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View Full Version : Nicol Wood Box

Dale Bright
06-18-2011, 2:06 PM
I just took this box off the lathe 30 minutes ago. It is made from a piece of spalted sugar maple that Jeff Nicol included in my last order of tool rests. Thanks Jeff!!!!

The box is 2.5" wide by 3" high. The finish is walnut oil and bee's wax after sanding to 400.


Greg Just
06-18-2011, 3:35 PM
Very nice spalted maple. You did a good job of keeping everything lined up..

Michael James
06-18-2011, 3:52 PM
Looks great from over here! That Jeff's quite a guy, eh?

Harvey Ghesser
06-18-2011, 3:54 PM
That's a beauty Dale!

Steve Schlumpf
06-18-2011, 4:02 PM
Very nice! Love all the spalt lines! Great job keeping the grain alignment!

charlie knighton
06-18-2011, 5:33 PM
very nice, thanks for sharing

Baxter Smith
06-18-2011, 8:18 PM
Great looking wood and the shape of the box is great!

John Keeton
06-18-2011, 9:01 PM
Great looking box, Dale! I have never tried one of these - hope I could do one as well as this. Really nice wood, too.

Harry Robinette
06-18-2011, 11:30 PM
Is the opening slit darkened or is it just a shadow.It's a really nice box and the wood and finish are very nice also. I really like it.

Michelle Rich
06-19-2011, 7:02 AM
very pretty little box..I like the shape very much. I like that you kept it simple to show off mom nature's gift.

Dale Bright
06-19-2011, 9:11 AM
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments about my little box.

Harry, the opening is not darkened. It is a shadow that is created by the little extra cut that leaves a small shoulder for the lid to rest on. You can see it in the pic with the lid off. That extra little cut creates the shadow so any misalignment in the grain does not show so easily.

Michelle, thanks very much for your observation on the simple form and Mother Nature. That was most certainly my goal here.


Jim Burr
06-19-2011, 9:22 AM
Great piece of wood Dale! Grain lines match up very well.

Jeff Nicol
06-21-2011, 1:03 AM
Dale, I finally am getting caught up on the forum, I have been going faster than a hummingbirds wings the last few weeks so I figured it was time to see what the rest of the gang has been up to! I like what you did with the little chunk of wood, I just love spalted woods of all types as one never knows what will shake out when the turning is done. The little box is a great way to show of natures beauty!

