View Full Version : Two firsts! Claro Walnut burl and American Holly

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 4:59 PM
Hey y'all so I finished up my first hollow form last night with my first finial. Claro Walnut burl with an American Holly finial. :D

I think it turned out pretty good for both being firsts. I couldn't help but think of John Keeton while turning this since it is Claro Walnut. This one is turned ultra thin, the top of the form is less than an 1/8" and towards the bottom of the form 1/4" thick. Yes I like to push my luck. Finish is WOP. The finial is only finished with Ren Wax. I hope you enjoy!

Comments and Criticism are appreciated. There are a couple of things I would do differently in hindsight (but it's always that way for me) sorry I did a lousy job of photographing the detail at the top of the finial.





Roger Chandler
06-13-2011, 5:01 PM
I agree Rick....pretty nice for your firsts! Which hollowing rig did you use, Monster or Kobra?

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 5:05 PM
This one I used the Monster. My first two were both made with the monster, my third one I used the Kobra... but that is to be revealed soon ;)

David DeCristoforo
06-13-2011, 5:07 PM
This is just very nice, Rick! Beautiful form and finish, great looking piece of wood with a good "wow" factor due to the voids. The finial is... well "masterful" is the word that comes to mind. It's a very unique design (not easy to accomplish with finials!), beautifully executed, and it fits the piece perfectly while at the same time providing a great counterpoint. This is just "out of the park"!

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 5:20 PM
Thanks David! There are a couple small things I would have done differently on the finial, In hindsight if I had made a more conscious effort to chase the curve of the hollow form it would have opened up some more room to further refine the bottom of the onion shape... I will leave that for the next one! Overall I am pretty pleased with it, turning thin is fun!

charlie knighton
06-13-2011, 5:32 PM
very nice, you and John might butt heads of walnut sulply

John Keeton
06-13-2011, 6:10 PM
Rick, all this time, I thought I cornered the Claro supply - and, now I find that Bernie, you, and Lord knows how many other folks are turning this stuff!!:eek::eek::eek:

Aside from the fact you have used my favorite turning wood, this is a great piece!! I love the voids - never have had a piece like that. Very interesting finial, too. Nice and thin! Holly is a great wood for details - and, you used it well.

Steve bellinger
06-13-2011, 6:12 PM
Rick i think that's one amazing HF. i don't belive you could get much better than that. Even if it was your 100th.:)

Tim Thiebaut
06-13-2011, 6:23 PM
Very nice Rick! Love the finial on that, we dont often see white finials and I think it looks great! Between the 2 rigs you use, monster or cobra, which do you like the best?

Curt Fuller
06-13-2011, 6:44 PM
That's just plain beautiful!

Russell Eaton
06-13-2011, 7:01 PM
Rick that is a GREAT looking piece. Look forward to what is next.

Scott Hackler
06-13-2011, 7:10 PM
Rick that is a great piece. I love the mirror finish you achieved on the Claro. At first I wasnt too keen on the holly finial but I think its growing on me. The shape is very nice, but thestark contrast to the HF was throwing me off a bit. After looking at it for a while I think its a unique combo that sets it apart from others. Great job.

Now, which of the hollowing systems do you prefer and why? Someone is going to be shopping around in St Paul.........

Michael James
06-13-2011, 7:37 PM
Beautiful piece Rick! Nice start and it's going to be a tough act to follow. And of course we want pics :cool:

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 7:49 PM
Thanks for the compliments y'all.

Tim & Scott, it's really a super hard choice to make between the two hollowing rigs. I honestly really like both. The monster is great, the tooling is excellent, and I feel the tooling is a little more flexible as far as options for bits, carbide inserts etc. That being said the Kobra is really a killer system, I'll post my next piece soon, it was done entirely with the Kobra with it's 5/8" boring bars (it's a pretty small hollow form) I haven't had the chance to give the big 1" bar a test run (soon though.) It's really a tough call for me to say I favor one over the other. The tooling in the Kobra is exceptionally well thought out, and honestly it's by far more robust than the Monster (50+ pounds.) Obviously the articulation styles are different, I do favor the Kobra articulation, but honestly the monster has this freedom of movement and finesse that just is spectacular for finishing cuts, especially with a carbide bit. I actually got rid of the included carbide cutter, and replaced it with a flat style from EWT mini finisher (it's magical now).

Now the tooling issue, is really a wash. I can (and will) get an adapter for the Kobra and I can run all my 3/4" boring bars from the monster on it. Don't get me wrong the tooling on both units is completely top notch, and both are really suited to be different animals. If I had to do it over, I would still have bought both. Both seem to serve my intended purposes for them beyond expectation. If I could only have one... hard to say. I guess I would have bought the Kobra, and a set of Randys 3/4" boring bars and an adapter. It's a tough call really. I do prefer the way the laser system is set up on the Kobra, over the Monster. It is much easier to adjust, and just is a bit more user friendly. One thing I really like on the Kobra, is the fact that you can screw a handle in behind the boring bar, giving you some more leverage and certainly more finesse. All in all, you really can not go wrong with either!

