View Full Version : The best thing that happened to me in the past year.

Toney Robertson
06-05-2011, 10:44 AM
My first grandchild, Adalynn Nicole. I have always been told that grandkids are the best and they were right.

I was trying to think of something that I could turn her when I thought of a rattle. So, here she is with a rattle that Grandpa turned for her. Cherry and I just buffed it. Of course, within 3 seconds she had put it in her mouth so there went the nice buffed finish :D but I think she liked it.


I made three when I made hers and here is the other two.


She is a hoot and is just getting ready to crawl and then watch out!!!



David DeCristoforo
06-05-2011, 10:45 AM
Sweet. That's gonna be hard to beat...

Faust M. Ruggiero
06-05-2011, 12:00 PM
Our daughter had our first grandchild, Harrison, six months ago today. He's certainly been a blessing. They are living with us temporarily until their new house is painted (only another week, I am sorry to say). I can't wait to come home to see him at night. I didn't have the time to enjoy my children at that age because I was a work-a-holic. Now I am smart enough to get home to feed and hold him before he goes to bed. I haven't had any shop time but that can wait. Right now I'm having my fun with him.
Congratulations on your grandchild. She is beautiful.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-05-2011, 12:10 PM

Great rattles.....gorgeous granddaughter!

And....we have 7 grandkids and 5 great-grandkids. They are much better than kids. All the fun........none of the responsibilites of being a parent.

Enjoy your riches!

David E Keller
06-05-2011, 2:03 PM
Congrats on the granddaughter! She looks feisty! Grandkids are a long way off for me, but I'm enjoying my kids for now.

Wally Dickerman
06-05-2011, 2:11 PM
Oh yeah! Grandkids are fun! And grandparents are allowed to spoil them, so they love to come and stay with grandma and grandpa. My grandkids are all grown now and live 1800 miles away.

But as I posted a while back, I've got you one up...a Great Grandson! Born in March. Haven't met him yet but I will in July when my wife and I will take our annual trip to the northwest.

Michael James
06-05-2011, 3:58 PM
But as I posted a while back, I've got you one up...a Great Grandson! Born in March. Haven't met him yet but I will in July when my wife and I will take our annual trip to the northwest.

Yes, grandchildren are (in more ways than not) easier and funner than their parents!
One granddaughter here.

Wally - be careful - that lil guy looks like POPEYE post spinach inject :eek: