View Full Version : The 1st Annual Great Messy Shop Smack Down!!!!!

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 9:22 AM
Ok, enough pussy footing around:mad::mad: I am sick and tired of John Keeton getting all the glory for having a dirty lathe area. I think it is high time for all Creekers to put him in his place. Hopefully this thread will settle the question. I am willing to be the first to step out on the limb by contributing a photo of my lathe area to show John that he is a mere piker when it comes to a "messy" shop.198479 A short description follows: First off, I have been turning Walnut. That is a pile under the turning smock. If you look closely at the bottom of the grinder bench you will see white sticking out. That is a 5 gal. waste tub. The pile continues on back to the Shopsmith. It is hard to see in the photo but there is a large box of sand under the lathe. The top of the box is totally covered in shavings to the point that the pile is coming up through the lathe bed and the banjo and tail stock are leveling out the shavings.

I was in my shop on Friday last. I turned on the shop lights this morning and took this picture of what greeted me. The photo is not photo shopped or staged (I have been accused of that in the past - a pox on you :D:D). I expect and demand that all Creekers follow the same rules. Cheaters will have to donate their favorite tool.............to me.;););) I know some of you all are pretty sneaky but do the honorable thing.

So get out your camera and post. We need to put this nonsense to bed once and for all.

Brodie Brickey
06-19-2011, 10:15 AM
I've got a messy shop but it isn't because of shavings. The re-org is going well. Some pictures will be forthcoming for that.

Harvey Ghesser
06-19-2011, 10:43 AM
You win, Dick!!:eek::eek::eek:

Fred Belknap
06-19-2011, 11:26 AM
Looks like a little sweeping compound to me.:)

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 11:28 AM
You win, Dick!!:eek::eek::eek:

Win nothing!!!!!!!!! I can't win when I am the only entrant:rolleyes::rolleyes:. Some of you folks better fess up:mad::mad::mad: Now!!!! Don't worry about John's feelings. He has a thick skin.

Matt Hutchinson
06-19-2011, 12:05 PM
Okay okay, I'll bite. Here's my shop as it is this morning. This is as about as cluttered as it gets, as I have been feverishly finishing pieces with no regard for the areas outside of the lathes' work areas. That said, I have certainly had greater volumes of shavings, especially under the big lathe. And just you wait until I start roughing the 1200 lbs of cherry you see in the last photo. I might even start to rival Mike Mahoney. :D


P.S. A couple years ago I let the shavings pile in my driveway build up to a point where it took 3 pick-up truck loads to the yard waste dump to get rid of it. Never again.

David DeCristoforo
06-19-2011, 12:15 PM
Oh great. I clean up my shop, repaint my lathe, polish up all the steel within reach, refinish all my tool handles and then you come along with a "messy shop" contest. Crap. Well, it's a moot point anyway because once Jeff Nichol weighs in, you are all goin' down anyway...

Harvey Ghesser
06-19-2011, 12:15 PM
and the current champion is.....(drum roll)

Matt Hutchinson!!:(:(:((loud applause)

Reed Gray
06-19-2011, 12:47 PM
"You know it is time to clean up the shop when you have to get down on your knees to turn." The late Roger Michaelson, one of our local turners.

robo hippy

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 12:56 PM
Okay okay, I'll bite. Here's my shop as it is this morning. This is as about as cluttered as it gets, as I have been feverishly finishing pieces with no regard for the areas outside of the lathes' work areas. That said, I have certainly had greater volumes of shavings, especially under the big lathe. And just you wait until I start roughing the 1200 lbs of cherry you see in the last photo. I might even start to rival Mike Mahoney. :D


P.S. A couple years ago I let the shavings pile in my driveway build up to a point where it took 3 pick-up truck loads to the yard waste dump to get rid of it. Never again.

Dang Matt!!!! First challenge out of the chute and I am hosed:(:(:( And this folks comes from a friend of mine in Grand Rapids. Some friend. :rolleyes::rolleyes:If I had shavings from 1200 pounds of wood my big concern is would I be able to crawl to the downstairs phone to call 911.:eek::eek::eek:. Matt doesn't want to boast too much but he has a Bobcat all gassed up and at the ready:):)

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 1:03 PM
Oh great. I clean up my shop, repaint my lathe, polish up all the steel within reach, refinish all my tool handles and then you come along with a "messy shop" contest. Crap. Well, it's a moot point anyway because once Jeff Nichol weighs in, you are all goin' down anyway...

Serves you right David. You caught Keeton's "Cleaning Fever" and totally put youself out of the contest. Remember that next time John starts another thread about this "clean or unclean shop" crap.:D:D:D:D:D

Roger Chandler
06-19-2011, 1:17 PM

I can honestly say..........I cannot compete with that.....:eek:......nor do I care to do so! :D

John Keeton
06-19-2011, 1:20 PM
I take it there is no apprentice division.....??:confused::confused::confused: Doesn't matter - even if I gave up what little scruples remain and threw to the wind all the OCD within me, I can plainly see the competition here is just too stiff! I'm out!

Michael Mills
06-19-2011, 1:21 PM
Dick, we are on your side. I know it is difficult but listen to the encouraging words of ..
Hutch……. “A couple years ago I let the shavings pile in my driveway …Never again.”
Dave …….”I clean up my shop, repaint my lathe, polish up all the steel…..”
You can do it….we can tell you are trying…. You admit to having a smock to keep the shavings away AND a five gallon bucket. It’s OK, really it is. We all fall prey to temptation at some time. But it isn’t too late….just a bucket full to start …then later two buckets full. The bucket lies almost consumed but the cloak of neatness is ready to protect you. Be strong as you venture forth and take heart from those who have gone before you.
Have you noticed that the farther you get from that evil spinning contraption the cleaner the shop is?
Always be aware the hypnotic effect of the devil which spins.

Matt Hutchinson
06-19-2011, 1:29 PM
Matt doesn't want to boast too much but he has a Bobcat all gassed up and at the ready:):)

How I wish. :D Oh, to have a turning "compound" like Mark Lindquist, with massive machinery and piles of of wood everywhere.

