View Full Version : Blue Raspberry Parfait

Alan Trout
06-20-2011, 2:55 AM
This is the last piece that I will be taking to the National Symposium. I just finished this piece today. It is Live Oak acorn caps with blue resin and Live Oak burl cast in the same resin for the rim and base. I would guess it is about 13" or so tall and about 4 1/2" in diameter. It is a little under 1/8" thick and quite translucent. The finish is a catalyzed varnish sanded and buffed to a high gloss.

For some reason this one was a bugger to photograph. I could not get the lighting where I like it.

My inspiration and name for this piece were derived from my childhood. My father in the 50's and 60's was a Air Force pilot and was an instrument instructor pilot. He instructed pilots from all over the world and often there were dinner parties at our house. My mother is a fabulous cook and would often make Raspberry Chiffon Pie as desert for the parties. I never cared much for crust so she would always make extra of the Chiffon filling. She would fill a crystal parfait glass of this shape with layers of the chiffon filling, fresh raspberries and topped with whipped cream.

I did not realize this was my influence until I had the cup made and remembered my mother doing this and every time I saw those parfait glasses come out I new what was about to happen.

It is amazing to me how Pavlovian we are and how something as simple as a shape can bring back these fond memories.

Thanks, for looking.

Of course comments always welcome

Andrew Kertesz
06-20-2011, 5:56 AM
That is an awesome looking piece!! Was it hard to get the acorn caps in the right orientation for the casting procedure?

Donny Lawson
06-20-2011, 6:43 AM
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That should be in a museum somewhere. Absolutly beautiful.

Michelle Rich
06-20-2011, 6:55 AM
Do you begin to drool too? :-) Better than awesome..Amazing piece. Should be a hit at the Symposium

John Keeton
06-20-2011, 7:02 AM
Alan, you have done some wonderful work, and I have loved every piece you have posted. Your use of the casting process has soared to new heights - this piece is the cream of the crop, and in my opinion, the best you have done. It is just a visually striking piece, both in form and color. So very well done! I could go on and on, but I will wait and gush more when I see it in person!

Nate Davey
06-20-2011, 7:57 AM
Wow, a spectacular piece Alan. Wish I could be at the symposium to see it. Well done.

Baxter Smith
06-20-2011, 8:17 AM
I like blue but still...the touch of burl at the top and the bottom along with the form sets this one apart from your others for me. I am looking forward to seeing this one!

Jim Burr
06-20-2011, 8:42 AM
Reading your story brought took me back to my childhood and things my mom made, but she sure didnt make anything like this! Easily one of your best Alan, should be a big hit!

Alan Trout
06-20-2011, 8:53 AM
Thanks everyone,

I really appreciate all the compliments. This piece was pretty labor intensive. The casting prep time was probably was the longest of any piece I have done. This is my busy time of year for work and the prep work was done over several days but I would guess there was about 15 or 20hrs of prep time before casting. I almost felt like I was a segmented turner. The prep work has to be fairly precise yet still appear to be random. It all gets a little tedious but I like the affect so the time is worth it. I wanted to cast the entire piece at once but could not be sure that everything would line up the way that I wanted. I wanted to be successful so I cast the cup, cast the rim, and joined and hollowed that assembly. Then I made the base and joined the base to the cup and finished turned the base. The cup has a flat bottom where it joins the base. I wish it would hollowed into the base but that area is so small and deep I did not figure it was worth the risk of destroying the piece and it still looks good on the inside so I am happy.

Again Thanks,


David E Keller
06-20-2011, 11:27 AM
Phenomenal, Alan! I won't make it to Minnesota, but I hope you'll be bringing some of your work to SWAT(if they don't get snatched up at the AAW by buyers). I'm so impressed with each of your pieces that I have a hard time picking a favorite, but this one has to be close to the top. Thanks for sharing.

Scott Hackler
06-20-2011, 12:23 PM
Just fantastic Alan. I can't wait to see your pieces in person.

Michael James
06-20-2011, 2:32 PM
Amazing! You're off on quite the artistic adventure there..... keep em coming and thanks for posting!

Tim Rinehart
06-20-2011, 4:17 PM
+1 to every delighted posting on this piece...it's a beauty. Seeing this up close would be a pleasure, sorry I won't get to this year. Great work as usual Alan!!

Rick Markham
06-20-2011, 4:38 PM
Alan Amazing! I love what you have been doing recently, and this one is no exception. Spectacular!

David DeCristoforo
06-20-2011, 6:22 PM
What with all the fuss about clean shops and such and tool wars, I plumb forgot to say how much I like this. It doesn't do much for me "woodwise" but then, I guess it's not supposed to. Very interesting. Looks like glass. I would definitely eat a parfait out of it!

