View Full Version : A little less ordinary

Scott Hackler
06-08-2011, 12:14 AM
This was a Japanese Ornamental Plum rough out from at least a year ago. After drying, it had "dished" so bad that I through it on the shelf and forgot about it. I recently chucked it back up and thought I would turn a shallow bowl out of it but found out very quickly that the outside was relatively round! So the gears got turning and I settled with turning the outside round and sanding it to 400 and then texturing the concave rim/top. I treated the rim with dark stain and the rest received several coats of BLO. About 7 3/4" x 2 3/4" (at the ends).

Comments, critiques and Australian burls are always welcome. Thanks. :)


Richard Jones
06-08-2011, 5:50 AM

Great save, love the rim treatment and the colors really complement each other. Did you wire brush that? How did you keep the stain from migrating?

Thanks for sharing.


Marty Eargle
06-08-2011, 5:51 AM
Very interesting form that popped out. I like the shape and I like the grain but the top rim looks a little unfinished to me. Maybe the photo just makes the grain look a little odd on top, perhaps a top coat and a buff would make it stand more.

Still a very good looking and less ordinary piece!

John Keeton
06-08-2011, 7:22 AM
Scott, this was a great way to salvage what would have been a rather plain (dare I say mundane) bowl! The rim treatment added a much needed element of interest and contrast. Good work!

Doug W Swanson
06-08-2011, 7:42 AM
This looks great! It almost looks like a NE bowl. Excellent!

Ted Calver
06-08-2011, 8:38 AM
Very interesting piece. Looks like a good Skittle bowl.

bob svoboda
06-08-2011, 8:48 AM
Very nice job of creating an interesting piece. Love the way the shape turned out and the rim looks great.

Jim Burr
06-08-2011, 9:48 AM
Now that will hold some M&M's. Lip and rim treatment made all the difference Scott, good plan!

Scott Hackler
06-08-2011, 10:13 AM
The texturing was a "if I screw it up I will just turn off the top" trial! I took a wire wheel and chucked it up in the drill and tried to orient the texture following the grain. Up close it is a pretty striking texture.....after the stain was applied! that made the difference. I applied the stain by first texturing, then masking off the entire bowl (blue tape) and almost dry brushing the dark stain with a little stippling where needed. I think that because the stain wasn't just "soaked" in, it stopped the blead into the rest of the vessel. I had thought about applying some lacquer but the soft glow of the BLO looked decent against the stain only rim.

charlie knighton
06-08-2011, 10:27 AM
very nice, plum is nice

Steve Schlumpf
06-08-2011, 10:56 AM
Nice work on coming up with a way to enhance the natural distortion caused by drying! Folks are going to wonder how you turned that! Pretty cool!