*breaking out in song* "To dream the impossible dream....to reach the unreachable star!"

Greg Just
06-19-2011, 3:54 PM
My entry - John will never be invited to my house! (He won't want to come after seeing these pictures)

David DeCristoforo
06-19-2011, 4:01 PM
"My entry..."

Ho hum. Lightweight. There's still acres of horizontal area that is unoccupied. Only one tool laying on the lathe bed. Sawdust barely a foot deep. Why you could walk across that shop and not even trip once, let alone the five times needed just for qualification. Ferget it...

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 4:18 PM
John, John, John, I can't tell you how disappointed I am in you for giving up at the first sign of a turning curl:(:(:(. Throwing in the towel......well, that is just not the Creeker way. Right guys??????

Rick Markham
06-19-2011, 4:36 PM
I know I don't stand a chance, and I am ashamed that before I had taken this picture I had swept up the giant pile of shavings and cleaned the lathe. If you look down in this panorama... that's the top of my tablesaw :D, What the photo doesn't capture, is that it has also invaded my living room... and a spare bedroom too. Before long you will see me on "Hoarders" only it's all going to be tools and blocks of wood. :eek:


David DeCristoforo
06-19-2011, 4:37 PM
"Throwing in the towel......well, that is just not the Creeker way. Right guys??????"

Well you might be right about that. But I have always had respect for those who can recognize their limitations, reign in their egos and step aside for the real pros. John's "resignation" is honorable in the same way that one would resign an obviously lost game of chess, sparing their superior opponent the need to waste time finishing them off and allowing the next player to step up. When it comes to "messy shops" John is completely outclassed and hopelessly out of his element and we should respect his ability to realize this.

Richard Bell CA
06-19-2011, 4:44 PM
My shop ranges from clean to this:

Rick Markham
06-19-2011, 4:48 PM
My shop ranges from clean to this:

Psh! Your dust collection system ain't even buried yet!:rolleyes:

Good show sir! :D

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 5:40 PM
My shop ranges from clean to this:

Dang Richard, I think I would have to turn for a month to get my shavings pile ABOVE the lathe bed:confused::confused::confused::confused: You not only have piles around one lathe BUT two lathes at the same time. I heard that Nichols might be stopping by. This will scare even the bravest turner off.

Richard has come out of nowhere to surge into the lead!!!!!!!!!

John Keeton
06-19-2011, 5:58 PM
When it comes to "messy shops" John is completely outclassed and hopelessly out of his element and we should respect his ability to realize this.I know when I am "whupped" and ain't afraid to admit it!! I am taking my bloody nose and going home....well, back out to my nice, clean shop!

Nate Davey
06-19-2011, 5:58 PM
Wow, talk about coming off the top rope with an elbow........well done sir. The finance minister would not let that fly at the Davey "studio/laundry room".

Bob Bergstrom
06-19-2011, 6:35 PM
I know it is not up for a take over of first place but it is sometimes worse when I am roughing out bowls. This rough out is 24" with two cores taken out. Coring has really helped in less shavings

David DeCristoforo
06-19-2011, 6:53 PM
Nice try Bob. But you can still clearly see the lathe... next......

Ed Morgano
06-19-2011, 7:29 PM
I'm not even going to submit and entry here....after looking at the pro's shops, I'm ashamed to say that my shop more closely resembles Johns. With a 6" dust pickup right above the tool rest, I get most of the chips and all the dust as it comes off the lathe. The rest, I usually vacuum up within a day. I'm truly ashamed. :o:eek::D

David DeCristoforo
06-19-2011, 7:35 PM
FWIW, I have appointed my self the unofficial arbiter of this contest. My "creds" are well documented. As a recently reformed "shop slob" who has just recovered from a mess of galactic proportions, I cannot imagine anyone more qualified than myself to identify the messiest shop. Unless anyone has any better ideas of course. I think we should all chip in and buy the winner a broom and dustpan. Maybe if we get enough pledges, we could throw in a can of rustbegone...

Roger Chandler
06-19-2011, 7:41 PM
FWIW, I have appointed my self the unofficial arbiter of this contest. My "creds" are well documented. As a recently reformed "shop slob" who has just recovered from a mess of galactic proportions, I cannot imagine anyone more qualified than myself to identify the messiest shop. Unless anyone has any better ideas of course. I think we should all chip in and buy the winner a broom and dustpan. Maybe if we get enough pledges, we could throw in a can of rustbegone...

David...........your "creds" are indeed well established, and super idea for the prize........hey, I'm in for the broom and dustpan award.......of course, there has to be some pics and some of them have to be of the clean shop when they have finished using them...:eek::D;).......how's that for some rules of the contest?

John Keeton
06-19-2011, 8:25 PM
I'm not even going to submit and entry here....after looking at the pro's shops, I'm ashamed to say that my shop more closely resembles Johns. With a 6" dust pickup right above the tool rest, I get most of the chips and all the dust as it comes off the lathe. The rest, I usually vacuum up within a day. I'm truly ashamed. :o:eek::DEd, just as soon as this "contest of shaving waders" is over, perhaps the rest of us poor loosers can form a support group!?!?

Bob Bergstrom
06-19-2011, 8:26 PM
I think some qualify for a snow shovel at least. The Bob Cat would solve some in need of a extra cleaning.

06-19-2011, 8:41 PM
My humble submission.

Roger Chandler
06-19-2011, 8:43 PM
My humble submission. I am just speechless!

Dick Wilson
06-19-2011, 8:47 PM
FWIW, I have appointed my self the unofficial arbiter of this contest. My "creds" are well documented. As a recently reformed "shop slob" who has just recovered from a mess of galactic proportions, I cannot imagine anyone more qualified than myself to identify the messiest shop. Unless anyone has any better ideas of course. I think we should all chip in and buy the winner a broom and dustpan. Maybe if we get enough pledges, we could throw in a can of rustbegone...

