View Full Version : Renaissance Wax

George Pell
04-17-2003, 4:33 PM
I recently used Tried and True Danish Oil Finish, and Renaissance Wax on a jewelry box, and was very disappointed in the results. I followed the directions, but I'm wondering if I did something wrong. I liked the finish, but the wax would not shine up for me, even after repeated buffing. I'm assuming I should be able to get a nice shine out of it. So, I was wondering if you guys have used these products, and what you thought of them. Thanks.


Steve Clardy
04-17-2003, 7:54 PM
I used to be a watco oil finish nut. Used quite a bit of it. I could never acheive a shine on it after waxing also. I really believe that stuff never really dries hard enough for a wax finish. What I did was mix 2/3s watco with 1/3 poly. Any oil base poly will work with oil base Danish. Coat as usual, rag or brush, hit the dry spots often, wipe off and let dry for a couple days. The poly will harden, then wax. The poly will give you a surface to wax on.

David Rose
04-17-2003, 11:24 PM
If so, the only way you can get much "shine" is with a good polish on the wood itself, it seems to me. I think (I haven't waxed an oil finish so..) you will need a built up finish before the wax will make a lot of change. The wax just fills in really small scratches, doesn't it?

If you quit sanding at a high enough finish, what would happen if you sanded the finish in with about 600 grit, then polished, then waxed when dry?

I have gotten a low gloss sheen with oil/varnish blend by doing the above without the wax. However the varnish did build a little on the surface.
