View Full Version : Finally a new shape for me

Kathy Marshall
06-14-2011, 11:57 AM
I've been wanting to do some different forms, kinda been in a rut with my hf shapes (I like what I've been doing, just need some variety). Since I wasn't very successful at breaking out of the mold on my hfs, I decided to go with something I haven't tried before, and ended up with a vase.

It's about 8" x 6" more or less, walls are about 3/32 out of pecan, naked wood so far. Turned out ok, but I can see some definite areas that can be improved.
There should be more of a taper to give a narrower lower section, the base could be a little smaller and have a better form, and maybe a little more curve in the flair.
I'm sure my next will be much improved.


Thanks for looking!
As always comments and critiques are welcome.

Sid Matheny
06-14-2011, 1:33 PM
I like this one overall but the base may be a little large for the form IMHO. Love the shape. Nice job with the turning.


Steve Schlumpf
06-14-2011, 1:42 PM
Not bad! It's fun to try new things every once in a while! You already noticed areas to improve ... so I'm looking forward to your next one!

robert raess
06-14-2011, 2:17 PM
Just getting the walls to 3/32" is impressive..nice grain too!

bob svoboda
06-14-2011, 2:25 PM
Nice effort for a 'break out' form. The thin walls give it a very light look and make you want to pick it up.

Tim Rinehart
06-14-2011, 2:45 PM
Nice work. I know the feeling. It get's a bit boring to look at a piece of wood and see the form you most often do and like. If nothing else, makes me think about different ways to embellish it...but changing shape...that's just RADICAL!!! :D:D

Super job, looks good from my angle. I think these departures to different shapes also help in developing hybrid forms that define your own style..but I may be delusional too. It's so hard to resist good forms that were done hundreds and thousands of years ago.

David E Keller
06-14-2011, 8:12 PM
Congrats on breaking out of the rut... It's tough to do. You hit on all of my 'next time' thoughts, and I'm looking forward to version 2.0

Michael James
06-14-2011, 8:53 PM
That one isn't too bad at all for a 1st, and I'll bet when finished looks even better. You seem pretty fearless about just "going for it", so my .02 would be keep on keepin on. You go girl....again!

Bernie Weishapl
06-14-2011, 10:23 PM
Impressive Kathy. It is cool to try new things.

Cathy Schaewe
06-14-2011, 10:51 PM
What they all said ...
When you're trying something new, I think it takes a while to get to the point where you feel comfortable with it. I think you're 'all over' what you need to do to improve it, and I have no doubt you'll have this mastered within a couple more pieces. Your talent is proceeding in leaps and bounds ...

Kathy Marshall
06-15-2011, 12:50 AM
Thanks everyone! I've already got some ideas to try on the next couple and I found a nice chunk of dry mesquite that should be work nicely for one of them.

Oh oh oh....another idea just popped into my head :eek: better get out the sketchbook!

Vince Welch
06-15-2011, 1:08 AM
The shape you turned is a unspoken difficult shape to turn because it is the opposite curve that we spend most of our time trying to perfect. I spoke to Bonnie Klein about this in detail some years ago and she stated how your turning shapes will improve greatly by being able to turn this shape well. Nicely done, Vince