David, I have no problem with you having the last say.........particularly since Richard clearly cleaned my clock ( no pun intended).

curtis rosche
06-19-2011, 11:30 PM
how about this?
the first is the area on the bench behind the lathe that holds my tools. the chips always stay there. the second is a whole shot. the third is the stuff piled right beside where i stand. not staged, this is how it is.

there is so much chips laying around, i have to take the switch off my lathe and take the actual switch apart and clean it of wood chips to make it run some times

curtis rosche
06-19-2011, 11:32 PM
wait till i get a shot of the other work bench and the drill press.

Kathy Marshall
06-20-2011, 4:13 AM
Here's mine.
Granted there are others with more shavings, but for overall messiness I think I rate at least an honorable mention :eek: . I should have taken a wider shot to include the workbench and table saw, but it was just too much even for me, to expose to public view, I did however, include a shot of the mess extending to the outside and that's only about 1/4 of the outside mess.



Donny Lawson
06-20-2011, 6:58 AM
I can see now why you people get to buy new tools all the time. You drop it or lay it down and its never seen again. Keep the pictures commin' I'm checking out the competition.,and so far I'm not going to win this one.

John Keeton
06-20-2011, 6:58 AM
There certainly are some fine entries in this "smackdown" and while I want to avoid any impropriety by "influencing our self appointed judge", I would be remiss if I did not point out the wonderful entry by Kathy.

At the risk of this sounding sexist, I believe we can all agree that men normally have the upper hand at things such as this - having had years of experience at making messes with the luckiest of us having a gentle hearted lady assisting with putting things back in order. It is a rare case indeed, when we have a female entrant with such remarkable credentials in this area.

FWIW, I highly recommend Kathy for "Honorable Mention" at the very least.

Again, I do apologize if this is construed as some effort to influence the outcome. And, the standard disclaimer - "The views expressed in this post are those of the OP, and do not necessarily reflect the views of SMC."

Kenneth Hertzog
06-20-2011, 7:57 AM
I hate to say this but my shop is like John's
when I'm done turning ( with dust collector on )
I instantly clean the area around the lathe and shop area
what I miss the wife will walk out and grab the shop vac and clean the rest
my shop is used and so is the collection system
(can we have a clean shop contest):eek::rolleyes::D:o

Baxter Smith
06-20-2011, 8:12 AM
No entry for me. I wouldn't stand a chance given some of these impressive photographs.

Tim Rinehart
06-20-2011, 9:13 AM
My humble submission.
My my...this is a superb submission of serious acute horizontal surface syndrome. Note that even the supports for roof/wall are engaged fully in the accumulation, and narely 1/2 sq ft of clear horizontal surface is visible. Well done sir!

Here's mine.
Granted there are others with more shavings, but for overall messiness I think I rate at least an honorable mention :eek: . I should have taken a wider shot to include the workbench and table saw, but it was just too much even for me, to expose to public view, I did however, include a shot of the mess extending to the outside and that's only about 1/4 of the outside mess.

Kathy Kathy Kathy...I see no sugar and spice in these shots...I'd say you're giving the boys a good run for the money...er, well, broom perhaps. I do like your license plate, btw.:cool:

I have serious horizontal surface syndrome myself...but I do remove chips after each session or end of day. I won't even try to compete at the level this has gone. :D:D

Dick Wilson
06-20-2011, 9:24 AM
I started this thread as a fun and humorous one. What I am starting to realize is I am not as messy as originally thought. In fact, there are a couple of entrees that make me look like a white glove turner. This must be very hard for John K. to witness.

Ed Morgano
06-20-2011, 10:03 AM
If there were to be turners with messier shops that what we've already witnessed here, we probably aren't going to see pictures of their shops. As a matter of fact, we may never hear from them again! Not only are their tools lost.....

David DeCristoforo
06-20-2011, 12:17 PM
I must clarify a point here. Gender is not an issue. Ms Marshall's entry is a front runner only by virtue of the quality (or lack thereof) of her environment which could easily qualify as a "superfund" site. It's not just the overall mess which many can easily accomplish. It's the attention to detail... the electrical extension snaking through the heaps of shavings, the business end of what is apparently a hollowing tool of some sort, poking out of the heap of crud behind the lathe, the accumulated splatter of finishing material on the wall, the rust and corrosion on the machine itself. These are the things that separate the truly squalid from run of the mill disorder. Kathy's workspace transcends "messy" as does Mr. Redwine's. This is what we are looking for here. Anyone can accumulate a pile of shavings and leave a few tools laying around. We are looking for the authentic pathological disposophobic.

Dick Wilson
06-20-2011, 1:20 PM
Hi Kathy, I hate to say it but I think you have outdone Richard. Would you agree o' wise one Mr. David. My o my, I certainly hope you can find what you are looking for. I would be lost. What happened:confused::confused::confused::confused: The vortex must not only attack people into thinking they need to buy, buy, buy, but it also must attack shops as well;););)

Dale Coons
06-20-2011, 3:40 PM
I'm consumed with JOY! :):):) I must express my gratitude to those of you whose depth of squalor is measured by the yard--nay, the rod! SWMBO has a perceptual reset comming! I shall no longer admit to a messy shop, complete with shavings that lay about for a week or two:eek:...for which I am routinely berated--but will go forth, loudly proclaiming fastidiousness. With such prolific photographic evidence as that provided here, I shall boldly claim a "white-glove" environment, no longer to endure withering looks, incessant whining, and demands that I vacuum up after a few wisps of tinder hit the carpet of the living room floor. Heck, I can now, without shame, class myself with Keeton:D, and not even blush:p. Moral relativity is sometimes a beautiful thing! Where do I donate to the broom and dustpan award?

On behalf of many here who have been greatly blessed,


Roger Chandler
06-20-2011, 3:54 PM
After having viewed all the pics from different turners so far..............the very issue that makes me try to avoid this situation in the first place, comes so vividly to mind...........

Is anyone here, besides me concerned about fire? Sparks off a grinder, or a myriad of other causes, and this kind of thing just makes a total loss of one's shop almost a certainty.

I am not at all trying to be critical..........but having experienced the devastation of a house fire when I was young, that has always informed my cautionary propensities about keeping the dust and shavings at least somewhat under control in the wood shop. I was also injured [3rd degree burns] on my right hand :eek: as a youngster, so now you may understand my thinking as well.

