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View Full Version : No turning week

Harry Robinette
05-31-2011, 9:06 PM
Hi All
I've had a no turning week cause of that thing we all dislike,HOME REMODELING. Had to remove old tub and install new shower surround, Plumbing, Restudding the Walls,Dry Wall mudding and sanding. Well it's almost done waiting for 2nd coat of dry wall to dry and one more coat and DONE . Hopefully I'll be done by the end of this week and then about 2 days of cleaning up the shop and putting tools and stuff back ,then BACK TO TURNING YEA .196566

Jeff Fagen
05-31-2011, 9:10 PM
Yea I tore my Bath apart last November,still putsin' with the mud.I've tried not to let it interrupt my turning but I am tired of shaving with a hand mirror and keeping toiletries all over the house.

Michael James
05-31-2011, 11:32 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the joys of home ownership. Gotta love some of these projects!!!
Carry on,

John Hart
06-01-2011, 5:57 AM
I did one of those last February. Yuk. But it's nice when it's done!! Now turn that lathe back on!! :)

John Keeton
06-01-2011, 6:26 AM
It ain't round, but it is purty!! Looks like you did a fine job, Harry. These tasks come up for the sole purpose of making us appreciate turning time!! Be thankful!;):rolleyes:

Greg Just
06-01-2011, 7:04 AM
I feel for you Harry. I have not turned on the lathe in over a week. Too busy catching up on yard work and a Boy Scout Project for the troop. Hope to start turning again tonight!

Bathroom looks really nice and I'm sure payoff will be great for may years to come.