View Full Version : Walnut bowl with a void

John Nowack
06-05-2011, 10:52 AM
turned this BONE DRY piece of walnut as a gift to my uncle for letting us stay at his Lake house on Lake of the Ozarks... Had no time to turn green and had ALL sorts of issues chucking and turning this piece of dusty concrete. It is WAY WAY to thick but I discovered this void halfway through and have never turned a piece with a void...Not sure about the form but it was in my head at the time...

finishing with lacquer due to time constrants...this pic is one coat it now has 4...looks a little plastic of something...can you buff lacquer?? I have once before but it took the finish off in spots (may have buffed to soon though on that one...15/20 hours after the final coat...dry to touch but....?)

comment welcome196947

Jim Burr
06-05-2011, 12:59 PM
100% M&M worthy!

David E Keller
06-05-2011, 1:32 PM
Looks like a nice piece of wood, and the void just adds character... I like it. It seems like there's a step on the inside wall which I'm not quite sure about. That may just be a reflection in the photo.

You can certainly buff lacquer or even use a bit of fine steel wool to knock off a little of the shine if you think it's too much. I agree with Jim, but I think dark chocolate would be most appropriate given the rich color of the wood.:D

Michael James
06-05-2011, 2:49 PM
Nice piece of wood! Depending on your humidity you should make sure the lacquer has cured. Lots of variables there. Or has been mentioned and my auto response - hit it with some steel wool after it's diref for a couple of days or so and wax it up. +1 more for lots of M & Ms.

Harvey Ghesser
06-05-2011, 3:08 PM
Large M & Ms! Nice work!

John Nowack
06-05-2011, 3:21 PM
it would be a SAM's size bag of M&M's....it is 11x5......there is a slight tool or sanding mark right about where you are talking about...it is real hard to make out in person to the untrained eye with 4 coats on now...the picture angle really highlighted it though....just no time to finish properly ....i was spent after 12 STRAIGHT hours in the shop working on it....now to get in the Oklahoma heat and clean up my mess today....ughh

my next progression to work on is proper finishing....I get so impatient with that part

Marty Eargle
06-05-2011, 4:44 PM
A nice void can be a wonderful thing sometimes...even if it does limit how much soup your bowl can hold.

I'm going to go against the grain and say fill it full of fun sized Butterfingers! They're the best and you can't beat a nice yellow wrapper against the walnut.