Ed Morgano
06-20-2011, 4:00 PM
After having viewed all the pics from different turners so far..............the very issue that makes me try to avoid this situation in the first place, comes so vividly to mind...........

I anyone here, besides me concerned about fire? Sparks off a grinder, or a myriad of other causes, and this kind of thing just makes a total loss of one's shop almost a certainty.

I am not at all trying to be critical..........but having experienced the devastation of a house fire when I was young, that has always informed my cautionary propensities about keeping the dust and shavings at least somewhat under control in the wood shop. I was also injured [3rd degree burns] on my right hand :eek: as a youngster, so now you may understand my thinking as well.

For all the reasons you mentioned plus the loss of small tools, large tools and even missing animals and small children....for all these reasons, some need to follow the heed of John.

David DeCristoforo
06-20-2011, 4:02 PM
"...anyone here...concerned about fire..."

The potential for spontaneous combustion and/or conflagration is one of the basic qualifying requirements.

Roger Chandler
06-20-2011, 4:03 PM
For all the reasons you mentioned plus the loss of small tools, large tools and even missing animals and small children....for all these reasons, some need to follow the heed of John.


I am not in any way trying to pour cold water on anybody's parade, and this is a really fun thread [Thanks Dick, for starting it] but allowing a continual build up of shavings,and just leaving them for extended periods is asking for trouble...........I just want everyone safe, although that is their responsibility and business...........however, because things do at times happen, safety is the name of the game.

David E Keller
06-20-2011, 4:08 PM
I must admit that I've been impressed with the shops I've seen thus far. While I'm nowhere near as tidy as JK seems to be, I'm far closer to Keeton than say, Oh I don't know... Marshall. WOW! I find it interesting that Kathy's wood pile seems to be fairly organized. This is a pretty funny thread.:D

Rick Markham
06-20-2011, 4:30 PM
I'm consumed with JOY! :):):) I must express my gratitude to those of you whose depth of squalor is measured by the yard--nay, the rod! SWMBO has a perceptual reset comming! I shall no longer admit to a messy shop, complete with shavings that lay about for a week or two:eek:...for which I am routinely berated--but will go forth, loudly proclaiming fastidiousness. With such prolific photographic evidence as that provided here, I shall boldly claim a "white-glove" environment, no longer to endure withering looks, incessant whining, and demands that I vacuum up after a few wisps of tinder hit the carpet of the living room floor. Heck, I can now, without shame, class myself with Keeton:D, and not even blush:p. Moral relativity is sometimes a beautiful thing! Where do I donate to the broom and dustpan award?

On behalf of many here who have been greatly blessed,


Here! Here! Redemption does feel good doesn't it! SWAMBO will be viewing this soon... "See... I am ultra organized dear!" Scoot over John and pass the popcorn!

Great show Kathy! When you fall into the vortex you go for a cannonball off the highest platform! I'll give you a 9.95!

Richard Bell CA
06-20-2011, 4:43 PM

Can't speak for the others, but in my case I rough turn virtually everything green, which was the case for the photos I showed. These shavings are heavy and wet, and are removed long before they dry (rust is a bigger concern). Finish/dry turning involves significantly fewer, but finer shavings, which I pick up more frequently. As for grinding sparks, my sharpening station is about 15 feet from the lathe. Yes, it involves more walking, but it keeps the sparks away from the turning area and gives me a moment to contemplate my next action.


Dane Fuller
06-20-2011, 4:51 PM
I am a notorious slob, the work area in my shop is always a mess and I haven't uncrated my lathe yet. I'm doomed I tell you.....doomed!

This thread must be stickyfied. I'll have to use it as exhibits for the defense the next time my wife crosses her arms and gives me "that look of disgust".

Faust M. Ruggiero
06-20-2011, 5:00 PM
The potential for spontaneous combustion and/or conflagration is one of the basic qualifying requirements.
Hey Mods,
Is DD talking dirty??? What the heck is this "conflagration" stuff. It has to be a California thing.

David DeCristoforo
06-20-2011, 5:29 PM
"Is DD talking dirty??? What the heck is this "conflagration" stuff..."

Conflagration: An uncontrolled burning that threatens human life, health, property or ecology.

conflagration [ˌkɒnfləˈgreɪʃən]
a large destructive fire
[from Latin conflagrātiō, from conflagrāre to be burnt up, from com- (intensive) + flagrāre to burn; related to Latin fulgur lightning]

Gordon Eyre
06-20-2011, 7:41 PM
All of you are absolute fire hazards. Yikes!!!!!!

Don Orr
06-20-2011, 10:10 PM
Kathy-I think you have outdone all of them. Very cool mess!

And I dig your license plate.

Jeff Nicol
06-20-2011, 10:19 PM
Matt, I seem to remember all the mess from last year at this time! I thought you were going to get it all cleaned up so you could use the rest of your tools buried in the mess!

Lots of curls!


Okay okay, I'll bite. Here's my shop as it is this morning. This is as about as cluttered as it gets, as I have been feverishly finishing pieces with no regard for the areas outside of the lathes' work areas. That said, I have certainly had greater volumes of shavings, especially under the big lathe. And just you wait until I start roughing the 1200 lbs of cherry you see in the last photo. I might even start to rival Mike Mahoney. :D


P.S. A couple years ago I let the shavings pile in my driveway build up to a point where it took 3 pick-up truck loads to the yard waste dump to get rid of it. Never again.

Dick Wilson
06-20-2011, 10:28 PM
After having viewed all the pics from different turners so far..............the very issue that makes me try to avoid this situation in the first place, comes so vividly to mind...........

Is anyone here, besides me concerned about fire? Sparks off a grinder, or a myriad of other causes, and this kind of thing just makes a total loss of one's shop almost a certainty.

I am not at all trying to be critical..........but having experienced the devastation of a house fire when I was young, that has always informed my cautionary propensities about keeping the dust and shavings at least somewhat under control in the wood shop. I was also injured [3rd degree burns] on my right hand :eek: as a youngster, so now you may understand my thinking as well.

