View Full Version : Got some firewood today

Mike Cruz
06-16-2011, 3:01 PM
Well, a tree came down and I need to clear it out. See the first two pics? Those are of my firewood.

Oh, did I mention that the maple took down a Hackberry? I suppose the smaller stuff (less than 12") will be firewood, too. Maybe I'll turn some of the bigger pieces.

Oh, did I mention that that firewood is the top of the maple that came down? The rest of the tree is hidden in all that brush. Anyone recognize that creek? Yup, same one that was under the big maple that we cut up a couple of months ago that yielded all that spalted and ambrosia maple. Yup, this tree is that other tree's brother.

I think I'll let this one sit riiiiiight there until it is ripe. See ya'll in two years when this'n's ready! ;)

Put it on your calendars. In two winters, we'll be cuttin' this up. Anyone that wants some, is welcome to it.

charlie knighton
06-16-2011, 5:11 PM
nice firewood, that stuff under the brush, how wide you figure the trunk is????

Mike Cruz
06-16-2011, 6:43 PM
The last one was easily 30" at the base. Patrick was using his 24" Husqvarna and had to cut from both sides. Did you see what we cut up a couple months ago? Check it out: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?161121-Recipe-for-disaster-2011/page4&p=1652345

Karl Card
06-16-2011, 6:47 PM
firewood...hmmmm looks like turning wood...lol and alot of it....

John Keeton
06-16-2011, 7:25 PM
Mike, you guys need to do this in February and March!! It gets pretty hot out there right now cutting up wood. Looks like some nice stuff, though!

Dan Hintz
06-16-2011, 7:53 PM
Spread it out a bit so every piece is on the ground, put some leaves over it, etc. Really give that spalting a chance to take hold...

Jim Burr
06-16-2011, 8:06 PM
So I'd guess you'll be getting that shiny lathe dirty...finally? or again? Nice haul Mike...get busy!!

Mike Cruz
06-17-2011, 5:18 AM
Karl, in a way, that was the point... :)

John, I cleared this now because it fell fairly recently. The path needed to be cleared. Couldn't wait another 9 months. As for cutting this up for blanks, yup it'll be done in the winter/spring...but not for another 2 years. Gotta let it purdy up...

Dan, the stuff you see on the ground really is firewood. It is the "small" stuff...just like when its brother fell. What we'll use for turning is what is spanning the creek. Given 2 years, the smaller end will spalt and the bigger end will get ambrosia...if all goes well.

Jim, while I haven't turned nearly as much as I'd like to, the lathe is far from dust free. I've got so much wood to turn my lathe sighs at the thought of it all. The problem is that I, one way or another, keep ending up with wood that needs to be cut up for blanks, or it will simply rot. That pains me. I have some maple down right now that is probably on that edge right now. Unfortunately, with all the underbrush, getting to it now will be less than fun. So, it'll have to wait until the leaves fall. Right next to that maple is a standing dead one. I'll probably take that one down and see what it looks like. It just died so who knows...

Donny Lawson
06-17-2011, 6:49 AM
Should have some nice smaller pieces there too for mini birdhouses,pen blanks,stoppers,etc.

Tony De Masi
06-17-2011, 7:42 AM
It's on my calendar Mike.

Mike Cruz
06-17-2011, 10:02 AM
We have a taker! Plan your vacations everyone! I don't want to hear any "Oh, I wish I had known earlier, I would have come" excuses.

Tony, you've got a lot of turning to do to use up the maple you got back in March. Hmmmm, come to think of it, so do I...

Dan Hintz
06-17-2011, 10:15 AM

When do you want to get together and finish cutting up the rest of the logs from weekend before last? Between what's left and all of that Maple from months ago, you have more than you have time to turn for a year.

Mike Cruz
06-17-2011, 3:39 PM
Donny, if I made birdhouses, turned pens or stoppers, you'd be right. But I don't. And I have wood coming out of my ears. I give my figured scraps to Dan...he likes to piddle with those things.

Dan, I'll get to it fairly soon. Don't need you to come over to help. You've got a full plate as it is. I'll bring stuff over to you when I come over to help set up your laser engraver or CNC or whatever it is you made those cabinets for. Get working on that list of "I'm gonna"s.