View Full Version : 2011 SMC Pen Exchange

James Combs
06-08-2011, 11:01 PM
Attention all Pen Turners on this wild vortex call the Creek!!!

I have volunteered to organize and coordinate the "2011 SMC Pen Exchange" so that we Creeker pen turner’s can share our talents with one another. All I need is for you to “Opt In” by posting in THIS THREAD, even if you have already posted in the "Pen Trade" thread. This will be the official "Opt In" so that I will have a consolidated list of all the participants.

On July 1st I will pick at random Creekers from the list of participants and pair them. I will then post the pairs on this thread. It will be your responsibility to contact your paired partner to do the exchange.

I also want to make people aware that they are responsible for meeting their commitments for exchanging the pens. Make sure that you both agree on the type of pens you are exchanging so that the exchange is fairly even.

On July 1st I will start a new thread "2011 SMC Pen Exchange Photos". Please post photos of the pen that you received plus photos of any accessory items that may have came with it in that thread.

If I can get a moderator to make this thread a sticky until July 1st It would be appreciated by all? It will simplify keeping track of the list of participants.

A Completion Date of September 1, 2011 has been established. All pens should be turned, finished and shipped by 9/1/2011.

Have fun and here's wishing everyone a successful 2011 Pen Exchange, enjoy.


David Warkentin
06-08-2011, 11:03 PM
Hey! I'm in. And thanks again for taking charge.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-08-2011, 11:06 PM
James....it's a sticky.

Greg Just
06-08-2011, 11:15 PM
I'm in James - thanks for organizing the exchange

James Combs
06-08-2011, 11:22 PM
I'm in James - thanks for organizing the exchange

Thanks to you also Greg. If you read the text of the posting closely you will notice that it is a plegerized version of your "2010 SMC Pen Exchange" posting.:D Thanks for the text.;)

Alan Zenreich
06-09-2011, 12:07 AM
I'm in. Perhaps my bride will want to participate too... I'll ask her.

Don Nicholas
06-09-2011, 12:37 AM
Count me in as well
Thank You

Andrew Arndts
06-09-2011, 1:09 AM
Sure, why not. I'm in.
This is a simple exchange, not special woods, or what have one... Just knock out the best one can make?

Joe Aliperti
06-09-2011, 7:31 AM
Count me in!

Larry Pickering
06-09-2011, 8:45 AM
I'm in, if I can remember how to make one.

Jim Burr
06-09-2011, 9:02 AM
WooHoo!! I'm in...Thanks JD!!

Peter Elliott
06-09-2011, 9:25 AM
Count me in, sounds like fun

John Pratt
06-09-2011, 9:41 AM
I'm in. This will be my first pen exchange.

Mack Cameron
06-09-2011, 3:47 PM
Attention all Pen Turners on this wild vortex call the Creek!!!

I have volunteered to organize and coordinate the "2011 SMC Pen Exchange" so that we Creeker pen turner’s can share our talents with one another. All I need is for you to “Opt In” by posting in THIS THREAD, even if you have already posted in the "Pen Trade" thread. This will be the official "Opt In" so that I will have a consolidated list of all the participants.

On July 1st I will pick at random Creekers from the list of participants and pair them. I will then post the pairs on this thread. It will be your responsibility to contact your paired partner to do the exchange.

I also want to make people aware that they are responsible for meeting their commitments for exchanging the pens. Make sure that you both agree on the type of pens you are exchanging so that the exchange is fairly even.

On July 1st I will start a new thread "2011 SMC Pen Exchange Photos". Please post photos of the pen that you received plus photos of any accessory items that may have came with it in that thread.

If I can get a moderator to make this thread a sticky until July 1st It would be appreciated by all? It will simplify keeping track of the list of participants.

Have fun and here's wishing everyone a successful 2011 Pen Exchange, enjoy.

Hello James; I will be opting in to the pen exchange.

A "completed by date" should be established at this time!

Shawn Koehn
06-09-2011, 6:24 PM
Hello, I am new here and i would like to be involved in the pen exchange.

Lee Koepke
06-09-2011, 6:35 PM
Thanks JD.
I am in as well! Looking forward to it.

Mike Rushing
06-09-2011, 8:36 PM
I am no pro but please count me in.

Mark Hix
06-09-2011, 8:43 PM
Count me in!

Jim Burr
06-09-2011, 8:59 PM
Oh boy...If Mark and Mack are in...I'm going to humble way down...still in, but scared!!!