Grinder sparks:confused::confused::confused: Oh yeh, I have one somewhere. Let me move a pile;););)

Jeff Nicol
06-20-2011, 11:04 PM
Ok, I finally got some time to get on the forum and do some serious posting! These are some pics after 5 hours of cleaning to be able to walk through the shop last Saturday when a friend and fellow turner from South Milwaukee was stopping in on his way for a week of fishing in northern WI. So here goes the mess, I may not have as many curls, but I hate standing on them so I keep them cleaned up most of the time unless I am doing a lot of roughing out. But I think I have the most stuff piled everywhere on everything!

Check these out! Pic 1 is grinder bench, 2 welding bench, 3 buried 46-460, 4 cut offs by chop saw (pen and stopper blanks) 5 exotic and bowling ball storage area, 6 Attic room with who knows! 7 entrance and bandsaw attached file is tool rack and another buried lathe, with small sluice box!



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Rick Markham
06-21-2011, 3:02 AM
I can help you with that clutter Jeff... just assemble one of those rings into a steady rest and I will gladly take it off your hands for ya, and put some change in your pocket! :D

(never hurts to ask;))

John Keeton
06-21-2011, 6:37 AM
Jeff, now I understand why you bought the Delta 46-460 - so you would have a place to store tools and turning blanks!!! Good plan!

Matt Hutchinson
06-21-2011, 6:47 AM
Matt, I seem to remember all the mess from last year at this time! I thought you were going to get it all cleaned up so you could use the rest of your tools buried in the mess!

Hehe, yup that was the plan. Mission failed, but there's still hope. :D

David DeCristoforo
06-21-2011, 10:16 AM
"These are some pics after 5 hours of cleaning..."

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Jeff Fagen
06-21-2011, 10:54 AM
Whenever I see a pile of shavings like that it reminds me of the movie"The Bad Seed"where the handyman burned to death in the sellar full of wood shavings.Not for me ,I clean up after every turning.

Norm Zax
06-21-2011, 10:54 AM
Seeing all of you greedily competing for the golden cup, its time for defining categories:
1. Dusty = shavings left at location
2. Woody = too much wood and no where to put it
3. Tool tip = tools seldom put in place/have no designated place
I think all three should deserve special attention. The holy grail goes to the master who unwittingly combines all three specialities!

David DeCristoforo
06-21-2011, 11:26 AM
"...its time for defining categories..."

Jeff's shop is going to be hard to beat in any category (except for "clean"!) Look closely and you will find things that one might never expect to find in a wood shop. Like a rack of bowling balls (don't ask what those are for...) And just try opening that roll up door. We could have a "Where's Waldo" contest in that shop. This is like one of those pug dogs that is so ugly it transcends ugliness and becomes almost cute. "Exuberant" is the word that comes to mind.

Dick Wilson
06-21-2011, 11:47 AM
Ok, I finally got some time to get on the forum and do some serious posting! These are some pics after 5 hours of cleaning to be able to walk through the shop last Saturday when a friend and fellow turner from South Milwaukee was stopping in on his way for a week of fishing in northern WI. So here goes the mess, I may not have as many curls, but I hate standing on them so I keep them cleaned up most of the time unless I am doing a lot of roughing out. But I think I have the most stuff piled everywhere on everything!

Check these out! Pic 1 is grinder bench, 2 welding bench, 3 buried 46-460, 4 cut offs by chop saw (pen and stopper blanks) 5 exotic and bowling ball storage area, 6 Attic room with who knows! 7 entrance and bandsaw attached file is tool rack and another buried lathe, with small sluice box!



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Hi Jeff, I think it was David who pronounced that once you showed up you would put us all to shame:confused::confused::confused: Now I can see why. Dang. I don't see piles of shavings but everything else more than makes up for it. That is an impressive array of years of hoarding. I will bet that every single item in the pics is absolutely crucial to your turning. Yup, from my prospective you take the lead......sorry Kathy. In your case I don't think a dust pan and broom is the appropriate prize. A hoarding interventionist would be more suited.:D:D:D:D

Jim Underwood
06-21-2011, 12:48 PM
I could probably rival Jeff's mess if I posted pix. My shop is still in a state of "planning" to put in dust collection and air lines, as well as finishing the wiring, and adding on a room for the DC and air compressor. So there are unfinished cabinets (no tops) along the unwired wall with plans for RAS and Miter saw fences. On top of all that, there's about as much stuff/junk/wood piled up everywhere that you can just about walk through the aisle from the front to the back without losing touch with it at fingertip height.

But I am saving up money for the addition, and the plan is to finish the wife's nightstands, then tackle the shop organization again...

I should post pix, but I think they're all at home...

Lori Kleinberg
06-21-2011, 2:40 PM
I am sooo jealous. I can't let things get too bad because I would never find my shop dog :D:
Although it is alot more cramped now then when that picture was taken.
Oh yeah, also because I have an anal retentive husband that would have a hissey fit :eek: if I let it go too far.

Dick Wilson
06-21-2011, 4:33 PM
I am sooo jealous. I can't let things get too bad because I would never find my shop dog :D:
Although it is alot more cramped now then when that picture was taken.
Oh yeah, also because I have an anal retentive husband that would have a hissey fit :eek: if I let it go too far.

Lori, Fortunately my dog is much bigger and refuses to go down the stairs into my shop.....that is a good thing. She would be a 50 pound dust magnet. I bet John K. is beaming with pride.

Jeff Nicol
06-21-2011, 5:09 PM
I figure since the shop was built around 1940 it could definitely be enlarged in case of a fire, but that being said I have lots of stuff and it changes weekly depending on the project that is in the forefront of my masteful ways! I think I did not post the picture with a 1961 Mercury 9.8 outboard motor sitting on the table saw! I have so many projects going at one time that it is like musical tools and clearing surfaces to work on. I have to keep the floors swept up as I hate kicking chips all around and makes it much easier to get through the stuff! So I have laid the challenge down and will glady accept defeat, if it should arise! I am moving all the welding and metal tools out to my little shop (10x12) soon, just have to finish insulating it and moving all the tools over, then the main shop will be decluttered and reorganized to perfection! Big dreams, but maybe I can keep one of my promises......maybe!

