View Full Version : New Way to Identify Trees

Pete Jordan
06-09-2011, 6:45 AM
This is an iphone app to identify trees. I don't have an iphone but will now be thinking about it.


Dennis Ford
06-09-2011, 7:06 AM
This may be a reason for me to get an iphone.

Greg Just
06-09-2011, 7:09 AM
That is pretty neat, but won't get me to buy an i-phone.

Marty Eargle
06-09-2011, 7:39 AM
I'm going to need them to work on a version for Android, asap.

Neat concept though.

Alan Zenreich
06-09-2011, 7:43 AM
I've been playing with this app for a week or two. Very good results if you make sure the leaf is photographed on a plain white background that fills the frame. The app uses the silhouette of the leaf for analysis, so the make sure the background is clear white.

Dan Hintz
06-09-2011, 7:58 AM
I'm going to need them to work on a version for Android, asap.
Nod to that...

Scott Lux
06-09-2011, 8:27 AM
The iPad version is due out in a couple months.

Richard Jones
06-09-2011, 8:45 AM
Nod to that...

Moi aussi.................


Brian Weaver
06-09-2011, 8:59 AM
I think this will be a great app and definitely one I will use but I don't think its ready yet. When I saw this post I immediately downloaded the app, went out and snapped a leaf off one of my birch trees and took a pic. I have tried several times since then taking several different pics of the same leaf on white backgrounds with no luck. I am either getting "Recognition Error Server Didn't Respond" or "Failed To Upload" errors. I went on line and checked there data base and it does contain a sample of this leaf. I did a bit more research and it seems these errors are quite common. Another draw back is that it relies on a wireless connection so if your out in the field its not going to help. I think this is a fantastic idea it just has some bugs that need worked out. Its a free app so I can't complain to loudly and hopefully others are having better luck than I did.

Alan Zenreich
06-09-2011, 9:55 AM
I too received a lot of server errors. But when it was finally able to upload the results were pretty impressive.

Dan Hintz
06-09-2011, 10:10 AM
Their database started with all of the trees they could find in Central Park... they hope to expand the database to include all trees in the NE region by the end of the summer. The database is expanded through users, not developers, so the more users that play with it and identify trees, the better off everyone is.

Harvey Ghesser
06-09-2011, 10:10 AM
Thank you for posting that, Pete!

Very, very, helpful!

Kyle Iwamoto
06-09-2011, 11:47 AM
Interesting. I wonder if they have tropical trees? Maple, oak and birch is pretty rare around here.....
What would really be helpful is a wood ID app. Useful for those FOG wood trees. (Found On Ground). I have those in my yard.

Dan Hintz
06-09-2011, 12:51 PM

There was discussion about the app doing a similar thing for tree bark, but that would certainly require a different sort of algorithm (they can no longer narrow it down via silhouette).