Curt Stivison
06-09-2011, 10:10 PM
Count me in.

Jim Slovik
06-09-2011, 10:10 PM
I'm in. Thanks for organizing this.

James Combs
06-10-2011, 12:00 AM
Here is the list of participants to date. (Listed alphabetically by first name.)

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Andrew Arndts
3 Curt Stivison
4 David Warkentin
5 Don Nicholas
6 Greg Just
7 JD Combs
8 Jim Burr
9 Jim Slovik
10 Joe Aliperti
11 John Pratt
12 Larry Pickering
13 Lee Koepke
14 Mark Hix
15 Mike Rushing
16 Peter Elliott
17 Shawn Koehn
18 Doug W Swanson
19 Jeff Belany
20 Karl Card
21 Billy Tallent
22 Mack Cameron

I pulled this name(s) from the "pen trade" thread. You folks indicated that you were interested. To make it official please followup with an "Opt in" posting in this thread.

23 Allen Thunem

So far with the four from the other thread we have 21 participants. Good Start, at this rate we should have the whole creek by July first.:rolleyes::D

Billy Tallant
06-10-2011, 2:19 AM
Count me in!!!

Mack Cameron
06-10-2011, 7:18 AM
I am opting in!! But there has to be a "date to be completed by" established.

Doug W Swanson
06-10-2011, 7:52 AM
Count me in!

Karl Card
06-10-2011, 8:07 AM
Would like to exchange pens also. Thanks James.

Bill Embrey
06-10-2011, 11:17 AM
James, please add me to the list... done numerous flute exchanges... but not a pen one.

Jeff Belany
06-10-2011, 11:53 AM
Add me to the list!! And thanks for organizing this swap.

Jeff in northern Wisconsin

Don Alexander
06-11-2011, 12:01 AM
count me in

Peter Hay in Aus
06-11-2011, 6:28 AM

I would like to swap a pen. Thanks Peter.

James Combs
06-11-2011, 1:46 PM
Here is the latest list of Pen Exchange Participants.

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Andrew Arndts
3 Bill Embrey
4 Billy Tallent
5 Curt Stivison
6 David Warkentin
7 Don Alexander
8 Don Nicholas
9 Doug W Swanson
10 Greg Just
11 JD Combs
12 Jeff Belany
13 Jim Burr
14 Jim Slovik
15 Joe Aliperti
16 John Pratt
17 Karl Card
18 Larry Pickering
19 Lee Koepke
20 Mack Cameron
21 Mark Hix
22 Mike Rushing
23 Peter Elliott
24 Peter Hay in Aus
25 Shawn Koehn

New Participants:
26 Clint Baxter
27 Mat Ranum

Allen, your name is the last name in the original "pen trade" thread that expressed an interest in a pen trade that has not Opted-In in this thread. To make your entry official please follow up with an "Opt in" posting in this thread.

28 Allen Thunem

I will continue to update this list until July 1st. If you see that I have forgotten to add you or someone else that you know Opted-in please let me know.

Clint Baxter
06-12-2011, 7:14 AM
Hey James, thanks for organizing this. Count me in as well for my first exchange.

Matt Ranum
06-12-2011, 8:03 AM
I'm in again this year!

Brandon Nichols
06-12-2011, 5:27 PM
Count me in. I am new here and this is my first pen exchange

John Merc
06-12-2011, 6:48 PM
Count in me James...thanks

Bobby McCarley
06-12-2011, 6:51 PM
Thanks James, count me in

Bobby McCarley

Dale Coons
06-13-2011, 10:23 AM
I'm in! This will be my first-- they seem like a lot oof fun!

Ronald Fox
06-13-2011, 2:12 PM
Please include me as well. These exchanges are always great.


Thom Sturgill
06-13-2011, 5:18 PM
I'm in. I did this last year and liked it, glad we're doing again. thanks for stepping in, James.

allen thunem
06-13-2011, 6:38 PM
count me in too

Ronald Fox
06-13-2011, 9:28 PM
My wife would also like to participate. Please add Betty Fox to the list.

Ronald Fox

James Combs
06-14-2011, 7:58 AM
The latest list of Pen Exchange Participants. Let me know if your name is not here and you have opted in. We are up to 32 participants.

