View Full Version : Photo tent lighting for my turnings

Scott Hackler
06-04-2011, 9:58 PM
OK, I am sick of taking my pictures of my turnings using a piece of cream posterboard on the bar in my kitchen...so I have started accumulating a list of things needed for my photo tent. Only question is the temp of the lighting. I usually have to color correct my current pictures to 6500k using Paint Shop Pro, but most of the photo lights I found on eBay are 5000 or 5500k. What does everyone else use?

I really want to set up a semi-permanent tent in the unfishing part of my basement just take the pics without having to do a bunch of alterations in the photo editor.

Thanks in advance.

David Gilbert
06-04-2011, 10:07 PM
I'm using 6500 degree compact fluorescent that I picked up at Lowes or HD. I use the custom white balance setting on my point and shoot Canon. When I shoot, I turn off all the other lights in the shop. Since my shop is in the basement, the windows don't let in much of the outside light. Most of the compact fluorescent bulbs that you find are 2700K and they are really photo killers.

I also have a working copy of Paint Shop Pro and haven't been able to find the tools in it to correct for the color temperature. Do you have any hints?


Jamie Donaldson
06-04-2011, 10:10 PM
Under the tips menu on my website(JamieDonaldsonWoodturner.com) is a tutorial for the Phrugal Photo Studio. The whole set-up, including a 500w Q/H work light, costs about $50 to set up, and the Q/H color balance is a good match for the tungsten pre-set on most cameras. Check it out, and I will answer your questions.

Scott Hackler
06-05-2011, 12:11 AM
I also have a working copy of Paint Shop Pro and haven't been able to find the tools in it to correct for the color temperature. Do you have any hints?


David, under VIEW, enable the photo toolbar. The button on this toolbar on the far left is the light color adjustment.

Joseph M Lary
06-05-2011, 10:32 AM
http://www.pbase.com/wlhuber. check out this guy he got some nice ideas for a photo tent and lighting .

Scott Hackler
06-05-2011, 11:12 AM
Thanks for the links fellas, I will be reading through them and assembling the ingredients for better photos! Already own a Cannon T2i so it is just stupid to not have the tent set up to take advantage of a great camera.

Rob Wachala Jr
06-06-2011, 12:24 AM
http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/cameras-photography/a205/ -- http://www.cowboystudio.com/product/c10/p10-03.php -- Cheaper table top type setups. Ezcube is better tent but more expensive http://store.tabletopstudio-store.com/ezlite.html The ezcube was recommended by product photography course I watched off of lynda.com -- He was suggesting http://store.tabletopstudio-store.com/55watrtopbu.html for the lights. 5000-5100 -- Though I'm not to keen on throwing down 30 bucks for a bulb lol

Tim Thiebaut
06-06-2011, 12:32 AM
I wish I could help ya Scott but I am new to this, here are the lights I am useing, it all came as a set...

It says it "Includes two 3000K Tungsten lamps"...not sure if the 3000 is the temp of the lights or not, but this is what I am useing now days...wish I could have been more helpful to you. Tim