View Full Version : Show Em Off

James Combs
06-13-2011, 11:54 PM
Some enterprising individuals recently built a real nice combination farmers market, food court, and KY craft sales center at the Owingsville KY, I64-US60 Exit. The managers are renting out display space for local craft people to display their wares. I decided that I would try my luck at selling some of my turnings there. A square foot or so of up front counter space rents for $5 per month so how could a body go wrong so I rented one spot for three months and will be putting this birdhouse display stand to show off birdhouses in the space. I have spent the last week putting it together and building birdhouses to fill it up.

It stands 23" high, will hold 12 mini birdhouses or 24 micro size. Made mostly from salvaged wood and left over Lexan. The base is a drawer front plus a $5 Lazy Susan and round piece of 1/2" plywood as the top of the Lazy Susan. The post is a piece of limb from my neighbors Bradford pear that he lost in a big wind. The log is cut in two at middle and the lower Lexan is sandwiched in between the two pieces.The finial(handle) is a piece of walnut from the scrap bin. The upper Lexan is sandwiched between the handle and the log. The base was already finished and the rest of the wood including the log is spray with lacquer.

I got the idea from another similar stand posted here on the creek but I can't find it or I would give credit to the originator.

Making the stand gave me a chance to use the indexing feature on my Jet 1642. I set my plunge router base in the banjo (adapter is detailed in another post), set the speed as low as it would go, it was still too fast and melted through the plastic rather then drilling it but it got me holes where I wanted them. The drill bit is in a key-less chuck that I have adapted its arbor to fit into the router 1/2" chuck.

C&C welcomed.

Tim Thiebaut
06-14-2011, 12:20 AM
Those look pretty darn good, I bet they sell fairly quickly for you to. And I have to say that is one slick setup you have for your router there, it is so simple yet it looks very effective.

dennis kranz
06-14-2011, 1:22 AM
What a great use of a limited amount of space. Better keep building Bird Houses. Your going to have to replace a bunch of them.

Ed Morgano
06-14-2011, 2:16 AM
Good luck with the sales. Keep us up to date about how they go. I started out in this vortex with the idea that I would turn some Christmas presents for our family. However, it looks like I'm going to need another outlet.

Jim Burr
06-14-2011, 7:24 AM
Really cool idea for a stand JD...better start making replacement houses, those are going to sell quick!

Bernie Weishapl
06-14-2011, 8:43 AM
JD I like the stand. Those houses will sell quickly. I have about 50 made for this coming Christmas.