(Just get both Scott ;))

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 8:24 PM
So I decided to take some macro photos so you can actually see the detail in the finial, and a shot to give you perspective on size (it's hard to hold a ruler still, focus and shoot a pic all at once LOL)



Scott Hackler
06-13-2011, 8:51 PM
(Just get both Scott ;))

Yeah right! I will have a hard enough time ponying up the dough for one. Unless one of my pieces sells out of the instant gallery (which is not that likely because I am pricing super high, but we will see!) :)

Cathy Schaewe
06-13-2011, 9:00 PM
I absolutely love it! Beautiful piece of wood, and I can't believe it's your first HF! (I think I'll burn mine, instead of hiding it in a corner of the basement!:rolleyes:)
Really, very, very, very nice!

Harvey Ghesser
06-13-2011, 9:06 PM
That's just awesome, Rick! Very well done! And thanks for your thoughts on the Shark. I'm on the waiting list myself.

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 9:13 PM
Scott, then the way to pick is by how big you wanna go? Either one can do small and delicate. They are both worth every penny.

Toney Robertson
06-13-2011, 9:15 PM
Beautiful wood and the HF is well done.

I marvel at the skill it takes to make the finial that thin and long with nice detail at the tip.

That being said, I am not enamored with the height of the finial. To my eye, the proportions seem off.

A piece to be quite proud of when viewing the total package.

Baxter Smith
06-13-2011, 9:46 PM
Beautiful wood and finish with a very distinctive finial! Impressive looking firsts Rick!

David E Keller
06-13-2011, 9:57 PM
...I can't believe it's your first HF! (I think I'll burn mine, instead of hiding it in a corner of the basement!...

As long as you're gonna start a fire, Cathy, I'll send my first dozen your way... It's too hot to burn stuff here!

Wonderful work, Rick! I love main form! The finial is a really interesting shape(I mean that in a good way), and I like the stark contrast. The only tiny nit to pick on the finial for my taste is the area just below the onion... It seems a bit indecisive when contrasted with all of the crisp detail elsewhere in the piece. Fabulous work and really amazing given the paucity of attempts on your part. I'm already looking forward to your next piece!

Rick Markham
06-13-2011, 10:03 PM
David, thats my nit pick on it as well. After I had parted it, I realized exactly what I needed to do, as far as methodology, to define that area some more. It's ok, better late than never! I will definitely be exploring this shape and style of this finial more.

Steve Schlumpf
06-14-2011, 12:00 AM
Very impressive work Rick - especially for a first! I like the wood combo, the voids in the Walnut and you did a great job on the finish! Different finial style - which is cool! Very nice job getting it as thin as you did! Looking forward to seeing where this takes you!

Karl Card
06-14-2011, 12:14 AM
I turned a claro walnut burl bowl once. It was pretty just as your piece is. What I did find out though was that my carbon tools would not cut it, I later bought an easy rougher and it ate that dude up like it was butter.

Jim Burr
06-14-2011, 7:21 AM
Great combination of colors Rick...shapes of both components is over the top!!

Roland Martin
06-14-2011, 7:44 AM
Beautifully done Rick. This is a very nice piece of Claro and the form is spot on. Great job on the finial as well. Are you sure this is your first HF??:D, WOW!
On a side note, here I am waiting patiently, saving some money for a hollowing system, and you have TWO SYSTEMS???, you suck Rick!!!:eek::D;), (but thanks for the comparisons):)

Tim Rinehart
06-14-2011, 8:29 AM
Very nice looking piece Rick. Great finish, really makes that claro pop well.
As said, the finial gets kudos for uniqueness and working with the form, and the detail at the top...well, if you're gonna show off you may as well have included a captured ring up there! Just kidding of course, that's some fine work that you did there!
Well done.
I'm not familiar with the Kobra system...dang it...now I gotta go look that up.

Bernie Weishapl
06-14-2011, 8:36 AM
Rick that piece is a beauty. The claro with the voids is just awesome along with the contrast of the holly. The only nit pick would be the same one you have. Other than that well done for your first.

Jon Nuckles
06-14-2011, 1:03 PM
Just really, really nice.

Rick Markham
06-14-2011, 3:45 PM
Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you.

Michelle Rich
06-15-2011, 5:51 AM
skillfully turned & beautifully finished. it's a winner

Rick Markham
06-15-2011, 4:00 PM
Thanks Michelle :)