View Full Version : Cherry Cabinets surrounding a Mantle

Leo Graywacz
06-16-2011, 12:01 AM
OK, long day. Had a pain in the butt trip down to Cheshire. A cabinet door opened up as soon as I got up to highway speed. So I pulled over and taped it up. 4 miles later the tape started coming off, did it again. This happened 4 times before I finally changed over completely to green tape and got enough on there to make the tape stay. Cost me an hour of time.

Got there around 11, was hoping for 9:30.

Nice thing, when I came into the house the whole room was cleared out. No furniture, no nothing - empty room.

Really tough install. Had to put cabinets around a 60" mantle with perfect reveals. Got'r done.




Bruce Page
06-16-2011, 12:20 AM
Simply beautiful. I hope they're not going to put anything on those shelves, it would be a shame to cover that cherry.

Leo Graywacz
06-16-2011, 12:21 AM
Worse, Big screen TV in the panel area of the mantle :(

glenn bradley
06-16-2011, 9:01 AM
Worse, Big screen TV in the panel area of the mantle :(

Doh! Criminal. Beautiful work. Just beautiful.

Gordon Eyre
06-16-2011, 10:25 AM
Beautiful work, you should be justly proud. The cherry wood is super.

Jeff Monson
06-16-2011, 10:30 AM
Very nice Leo, you must have a talent with photoshop also! Great looking surround.

Leo Graywacz
06-16-2011, 11:42 AM
Yes the last shot I did a few things in my photo editor to make it look like a nice area. Taking all the recessed lighting holes out and the holes out of the cherry panel to make it look like it really should look. Really isn't that hard. Took less than a 1/2 hour.

Jerry Olexa
06-17-2011, 1:11 PM
nice job.....cherry is a fav of mine too...

C Scott McDonald
06-18-2011, 1:06 PM
I thought there had to be 12" of non flammable surface around the opening of the fireplace? Must vary from state to state. Sure looks nice though!

Leo Graywacz
06-18-2011, 1:25 PM
10" or Manufactures specs here. But I didn't even have 8" of brick so it was a moot point. I put the new mantle where the old one was originally placed.


Paul McGaha
06-19-2011, 8:15 PM
Beautiful Leo.

Like everything about it.