But the big thing is that I have a 42x36 pole shed out in the country that has my tractor, Woodmizer, more tools, 4x4 ATV, More tools, 15,000 bdft of lumber and other asundry stuff!

I am blessed, with a loving wife who will not let me bring anything in the house, so it is clean and tidy, no hoarding there! Maybe some of the travelers from the symposium will come take some wood with them on their way home to help me out!!!

Clutter is my friend,


Ed Morgano
06-21-2011, 5:25 PM
I saw Jeff's post last night and had bad dreams all night long. I immediately went up to the shop first thing this morning and cleaned up.


However, by this after noon, it was a mess again. It's going to take about 5 minutes to clean that up!


David DeCristoforo
06-21-2011, 5:41 PM
That is just revolting, Ed! The trash can with the liner so carefully folded over the edge. Butts in an ashtray instead of crushed out on the floor or better yet left to smolder on the edge of the work bench leaving the distinguishing black char marks. And THE CAP PLACED ON THE GLUE BOTTLE???.

Oh... but wait... are those clamps I see on the floor? Not neatly hung on a rack after being carefully wiped down with a lightly oiled cloth? And the yellow pusher is sitting crooked on the bench, not carefully aligned with the edge. Whew! You had me worried there for a minute...

David Warkentin
06-21-2011, 5:56 PM
Jeff, you think there are some riser blocks for a pm90 in that wonderfully cluttered shop? Like Rick, just asking:)

Ray Bell
06-21-2011, 9:29 PM
My shop ranges from clean to this:

Dang Richard, your shop looks almost as messy as mine, except I only have one lathe to (eventually) clean around. Maybe it's a Bell family trait!

Kathy Marshall
06-22-2011, 2:27 AM
Ok, so I can see I'm going to be shamed into cleaning up the shop (and I didn't even post the pics that I took today of the other side of the shop). After turning a few mesquite bowls since the last pics, the shavings pile is now high enough that it's time to clean it up shame or no shame. When the spindle height on my lathe gets to about hip level, then I'm standing on too much cushion.
Who knows, I might even break out some steel wool for the lathe bed. A couple of garbage bags to take care of the pile of used sand paper, and it might be nice to actually see some of the surface of the 4' x 8' workbench!
Who knows, I might even actually post some pics of a cleaner shop, just don't expect anything on the order of a JK or DD clean shop!

Fred Belknap
06-22-2011, 8:16 AM
Kathy it's your shop, everyone has their own comfort level with stuff like that.;):)

David DeCristoforo
06-22-2011, 11:27 AM
"...just don't expect anything on the order of a JK or DD clean..."

I am hardly in the same class as Mr Keeton when it comes to shop cleanliness! I have reformed to a certain extent but let's not get carried away here!

Dick Wilson
06-22-2011, 11:51 AM
Hey gang, this has been a great thread, good for the soul, good for establishing that there are many permeations of a "dirty shop". For us slobs (only speaking for myself) it is very comforting to know that I am not the Lone Ranger when it comes to toiling away in a hovel.;););) Keep the pictures coming. I know they sure make me feel better.:D:D:D

I think it would be a waste of time to have a "1st Annual Clean Shop Smackdown". Mr. Keeton would absolutely "clean" our collective clocks. Anyone who measures how far the broom and dustpan are away from the wall cannot be defeated:(:(:( Besides, from what I can tell, there would be a number of Creekers, again myself included, who would have to curtail productive turning time, in the amount of days only lose to John anyway.

John Hart
06-22-2011, 1:02 PM
I can't believe that I missed the contest!! Finally something I would feel comfortable entering. sheesh.

I was so busy last week, I barely had time for foruming. Maybe I can go take some pics and get in as a late entry? Please?

Mike Svoma
06-22-2011, 1:20 PM
I try as hard as I can to help with Jeff's de-cluttering every time I go over to his shop, but it is just to daunting of a task for one person, and besides my garage/shop is getting full. Thanks, Jeff.

Dick Wilson
06-22-2011, 1:42 PM
I can't believe that I missed the contest!! Finally something I would feel comfortable entering. sheesh.

I was so busy last week, I barely had time for foruming. Maybe I can go take some pics and get in as a late entry? Please?

John, I see no reason not to post a picture of your shop if you think you have a prayer of taking the lead. Your shop must be a nightmare if you think you will be in the running.

John Hart
06-22-2011, 3:13 PM
John, I see no reason not to post a picture of your shop if you think you have a prayer of taking the lead. Your shop must be a nightmare if you think you will be in the running.

Oh...no....not at all, Dick. I have no delusions that my shop...regardless of how awful I keep it....could never take the lead in such an awesome display of chaotic spendor. I just felt that this is the first environment where I could feel comfortable displaying pictures of my pig sty. :)

David DeCristoforo
06-22-2011, 3:31 PM
"...this is the first environment where I could feel comfortable displaying pictures of my pig sty..."

Bring em' on John! We have become fascinated, in a perverse sort of way, with graphic images of domestic disaster areas. Feed the beast...

Dennis Simmons
06-22-2011, 7:07 PM
It is so good to be able, to have a good laugh, in the evening, this thread is so funny.

John Hart
06-22-2011, 7:13 PM
Ok...I'm in!!!
'Course...when I went out there, I realized that I cleaned up a bit a couple months ago, so things weren't exactly "contest caliber"

However...I do want to make my showing. So it is what it is

This is my ever-growing pile of exotic wood. A weekly gift from my neighbor Henry
He loads up the buggy and hauls it over....then we chat about nothing for an hour or so. It's nice.

This used to be more embarrassing. And it will be again, I'm sure ;)

This is where I work most often

Lathe area.....Spotless. Sorry. :o

Resin Project Table - I'll clean this up before summer is over.

David DeCristoforo
06-22-2011, 7:19 PM
"Ok...I'm in!!!"

OK... this aint bad. Not going to make anyone puke or anything but a first class example of disorder. A solid entry worthy of more than a cursory glance.

