View Full Version : Band Saw Gloat

Mike Cruz
06-08-2011, 8:08 PM
Well, a week or so ago, I posted a thread in Deals and Discounts about a guy that was selling off his entire shop. Everything from a jointer, planer, table saws, band saws, buffer, and all the things that are in a shop. I egged people to go and pick this stuff up so I wouldn't. Someone picked up the Baldor buffer for $150 (steal), someone else got the Powermatic 14" band saw $200 (late 80's early 90's model...steal). Dan Hintz picked up some odds and ends at awesome prices. And I, well, I just couldn't resist the Jet 18" band saw. I tried, really I did. I ended up getting it for $500. I probably could have shaved a little bit more off of that if I had really pushed, but the guy is headed into retirement and I didn't feel right pushing any more than that. Heck, he came up with $500 as his lowest price. I thought it was fair.

Now, since Dan was there with me today, and since I picked it up today, and therefore didn't even possibly have the time to restore it, I have to tell the truth and say that this thing came to me in practically pristine condition. This is the first CL equipment buy that I didn't have to get rust off the cast iron table, paint, upgrade the guides, buy a mobile base...nothin'. Also, it came with 8 blades ranging from 1/4" to 3/4". 5 of which are brand spankin' new...with price tags of $40 on them.

Needless to say, this is replacing one of my other BS's. So, the 14" Ridgid is on CL as we speak. In a way, I hate to sell the Ridgid...I have put a lot of money and time in it...neither of which can I get back out.

Well, here she is. Sorry, it was a quick pick. It was 98 and humid today. Heat index around 105. I got it into the shop, took a quick pick, and into the air conditioning. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...........

gary Zimmel
06-08-2011, 8:41 PM
Pretty sweet machine for 500 bucks. Nice gloat Mike!

Jeff Monson
06-08-2011, 9:05 PM
Ok Mike, I'm sick of looking at your bandsaw threads. YOU SUCK!!! Nice score btw. How are you going to decide which BS to use??? The perfectly resotored one for odd days and the major suck Jet for the even days? Must be aweful.

Joe Angrisani
06-08-2011, 9:07 PM
You . . . . . . .

Joe Angrisani
06-08-2011, 9:07 PM
Suck ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Bruce Page
06-08-2011, 9:33 PM
It's a sickness.........:cool:

Neil Brooks
06-08-2011, 9:47 PM
Lightning strikes twice.

You're starting to tick me off ;)

Mike Cruz
06-08-2011, 10:18 PM
So, is this the new "you suck"?...the "you are ticking me off" post? :D

Jim Rimmer
06-08-2011, 11:09 PM
Man oh man!! Has that saw even been used? Nice gloat.

Mike Cruz
06-09-2011, 10:52 AM
Jeff, there is a funny side to this. The reason I have two band saws (okay, right now I have 3, but hopefully not for long) is that I HATE changing blades. So, I like to have a thin (1/4") blade on one for detail work, and a wider (1/2") for heavier work like cutting bowl blanks, etc. My 14" was my detail saw...obviously (you don't need 3hp on a detail saw). So, this Jet is supposed to replace the detail 14". BUT, all but one of the blades that came with it are wide! They are mostly 1/2" and 3/4". Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining about this. Just find the humor in it, that's all. So, while I got 8 blades, only one is thin (either 1/8" or 1/4" I don't remember).

Hope that clarifies my band saw schedule. Wouldn't want you having to calculate which saw is being used on what day or anything. :)

Mike Cruz
06-09-2011, 10:58 AM
Jim, while it has been used, I have a feeling it has been used remarkably little. There is dust on parts, like on the wheels, etc, but SO little. Nothing that won't blow off with compressed air.

Hey, I didn't even JUMP on this. It sat for at least a week. I TRIED to get others to go get it. Dan even told me that if I hadn't taken it, he was considering taking it as a second saw (like he has the room), but the saw was calling to him that loudly... And while we were there picking it up, at least 4 other guys came in grabbing stuff right and left. If I (or Dan) hadn't shown up yesterday, I think it would have been gone anyway.

In a way, I'm glad I didn't go there earlier. I would have spent SO much money! Even if they had all been gloats.

So, I suppose a special thanks to Stan (the seller) ought to be shout out. Good guy. Pleasure to meet. He really ought to become a Creeker.

Jeff Monson
06-09-2011, 2:48 PM
Jeff, there is a funny side to this. The reason I have two band saws (okay, right now I have 3, but hopefully not for long) is that I HATE changing blades. So, I like to have a thin (1/4") blade on one for detail work, and a wider (1/2") for heavier work like cutting bowl blanks, etc. My 14" was my detail saw...obviously (you don't need 3hp on a detail saw). So, this Jet is supposed to replace the detail 14". BUT, all but one of the blades that came with it are wide! They are mostly 1/2" and 3/4". Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining about this. Just find the humor in it, that's all. So, while I got 8 blades, only one is thin (either 1/8" or 1/4" I don't remember).

Hope that clarifies my band saw schedule. Wouldn't want you having to calculate which saw is being used on what day or anything. :)

Just as long as you can justify it in your own mind Mike. As for the rest of us poor saps with 1 measly bandsaw....I need a tissue......oh and some bandaids from the cuts on my poor little fingers from changing blades. :(

Mike Cruz
06-09-2011, 3:11 PM
Hey, if I had the room, I'd have 3!!!!! Heck, I'd have 5 if I had the room! I love band saws. Once dialed in, other than poor dust collection, I love 'em. I just hate the blade changes and dialing in each time. I justify it this way...I spent the same amount on the combination of these two band saws as some would on a new 18". Well under 2K for a 20" and a 18". THAT is my justification. And that I am a deal hog...

Justin J. Hoffmann
06-09-2011, 3:25 PM
Just as long as you can justify it in your own mind Mike. As for the rest of us poor saps with 1 measly bandsaw....I need a tissue......oh and some bandaids from the cuts on my poor little fingers from changing blades. :(

That bandaids line cracked me up Jeff.

Bobby O'Neal
06-09-2011, 4:13 PM
Great price. It would make me feel alot better about putting the Rigid on CL if I just looked over at that Jet.

Gordon Eyre
06-09-2011, 5:34 PM
Oh my, that's a beauty. I would have bought that in an instant.

David Nelson1
06-09-2011, 5:43 PM
You did Good Mike. It's a fetish I had 4 planers @ one time now I'm down to 2. 3 band saws doesn't seem to unreasonable to me. Now I have been in your shop, revamp your dust collection and add HVAC ducts.

Mike Cruz
06-09-2011, 7:01 PM
David, you mean put an addition on, don't you? That's what I would need in order to keep it. :)

And, again, thanks for all the You Sucks, and I'd Gotten It Toos.

Joseph Tarantino
06-09-2011, 7:26 PM
mike.....that looks like a model jwbs-18. is that right?

Mike Cruz
06-09-2011, 7:35 PM
Joseph, I'd have to check. It is the 1.5 hp version with 10" of resaw. It was made in 2001, I believe. New was $1600. Right now, that's all I know...

Sam Layton
06-09-2011, 8:53 PM
Good job Mike... Need more photo's...


Mike Cruz
06-09-2011, 10:10 PM
I'll get to it, Sam. Most likely won't be until Monday, though. I've got a big weekend ahead of me.