figured maple handles for a few old socket chisels I had picked up in the past few weeks. Sunday I went down to Adamstown, PA to peruse the antique markets for tools and ended up with some stanley transitionals, a 220 block plane, 2 Disston saws, a very old beech double razee jointer and a couple moulding planes for under 60$. All in all a good weekend. Hopefully this week I can grab some time to finish the base of my roubo and head to Hearne for the top stock.