Curt Fuller
06-20-2011, 9:53 PM
That's pretty danged cool! An alternative title could be 'tiny bubbles'.

Jeff Nicol
06-20-2011, 11:31 PM
Alan, Just spectacular! I want to try a piece with resin like you do so bad! I have used acorn caps before but only for miniatures, you have the patience of a saint! Great job and I can't wait to see it in person at the Symposium. I was hoping to finish a couple things, but it does not look like I will get there so I will have to enjoy all the pieces others bring.



Alan Trout
06-21-2011, 1:10 AM
Again thanks to everyone the positive comments. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the symposium. I have been working like a dog today at my day job to get all the loose ends tied up before Thursday.

Jeff, Live Oak acorns are pretty small which is nice for effect but a pain for application. Just picking up a plastic grocery bag takes is about 5 hours worth of picking. Then drying and sorting just adds to the time. Thankfully I have several gallon ziploc bags ready to go.


Chris Burgess
06-23-2011, 9:37 AM
Not sure what I like better, the piece or the story. Seeing pieces like this really encourage me to step outside of the box. Thanks for sharing.

Doug W Swanson
06-23-2011, 6:10 PM
Hey Alan,
It sure was nice to meet you today and see your work. This piece is really spectacular! I can't imagine the amount of time and patience that it takes to do this.

Your other two pieces are excellent as well! Well done on all accounts!

Matt Hutchinson
06-23-2011, 7:05 PM
Well, you did it again! Really nice piece: great execution and beautiful form. Keep 'em coming!


Alan Trout
06-23-2011, 7:12 PM

It was nice meeting you as well. I also appreciate the compliments on the pieces. I did run in to John. But still no Steve.


Cathy Schaewe
06-23-2011, 9:25 PM
I wish I was there to see your work in person. Your pieces are among the very tops of the ones I look at again and again. This is a masterpiece -

Alan Trout
06-24-2011, 11:05 PM
I am happy to report the the "Blue Raspberry Parfait" was sold today at the symposium along with my green acron vase titled "Peacock". All I can say is I am proud as a peacock and they went to very fine collectors that will enjoy them for years to come. I get quite emotionally attached to my work but it makes it better to see them go to good homes.

Thanks Again,


Bob Bergstrom
06-24-2011, 11:20 PM
Congrats Alan. I was trying to post a pic of the sold label but my Internet here at the Holiday Inn is very unstable. It is such a beautiful blue.

Baxter Smith
06-24-2011, 11:33 PM
Congrats on the sales Alan. I didn't notice any turnings that were more attractive than yours! Or anyone that had already sold two out of their three pieces either! I feel privileged to have seen it.

Jim Burr
06-24-2011, 11:44 PM
Good job Alan!! I'm proud just having some of your pan blanks!!! Well done sir and a big pat on the back!!

Doug W Swanson
06-24-2011, 11:56 PM
Wow! That's great that you sold them.

They are spectacular pieces and I'm sure the new owners are very happy!

Bernie Weishapl
06-25-2011, 6:36 PM
Alan that is a stunning piece. Beautiful.

David E Keller
06-25-2011, 6:42 PM
Congrats, Alan! Who didn't see the sales coming?

If my math is any good, you've got about two months to knock out exact copies, so I can see them at SWAT!:eek::D

Nate Davey
06-25-2011, 7:39 PM
Congratulations Alan, no surprises here on the sale.

Jeff Fagen
06-26-2011, 12:14 AM
It was exciting to have seen your work in person and to meet you.
Great job,it's no wonder they sold! :D
"Alan had a personal celebration with a beautiful piece of bread pudding"!Ha!

Alan Trout
06-26-2011, 12:39 AM
Yes, it was a celebration with a lot of great Sawmill Creek Friends.



Jeff Fagen
06-26-2011, 10:31 AM
It was great to meet you and see your work.Congrats on your sale:D!

John Keeton
06-26-2011, 11:37 AM
Folks, there is no way that pics can do justice to these pieces!! You just had to be there.

Alan, really enjoyed the time with you, and with the other creekers, and a HUGE congrats on the sales and recognition. Very well deserved.

Mark Hubl
06-26-2011, 12:37 PM
Another beauty. This is really a stunning form. Seeing the pic of it on the table lets one better appreciate its size. Nice work and congrats on the sale.

Jeff Fagen
06-27-2011, 9:50 PM
Here is a view from the gallery.
Good job Alan.

Scott Hackler
06-27-2011, 9:58 PM
Folks, there is no way that pics can do justice to these pieces!! You just had to be there.

That is no lie! I spent quite a bit of time studying Alan's pieces and they were spectacular. (and a great guy to boot!) Congrats on your sales Alan. They sold quick becuase they were priced at a BARGAIN, IMO!