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View Full Version : Evergreen Elm Bowl

Kathy Marshall
06-17-2011, 3:10 AM
Got a couple logs of evergreen elm, also called chinese elm (ulmus parvifolia) from the tree trimmers. This is the 1st time I've had any of this variety and so far I like it! I don't know if this color is typical, but the heartwood reminds me a little of tulipwood. This is a common landscape tree in Phoenix, so hopefully I'll see more of it.

Didn't measure, but the bowl is probably about 8-9" x 3-4". Just a real basic form, wanted to get one turned quick since I didn't know if it was going to be bad about cracking (not too bad). Has a good soaking of walnut oil.
This one is going to the tree trimmers as thanks for the latest load of wood.


Thanks for looking!
As always comments and critiques are welcome.

Johnny Taylor
06-17-2011, 4:13 AM
That's a nice looking piece of timber Kathy and a nice simple usable form of bowl. Very nice :)

Marty Eargle
06-17-2011, 5:03 AM
Simplicity at its best! Some very interesting grain in that elm.

John Keeton
06-17-2011, 7:49 AM
Well, that didn't take long!!!! Did you unload the truck yet?? Nice bowl, and very interesting wood.

Fred Belknap
06-17-2011, 8:39 AM
Kathy nice job, I'm wondering how it smelled.

bob svoboda
06-17-2011, 10:21 AM
Very nicely turned. Lots going on in that wood!

Tim Rinehart
06-17-2011, 10:48 AM
Very nice. Beautiful pattern, great job on orientation. I expect that one is going to get regular use...looks too good to just put on a shelf or fill with 'inorganic' matter.

Bernie Weishapl
06-17-2011, 11:22 AM
Kathy that is a beauty. I really like the simple form. Really nicely done.

Trevor Howard
06-17-2011, 12:18 PM
I guess the log fairy did come and cut/seal the rest of the pieces, so you could turn this :D

Very nice bowl Kathy, I really like the pattern in it.

David E Keller
06-17-2011, 9:19 PM
That's nice! I agree with you about the tulipwood look... It's a lot more colorful than the American elm I see around here. Nicely done!

Steve Schlumpf
06-17-2011, 11:35 PM
Good looking bowl! Really like the color variations! Like Fred - I wonder how it smelled? I have turned some green Elm and it had a very distinct odor.

Michael James
06-18-2011, 12:12 AM
It looks totally different dry and loses those beautiful yellows and brown. I've got a closed form rough turned and will post when finished....hopeully in a week or 2.
Nice bowl!

Kathy Marshall
06-18-2011, 2:50 AM
Thanks everyone! Dropped the bowl off at the tree trimmers and she just loved it!

Well, that didn't take long!!!! Did you unload the truck yet?? Nice bowl, and very interesting wood.
Unloading the truck was the 1st thing I did before deciding which log to cut into, pretty easy decision to make since I knew the mesquite would wait.

Kathy nice job, I'm wondering how it smelled.
Just a very very slight odor, not even enough to be called unpleasant.

I guess the log fairy did come and cut/seal the rest of the pieces, so you could turn this :D
Very nice bowl Kathy, I really like the pattern in it.

I wish. I sealed one of the elm logs, then cut the other into 2 blanks, sealed one and turned the other. The mesquite is still waiting to be cut and sealed (except for the log I cut up tonight :D ) and that includes the load I picked up tonight.

We have a club meeting tomorrow so I'll swing by and pick up another load to take to the meeting, then pick up another load on the way home and that should just about finish it up. Then Sunday I'll cut and seal for as long as my back holds out and then I'll start turning (which is a proven cure for a sore back caused by too much chainsawing ;) )

Fred Belknap
06-18-2011, 6:25 AM
Kathy you have to slow down, you are having way to much fun.:D:D

Curt Fuller
06-18-2011, 11:24 AM
Kathy, what a great looking bowl. This "evergreen elm", is it really and evergreen that doesn't loose it's leaves. Around here we have an elm that gets called chinese elm sometimes, siberian elm other times. I've been corrected for referring to it as chinese elm. I can see that this real chinese elm is a lot different that our local siberian elm. Anyway, it sure made a pretty bowl.

charlie knighton
06-18-2011, 11:26 AM
very nice, thanks for sharing

Kathy Marshall
06-19-2011, 12:23 AM
It turns out this is not elm. She told me they had taken out an elm and she was sure that it was what we picked out of the pile, but both her husband and one of her crew said it was a eucalyptus. This looks nothing like any of the eucs I've turned so far and didn't quickly crack and warp as is common for euc. Whatever it is, I like it!

Kathy, what a great looking bowl. This "evergreen elm", is it really and evergreen that doesn't loose it's leaves. Around here we have an elm that gets called chinese elm sometimes, siberian elm other times. I've been corrected for referring to it as chinese elm. I can see that this real chinese elm is a lot different that our local siberian elm. Anyway, it sure made a pretty bowl.
I don't think they are a true evergreen, but in Phoenix they don't always go completely dormant. Older trees can retain some leaves through the winter, but younger trees generally lose them all.