View Full Version : dovetail saw handle size comparison

Bruno Frontera dela Cruz
06-07-2011, 7:30 PM
I am in the market for a proper dovetail saw and have been running around trying to "try them on" so to speak to find the best fit for my hand. The problem with this approach is that there are many premium/custom saws out there and few retailers (if any) that carry a wide range to try out.

That said I need to try and find the best choice based on my analysis of the Veritas dovetail saw and the LN saw; both felt basically the same in my grip but ideally I would like a tighter fit. The circumference of the grip was not an issue but I would like to have the part of the grip above my middle finger and below my pinky a bit closer (tighter) so that I can pick up the saw in the exact same way each time.

So, based on this loose description of my needs, who has a "tighter" handle dovetail saw that I should look at?

Curt Putnam
06-07-2011, 8:33 PM
I bought Veritas but could use something larger. In my "research" I think I found that Grammercy (TFWW) and Wenzloff were on the smaller side. Don't hold me to it though.

Jessica Pierce-LaRose
06-07-2011, 10:43 PM
Of the admittedly few dovetail saws I've tried out, I really like the Adria saw for my hand, and could never really understood why. After making a few comparisons, and using a few other types of backsaws, as far as I can tell it's because the handle is from thicker stock, at least, that's what seems to affect comfort the most for me amongst the ones I've tried. It also seems a little more "squat" in height and profile than the LN saw. Comparing profile images of the two from a FW tool review a few years back kind of shows what I'm talking about from the side at least:

http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:X2goa4CKFSEJ:www.finewoodworking.com/fwnpdf/011183062.pdf+http://www.finewoodworking.com/FWNPDF/011183062.pdf&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiJf7M4ZghJE_ZKqd0KcZxpObPJzqWMpEfkjub9 yUuPMLlu-1j2oDA4Aq7mnyw-ld7cAbBJ6ggwUpapnLYSkNLliC6WXsh2KV_QV8UDtFJlFOpAqK 9-4fNEeOiHvnf6PXHKWlF1&sig=AHIEtbRTD4xel1Vlut8ZWWHJLcgZwYgw4Q

If you've got a particular desire for a handle you like, you could always try starting with a kit from Tools For Working Wood or Wenzloff. I like the hang and the tapered (in relation to the back) blades of the Gramercy/TFWW saws.

Jessica Pierce-LaRose
06-07-2011, 10:55 PM
FWIW, Lee Valley has templates of their dovetail saw handle:


And TFWW has drawings of theirs in the instructions for their kit version:


I found a photo version on backsaw.net of the LN saw handle:


I'd be willing to scan/trace the Adria on tomorrow.

I know these scans don't tell you the whole picture, but it might be a help, specifically as you seem to know pretty much what you want.

Pam Niedermayer
06-08-2011, 12:44 AM
As you might expect, I really like the LN straight handled dovetail saw, the LV professional dozuki, and Kaneharu rip dovetail. They're equally fast (say 3 strokes per 3/4" thick by 1" deep dovetail) and accurate, perfect handle for my hand (joke :), and generally all round expert tools.


Eric Brown
06-08-2011, 6:50 AM
Bruno, you didn't say what size hand you have. My hands are quite small for a man (size 8 - womens medium) and the Gramercy saw could take all my fingers. I wanted a three finger grip so I cut about 3/4" out of the middle of the handle (witht the grain) and re-glued it with Tite-Bond. Now it fits and works really well. Also one maker you didn't mention would be Medallion Toolworks. They make the saws with custom grips and they cut well.


Mark Wyatt
06-08-2011, 11:22 AM
Another option: Klaus and Pedder at Two Lawyers Toolworks will make a saw with a handle custom built for your hand. And they are awesome tools.

Gary Herrmann
06-08-2011, 1:15 PM
I seem to remember Rob Cosman's handles are pretty beefy. And I have big hands.

Jim Koepke
06-08-2011, 1:21 PM
FWIW, Lee Valley has templates of their dovetail saw handle:

My suggestion if one is going to make their own handle...

First make a handle out of some scrap wood. This will help to customize the fit.


Bruno Frontera dela Cruz
06-09-2011, 8:12 AM
Thanks for all the quick replies. I tried to make a call to Wenzloff to ask about their various saws as well as custom ones but no one answers and the voicemail is full...