Rick Markham
06-22-2011, 7:22 PM
I'm jealous... Y'all have so much room to be messy! My shop is so tiny, even if it is organized, just me being in it causes a mess... What does that say about me?

John Hart
06-22-2011, 7:35 PM
I'm jealous... Y'all have so much room to be messy! My shop is so tiny, even if it is organized, just me being in it causes a mess... What does that say about me?

I know exactly how you feel Rick. My previous shop of 15 years was 80 square feet. I had to turn to the side to get past the tools. I packed in a tablesaw, lathe, Router, Drill Press, Bandsaw, and workbenches. Every scrap of wood took up space. It was awful....but for some reason, it was my favorite place in the whole wide world. :)

But I wouldn't trade my two story, 5000 square foot shop for nuthin!!!!! It's heaven, man!! (It was the main reason for buying this house ;))

Michael James
06-22-2011, 8:55 PM
I know exactly how you feel Rick. My previous shop of 15 years was 80 square feet. I had to turn to the side to get past the tools. I packed in a tablesaw, lathe, Router, Drill Press, Bandsaw, and workbenches. Every scrap of wood took up space. It was awful....but for some reason, it was my favorite place in the whole wide world. :)

But I wouldn't trade my two story, 5000 square foot shop for nuthin!!!!! It's heaven, man!! (It was the main reason for buying this house ;))

I'm in one side of a double car garage - only rule is I have to be able to get my car back in. :eek: Lil missie keeps telling me I'm outa room ...I say she lacks vision! :cool:

David E Keller
06-22-2011, 9:22 PM
I'm in one side of a double car garage - only rule is I have to be able to get my car back in. :eek: Lil missie keeps telling me I'm outa room ...I say she lacks vision! :cool:

MJ, I'm a little disappointed in you:o. You're not turning in half of a two car garage... You're parking your car in a double wide shop! You live in NM, so are you worried about you car drying out? Park it in the drive man, and give those tools some room to breathe!:D:cool:

Don Alexander
06-22-2011, 9:52 PM
i can honestly say that parking a car in the garage is a waste of good shop space :D:eek::D:eek::D:eek::D

Nate Davey
06-22-2011, 10:07 PM
My truck doesn't fit in the garage, so problems solved.

John Hart
06-23-2011, 6:11 AM
I have to park my Jimmy in the garage because, with all the rain, it would just be a pile of rust in the driveway by morning! :eek:

But if you live in the southwest...sheesh....You have a full-size shop just catching oil drippings!!

Just add a couple benches....an RAS....some lacquer storage cabinets....special fixturing cabinets....clamp hangers....a pegboard here and there......maybe a little plaque with the 10 commandments for your woodshop....a Oneway calendar....

And there you have it....no more garage!!!:)

Jay Maiers
06-23-2011, 8:23 AM
Ok...I'm in!!!

I've been trying to design a workbench base for the last month, and the answer was right in front of me the whole time. It never occurred to me to use our kiln as a table leg...

I also feel better about the unplugged microwave sitting in my shop. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thanks John! :)

John Hart
06-23-2011, 8:31 AM
I've been trying to design a workbench base for the last month, and the answer was right in front of me the whole time. It never occurred to me to use our kiln as a table leg...

Heh heh...Now that's not fair, Jay!!:D

That is a photographic illusion by the way. The kiln is not supporting anything. Those blocks are turning blanks that I'm getting ready to pack in boxes!!!

.....although....now that I think about it, the kiln would make a great table pedestal! It's settled!! I'm about to have a new finishing table!! Woo Hoo! Thanks Jay! :)

Jay Maiers
06-23-2011, 8:44 AM
Heh heh...Now that's not fair, Jay!!:D

That is a photographic illusion by the way. The kiln is not supporting anything. Those blocks are turning blanks that I'm getting ready to pack in boxes!!!

.....although....now that I think about it, the kiln would make a great table pedestal! It's settled!! I'm about to have a new finishing table!! Woo Hoo! Thanks Jay! :)

A plywood disc on the top and one on the bottom, and I'm sure you could do just that.
After a long wiring battle in a new house, mine is almost ready for power (late 70's L&L). Now I just have to decide where I'm going to store all of the stuff that's currently inside of it.

Leo Van Der Loo
06-23-2011, 11:35 PM
Messy is just a thought I think, cluttered and what some might call a mess happens here all the time, as turning is the important part, and the cleaning of unwanted material comes after.

Having turning stock around is also a requirement if you want to be able to turn "whenever you feel like it", so I do have some of it around ;)

So as I/We have been removing and shipping household items to the new place, the shop is still well stocked, though not messy IMO :D, but then some might disagree :rolleyes:

Some pictures here that show it does get rather full with stuff here at times, but hé I am able to see the floor at times :p

Kathy Marshall
06-23-2011, 11:50 PM
I bow down to the master!

David DeCristoforo
06-24-2011, 12:05 AM
I should have known it would be Leo who gives Jeff a run for his money!

Rick Markham
06-24-2011, 2:15 AM
Leo, you make a beautiful mess! I want to come hang out there. (can I play with your metal lathe?)

Dick Wilson
06-24-2011, 6:55 AM
I am totally stunned:eek::eek::eek::eek: I never in my wildest dreams thought that anyone would surpass Kathy or Jeff. I will go down to my shop this morning, look around, and call it clean.

John Hart
06-24-2011, 8:23 AM
Leo...I know I'm being overly anal....but I noticed that you have one of your turning blanks slightly askew. You might want to straighten it. Hope that helps ;)

Jake Helmboldt
06-24-2011, 1:49 PM
That is just revolting, Ed! The trash can with the liner so carefully folded over the edge. Butts in an ashtray instead of crushed out on the floor or better yet left to smolder on the edge of the work bench leaving the distinguishing black char marks. And THE CAP PLACED ON THE GLUE BOTTLE???.

Oh... but wait... are those clamps I see on the floor? Not neatly hung on a rack after being carefully wiped down with a lightly oiled cloth? And the yellow pusher is sitting crooked on the bench, not carefully aligned with the edge. Whew! You had me worried there for a minute...

I think Ed is trying to use shame and guilt to reform some of us.

