View Full Version : Possible mystery on my Unisaw may be solved

Jerome Hanby
06-14-2011, 3:49 PM
When i picked up my old Unisaw, there was an odd bracket bolted onto the edge of the table that for which I couldn't identify a use. Today, i was surfing around and saw some mention of a Brett Guard and Googled one just to look and saw this on Amazon's site

That looks like the bracket bolted onto my table. Maybe this saw had a Brett Guard or similar piece of equipment once upon a time.

Matt Day
06-14-2011, 5:15 PM
Phew, I'll rest easy tonight knowing that!

Mark Ashmeade
06-14-2011, 5:16 PM
Possible mystery?

Jerome Hanby
06-14-2011, 9:11 PM
I say possible (and wonder where my picture) because the yokels that previously had the say may have just stuck it on there not knowing any better. I wouldn't qualify that as mysterious, just dumb...