kevin nee
06-05-2011, 9:47 AM
Hello, I have seen on this forum a chart for sizing bowls
with the different McNaughton knives. I have looked many
times under different search terms with no luck. I am about
to try a nice burl and would like to max it out.
Thanks in advance, Kevin

Faust M. Ruggiero
06-05-2011, 12:08 PM
One of our SCM "brothers", Reed Gray, offers a video on the use of the coring system you own. I bought one and highly recommend you do the same. I am sure it will answer your questions and may save you hours of fighting the tools. If you google his name you will find the information you require to order a copy.

Nate Davey
06-05-2011, 12:30 PM
My check is currently "in the mail" to Reed right now. I have used mine several times and would definitely recommend using it for the first time on something you don't mind buggering up and save the beautiful burl for and 5th or 6th attempt.

Reed Gray
06-05-2011, 12:56 PM
If you have a nice piece of burl, and you want a set of nested bowls like Mike Mahoney makes, then you need to practice a lot before you start in on it. Having a laser will help.

You can do a drawing, and line out what you expect to get from the burl. Include kerf width, minimum 1/2 inch per cut, which may or may not include clean up cuts on inside and outside of the cores. Include depth for the tenon or recess, and the size of foot you will make for the bowls. Then hope that you can cut close to your planned lines.

robo hippy

Bob Bergstrom
06-05-2011, 10:49 PM
Don't try to squeeze too many bowls out unless you have Reed's ability and experience. I try to stay quite liberal in my thickness. I have made my share funnels on both the core and the remaining bowl on the lathe. It would be more consistent with a OneWay, but the cores are predetermined by the knives.