That said, I love you guys. I feel so much better about myself now. I'm comparatively neat relative to some of these shops.

Jake Helmboldt
06-24-2011, 1:53 PM
John, I see you keep a gas can there to house the accelerant since you don't have the curly accumulation.

Mike Cruz
06-24-2011, 2:06 PM
This this qualifies as a mess-o-shavings?


David DeCristoforo
06-24-2011, 2:19 PM
Come on Mike. Get real. That pile has not even been trampled down yet. And you can still clearly see the machine. It's hardly even up the the bottom shelf. That's all you got??? Anyone could clean that up in a few minutes. Come back when you have a real mess...

John Hart
06-24-2011, 2:40 PM
I also feel better about the unplugged microwave sitting in my shop. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thanks John! :)

At first I thought, "What the....???!! How did he know it was unplugged???" Then I looked.....Yep...the lights are off.;) Sneaky :) 'Course, ya know...with all the thunderstorms, it really is best to keep that thing unplugged. Heck, I only use it once in a while, but boy, is that thing handy!!!

John, I see you keep a gas can there to house the accelerant since you don't have the curly accumulation.

Yes....one of these days....I'm going to snap. It's nice to know that there are plenty of flammable liquids near by. :D

mickey cassiba
06-24-2011, 4:07 PM
I'm completely awestruck! Try as I might to mess up the patio/studio, the south Texas wind comes and cleans it all away. Some of the neighbors have funny looking mulch though...

Clint Baxter
06-24-2011, 6:03 PM
Don't know how much this could be considered a messy shop, but mine is going to take some serious cleaning prior to me doing any more turning. Unfortunately, i've got no pics, (right, no pics, didn't happen.) Unfortunately, they won't let me back to my house and shop to take any pics. Maybe if I get lucky, I'll get a screen shot from the helicopters doing their fly overs. My property line ends in the middle of the Mouse River in Minot, ND, and if any of you have been keeping up on the news, you know we have a little bit of a water problem. If the water lever gets as high as the predictions, it will be over the ceiling and into the attic. And my attic is not usable. At least I shouldn't have too much of a dust issue. Will be lucky if I get back into it before fall the way the current predictions are going.


John Hart
06-24-2011, 6:25 PM
Oh man! That's awful, Clint. I had no idea it was even going on. Did you salvage the important stuff before the water rose?

Don Orr
06-24-2011, 8:54 PM
Wow Clint, so sorry to hear about the flooding in your area. I have seen some news reports and cannot imagine dealing with this. Best wishes for something positive coming out of this for you.

David DeCristoforo
06-24-2011, 9:00 PM
Well that just sucks. Sometimes life is weird. You go blithely along without even realizing the crap some people are having to deal with. Let's pray the flood does not get any worse and that the predictions are wrong.

David E Keller
06-25-2011, 12:36 AM
That sucks, Clint! I didn't know about the flood, but after reading a couple of news reports online, I think I've seen the term 'Noah flood' enough! Sounds like it's already a big mess... Here's hoping for a quick and painless cleanup.

Clint Baxter
06-25-2011, 5:41 AM
They gave us about two days of warning. I ended up getting most of the machinery out, (there was plenty), and the more expensive wood. The log blanks are probably bobbing around in the shop right now though. Maybe get some spalting started that way. We did watch a video of a helicopter flyover yesterday on the news that showed our place very well. At that time, the water was still less than 3' deep round the shop. However, with the way it was flowing down the street out front, that is bound to change. Am working on getting a picture from that video up here.

Thanks for the condolences.


John Hart
06-25-2011, 8:44 AM
The Minneapolis Star Tribune site has a decent article with video. Wow. I've never had to personally deal with this kind of event. It must be bewildering to try and sort it out in your head.....then sit and wait for it to be over.


Hilel Salomon
08-06-2011, 6:57 PM
I know that this entry is late, but I had to clean up my shot in order to enter it and take pictures.204286204287204288204289

Hilel Salomon
08-06-2011, 6:59 PM
In case you thought those were too neat, here are different angles of different places.204290204291204292204293

Hilel Salomon
08-06-2011, 7:00 PM
Finally, two more angles. Now to work in my shop and get it messy.204294204295


John Keeton
08-06-2011, 7:32 PM
Hilel, the sad part of your post/pics is that your lathe area is the cleanest part of your shop!!!!!:eek: You need one more tool - a dumpster!!!:D

David E Keller
08-06-2011, 8:10 PM
I would have thought your shop would be cleaner... Just shows what you can't tell about a person by looking at their avatar photo.

Mike Cruz
08-06-2011, 8:17 PM
Hilel, you just made me feel a WHOLE lot better about my shop... thanks. :)

As far as I could see, there was a table saw, a band saw, a jointer and a lathe. Oddly enough, the lathe area was the cleanest!

08-06-2011, 8:50 PM
Nice shop.

Harry Robinette
08-06-2011, 9:06 PM
I'm with David K.that sucks really big.Glad you could save some of your stuff.But sounds like the main thing is that you and the family are OK.

Hilel Salomon
08-07-2011, 8:11 AM
Thanks JD. Mike there's also a planer, a radial arm saw, drill press, lots of grinders, a performax and some stationary sanding tools, and a router table. These are incredibly handy for putting down my turning tools. You need lots of room to hold the stuff until the annual "put them where they belong" campaign begins. When I have friends come over to see my shop, I have them sign an insurance waver in case they trip and hurt themselves. (LOL). The only time I have ever tripped was minutes after my wife (whom I usually forbid from entering the shop) warned me that I could indeed trip. G-d wanted to show me that-as usual-my own Miss Right was Miss Always Right.



Roger Chandler
08-07-2011, 4:36 PM
Very, very interesting................hummmm..........mine is a bit in disarray at the present........and my table saw has stuff piled all over it...............but I truly cannot compete with that Hilel, and I have no desire to do so.........mine is driving me nuts because I have more stuff than I have room to have organized like I need to.............JK is the chief of the shop police............he could write us both a ticket :eek: at the present time!;)

Robert Newton
08-07-2011, 7:57 PM
Looks like a fire hazard to me, one spark and good bye shop.