View Full Version : copying vs. creativity..my take.

robert raess
06-06-2011, 6:28 PM
I went to seminar/demo by Stephen Hatcher.I know in theory, now, how to do what he does.I love asian influence, and bonsai etc; and it's apparent S.H. does as well.What happens when i make an asian pc. using mineral crystals ground up or if i decide i want to display a bonsai tree with snow on on its branches?I agree with Reed Gray,in that i know i would put my own spin on it.Obviously mine but with S.H. influence all over the place.Last week Mr. Beaver has his awesome wave action going on and curious me, i want do learn how[someday i will].I post to you all on any ideas how he did his 'wave'.I got a response from [Michelle Rich?] saying she was aware how he does it, she will remain mum,but that that affect/skill had been used before prior to Mr. Beaver.I see things at shows that are right off the cover of AAW. My take is,it took a lot of skill to reproduce something that was on a front cover.Some people delight in figuring how something is made and reproducing it exactly.In an apprenticeship, you do exactly as the master does,no variation.The time comes as skills are developed that he/she can go beyond the copy and express himself.There is nothing new under the sun.This post is not about legal pt.'s of view,that has been well covered and very interesting.Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.When i glean ideas from you, and i do,and i use them in a pc.It is me saying hats off to you ,you have accomplished something beyond me and my abilities.Just don't copy me:eek: Rob

Ed Morgano
06-06-2011, 7:44 PM
I like your take on the matter. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I have been doing for the past several months ..... finding someone's work that I admire ( and work that I think I can do with the equipment that I have) and trying to (sort of) copy it. I really don't try to make an exact copy even when I'm learning. Capturing a shape, proportion, combination of elements etc, is one thing. To me, making an exact copy is a waste of time as far as the learning process goes. But, none the less, I like to acknowledge the inspiration of my work and at this point, I sure wouldn't try to take credit for anything other than not slinging the piece out of the lathe. :D