View Full Version : And since your tired of me now...

Jim Burr
06-03-2011, 9:28 PM
Some pens to break up the dull drums of HF's :p.
Mesquite Jr Gent, Black Ti, CA finish
Alchemy acrylic from Exotic blanks on the same kit.
Rasberry swirl on a Ti Areo
Curly maple on a Gunmetal Mesa, CA finish.
All of them were wet sanded to 12k, woods have 8 coats of CA, sanded in between every other coat. Two already sold before Mrs. Burr came home from work!:eek:
C&C always used :cool:

James Combs
06-03-2011, 9:52 PM
Generally I prefer wood blanks but the second pen is a stunner. All are great lookers.

BTW my pen posts get just about the same reaction as yours.:rolleyes: They tend to be better appreciated over on the IAP site.;) If it's not a HF there's not a lot of interest here but I post them anyway.:D

Jim Burr
06-03-2011, 10:32 PM
Generally I prefer wood blanks but the second pen is a stunner. All are great lookers.

BTW my pen posts get just about the same reaction as yours.:rolleyes: They tend to be better appreciated over on the IAP site.;) If it's not a HF there's not a lot of interest here but I post them anyway.:D

I know :rolleyes:...shame to because I can turn a bowl in 30 minutes...that 2nd pen took an hour from cut to press:p;) and I can use it everyday :D

Michael James
06-03-2011, 11:32 PM
Are you having a pity party here, amigo? Cuz you shouldn't. Affirmation through repitition - You make great pens, I know :D
Although Im a sucker for mesquite Im going with the RED acrylic. Sammy Hagar needs that pen. Call his mgr. He's either back in Cabo or Fontana.

David E Keller
06-03-2011, 11:40 PM
Nice looking group, Jim. I love Dawn's resins, but from this bunch, I'd have to say the mesquite is my favorite.

Steve Schlumpf
06-03-2011, 11:41 PM
Good looking pens Jim! Sure like the Mesquite one!

I happen to be one of those HF turners you guys are talking about and while I can appreciate the finished product - it is hard to add any additional comments as I have never turned a pen and have no idea of the steps involved. I know there are books, videos, etc but my personal interest is with larger turnings. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the finished product... I do and I enjoy seeing the level of detail necessary to produce such fine work.

John Keeton
06-04-2011, 7:37 AM
BTW my pen posts get just about the same reaction as yours.:rolleyes: They tend to be better appreciated over on the IAP site.;) If it's not a HF there's not a lot of interest here but I post them anyway.:DI humbly acknowledge my often lack of comment!!:o:o Having never turned a pen, and having never desired to turn a pen, I often look at the postings simply because I find some of the blanks very interesting. While I now own a few pens from fellow creekers - including one of MJ's fine pieces, they are not used. I do appreciate all the work, and it seems a shame to place those things in circulation just to have them carted off by someone. I go through pens like dollar bills, and try to never have anything on my desk by freebies. I suspect I lose half dozen a week.

With that apology, this is a fine bunch of pens - and, like MJ, I am drawn to the raspberry one - really stands out from the crowd!

Josh Bowman
06-04-2011, 8:16 AM
Jim, for sure I'm not tried of seeing your pens. I have turned pens, years ago, and still got compliments from those who received them back then. I really like the 2nd pen.

Jim Burr
06-04-2011, 4:28 PM
Thanks all...but it is a bit sad that all turnings don't receive the same welcome and attention...I'd hope that this forum doesn't come to the "Only welcome if from art worthy turners" type of place...this is the "Turning Forum"...right?

Michael James
06-04-2011, 5:09 PM
Jim, FWIW what you see is what you get. It is what it is. NO more, NO less. Keep turning that which turns YOU on!
tu amigo,

Thanks all...but it is a bit sad that all turnings don't receive the same welcome and attention...I'd hope that this forum doesn't come to the "Only welcome if from art worthy turners" type of place...this is the "Turning Forum"...right?

Steve bellinger
06-04-2011, 7:16 PM
Jim, FWIW what you see is what you get. It is what it is. NO more, NO less. Keep turning that which turns YOU on!
tu amigo,

Jim as i don't turn many pens( maybe 4 in my life). i don't have much to say about something i don't do. Don't mean i don't like them just means i don't know anything about the process to speek of. Like said over younder i like the mesquite the best, but the rest are right up there with it.

Jim Burr
06-04-2011, 7:36 PM
Well...just wanted to post turned stuff on the "Turners Forum". Looks like some turned things are ok and some aren't? For those of you that only have certain people reply to you posts...I understand. I sell my work so I get my validation there. It would be nice if ALL work was appreciated and accepted here. That really can't be said for everyone unless your an "artist" or well known name. Last time I checked...pens are round therefore turned...I'm old...what do I know:rolleyes:

Donny Lawson
06-04-2011, 11:09 PM
Jim, I do turn pens and I think you do great work. I'm not really into the "Bigger" items but I do like to post everything I make. I try to make items that will sell well and make great gifts and pens are one of those items that sell well and make great gifts so keep posting those pics. I enjoy them all. I know some items get more feedback than others but I really like any and all I get. By the way I like #1 and#3.

Billy Tallant
06-06-2011, 2:16 AM
Great looking bunch of pens. I especially like the mesquite pen. But being from Texas, I may just be partial to mesquite. I understand about the pen turning. I have my bigger lathe but my little 1014 makes the money for me on pens...