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Allen Thunem
3 Andrew Arndts
4 Bill Embrey
5 Billy Tallent
6 Bobby McCarley
7 Brandon Nichols
8 Curt Stivison
9 Dale Coons
10 David Warkentin
11 Don Alexander
12 Don Nicholas
13 Doug W Swanson
14 Greg Just
15 JD Combs
16 Jeff Belany
17 Jim Burr
18 Jim Slovik
19 Joe Aliperti
20 John Merc
21 John Pratt
22 Karl Card
23 Larry Pickering
24 Lee Koepke
25 Mack Cameron
26 Mark Hix
27 Mike Rushing
28 Peter Elliott
29 Peter Hay in Aus
30 Ronald Fox
31 Shawn Koehn
32 Thom Sturgill

allen thunem
06-14-2011, 8:46 AM
im opted in i hope

Mike Campbell KS
06-14-2011, 3:10 PM
Please count me in.

Clint Baxter
06-14-2011, 9:47 PM
Didn't see my name on list update 3. Could you please count me in.

Thanks, Clint.

James Combs
06-14-2011, 10:16 PM
I'm in again this year!

Didn't see my name on list update 3. Could you please count me in.

Thanks, Clint.

Got you covered "now". Not sure how I missed you but while looking back I noticed I also missed Matt Ranum. The next posted list will include you two plus any more new entries. Looks like 36 to-date assuming I didn't miss anyone else.:o

Mike Svoma
06-15-2011, 1:47 PM
Please count me in. These exchanges are a blast.

Quinn McCarthy
06-15-2011, 2:02 PM
Jim you can count me in.

Thanks for organizing this.

Will we be advised on how this works?


Gene Tereba
06-15-2011, 2:09 PM
ditto here Jim....add me to gig...thx

James Combs
06-15-2011, 10:43 PM
Here is the latest consolidated listing of participants. Take a look and make sure I haven't left you off. DAMHIDT:o We are up to 39 participants now.

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Allen Thunem
3 Andrew Arndts
4 Betty Fox (Pending Registration as a member of SMC)
5 Bill Embrey
6 Billy Tallent
7 Bobby McCarley
8 Brandon Nichols
9 Clint Baxter
10 Curt Stivison
11 Dale Coons
12 David Warkentin
13 Don Alexander
14 Don Nicholas
15 Doug W Swanson
16 Gene Tereba
17 Greg Just
18 JD Combs
19 Jeff Belany
20 Jim Burr
21 Jim Slovik
22 Joe Aliperti
23 John Merc
24 John Pratt
25 Karl Card
26 Larry Pickering
27 Lee Koepke
28 Mack Cameron
29 Mark Hix
30 Matt Ranum
31 Mike Campbell
32 Mike Rushing
33 Mike Svoma
34 Peter Elliott
35 Peter Hay in Aus
36 Quinn McCarthy
37 Ronald Fox
38 Shawn Koehn
39 Thom Sturgill

Betty Fox
06-17-2011, 12:19 AM
Greetings!!! This is Ron Fox's marital unit reporting as ordered. Count me in for the pen turning. I got one done already!!!!

Russell Eaton
06-17-2011, 7:11 AM
I will join in also. Hope I am up to it.

David Hullum
06-22-2011, 7:45 PM
I want in again :D Just let me know who my pardner is....

James Combs
06-23-2011, 4:27 PM
Here is the latest consolidated listing of participants. Take a look and make sure I haven't left you off. We are up to 41 participants now.:cool:

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Allen Thunem
3 Andrew Arndts
4 Betty Fox
5 Bill Embrey
6 Billy Tallent
7 Bobby McCarley
8 Brandon Nichols
9 Clint Baxter
10 Curt Stivison
11 Dale Coons
12 David Hullum
13 David Warkentin
14 Don Alexander
15 Don Nicholas
16 Doug W Swanson
17 Gene Tereba
18 Greg Just
19 JD Combs
20 Jeff Belany
21 Jim Burr
22 Jim Slovik
23 Joe Aliperti
24 John Merc
25 John Pratt
26 Karl Card
27 Larry Pickering
28 Lee Koepke
29 Mack Cameron
30 Mark Hix
31 Matt Ranum
32 Mike Campbell
33 Mike Rushing
34 Mike Svoma
35 Peter Elliott
36 Peter Hay in Aus
37 Quinn McCarthy
38 Ronald Fox
39 Russell Eaton
40 Shawn Koehn
41 Thom Sturgill

BTW Welcome to the creek Betty Fox.:)

Betty Fox
06-23-2011, 8:14 PM
Happy to be here James. Ron and I just glued up thirty pens for the Freedom Pens operation. We had a big old box full of bed post offcuts of walnut. We are recycling!!!!
Only twenty more to do.

Dahl Troy Perry
06-26-2011, 6:44 PM
Count me in I'll give it my best.

James Combs
06-28-2011, 11:15 PM
The latest consolidated listing of participants. Take a look and make sure I haven't left you off. Dahl Troy's Op-in brings us up to 42 participants.:cool:

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Allen Thunem
3 Andrew Arndts
4 Betty Fox
5 Bill Embrey
6 Billy Tallent
7 Bobby McCarley
8 Brandon Nichols
9 Clint Baxter
10 Curt Stivison
11 Dahl Troy
12 Dale Coons
13 David Hullum
14 David Warkentin
15 Don Alexander
16 Don Nicholas
17 Doug W Swanson
18 Gene Tereba
19 Greg Just
20 JD Combs
21 Jeff Belany
22 Jim Burr
23 Jim Slovik
24 Joe Aliperti
25 John Merc
26 John Pratt
27 Karl Card
28 Larry Pickering
29 Lee Koepke
30 Mack Cameron
31 Mark Hix
32 Matt Ranum
33 Mike Campbell
34 Mike Rushing
35 Mike Svoma
36 Peter Elliott
37 Peter Hay in Aus
38 Quinn McCarthy
39 Ronald Fox
40 Russell Eaton
41 Shawn Koehn
42 Thom Sturgill

Don't forget the Op-In window closes Midnight Friday.

michael gallagher
06-29-2011, 5:03 PM
Please count me in.

Scott Woodson
07-02-2011, 10:14 AM
Can you still OPT IN? if so love to join in

Greg Just
07-02-2011, 10:24 AM

You mailbox is full - I have a couple of suggestions for the pen exchange.


James Combs
07-02-2011, 12:07 PM
Can you still OPT IN? if so love to join in

Scott, not a problem also see http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?168662-Unexpected-Update-2011-SMC-Pen-Exchange-status&p=1733529#post1733529


You mailbox is full - I have a couple of suggestions for the pen exchange.


Greg I deleted some of my messages, try another PM also see http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?168662-Unexpected-Update-2011-SMC-Pen-Exchange-status&p=1733529#post1733529

Dahl Troy Perry
07-02-2011, 3:39 PM
James you missed me I was on the 2nd page .

James Combs
07-02-2011, 5:02 PM
This is the last consolidated listing of participants. Take a look and make sure I haven't left you off. Final number is 44 participants. I will match up couples with in a couple hours and post it in a new posting.

If there is anyone on the list you would prefer not to be partnered with, for instance someone else in your local club, let me know. For instance I believe Brandon Nichols, David Warkentin and Shawn Koehn are all in the same club so I will not pair them up. Send me a quick PM if so.

1 Alan Zenreich
2 Allen Thunem
3 Andrew Arndts
4 Betty Fox
5 Bill Embrey
6 Billy Tallent
7 Bobby McCarley
8 Brandon Nichols
9 Clint Baxter
10 Curt Stivison
11 Dahl Troy
12 Dale Coons
13 David Hullum
14 David Warkentin
15 Don Alexander
16 Don Nicholas
17 Doug W Swanson
18 Gene Tereba
19 Greg Just
20 JD Combs
21 Jeff Belany
22 Jim Burr
23 Jim Slovik
24 Joe Aliperti
25 John Merc
26 John Pratt
27 Karl Card
28 Larry Pickering
29 Lee Koepke
30 Mack Cameron
31 Mark Hix
32 Matt Ranum
33 Michael Gallagher
34 Mike Campbell
35 Mike Rushing
36 Mike Svoma
37 Peter Elliott
38 Peter Hay in Aus
39 Quinn McCarthy
40 Ronald Fox
41 Russell Eaton
42 Scott Woodson
43 Shawn Koehn
44 Thom Sturgill

David Warkentin
07-02-2011, 5:06 PM
Wait a minute. I don't see your name in there.

James Combs
07-02-2011, 10:01 PM
Wait a minute. I don't see your name in there.

Look at number 20, that's me.

David Warkentin
07-02-2011, 10:43 PM
Oh yeah my bad. Was looking for James I guess.