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View Full Version : OK last one What region are you from.

Keith Christopher
02-08-2005, 1:00 PM
I believe I have this down pat. Please refer to post : http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=16688 for regional breakdown of the US.

I'm sorry for the other two polls and I appreciate your voting here yet a 3rd time ! and to any austrailians or New Zelanders I had no choice, I had to include you somewhere.


Frank Pellow
02-08-2005, 1:06 PM
OK, Canada is finally present, so I can vote. :) But, if I lived in places such as Greenland, Cuba, or Costa Rica, I would still have a problem with your list. :(

Jeff Sudmeier
02-08-2005, 1:13 PM
Go midwest! I know there is more than one of us :)

Jim Fancher
02-08-2005, 1:21 PM
What ... Texas isn't it's own country?!?!

Doug Shepard
02-08-2005, 1:23 PM
I really hate to ask, but where's the map that the poll votes refer to?

Peter Gavin
02-08-2005, 1:47 PM
And I think to make it more informative you should have had a second line to vote what kind of wood you use most often. That way, we could cross reference the location to type of wood used and determine how regional availability effects wood selection. And maybe from there detemine styles of furniture and determine how regionality and wood selection effects design criteria.........................

Dan Stuewe
02-08-2005, 1:59 PM
Didn't Aaron put a map together a year or so ago? Is that still around? Been updated?

John Weber
02-08-2005, 2:04 PM
Didn't Aaron put a map together a year or so ago? Is that still around? Been updated?

I thought he was doing a zip code map of some sort, I think there was a push to get everyone to update zips and then I never seemed to here what happened.


Scott Coffelt
02-08-2005, 2:17 PM
I always find it funny how the eastern mid section is called the midwest versus mideast. One would think that the states in the direct center would be called center.

Anyways...... The State with the stupidest new slogan in the country "Kansas As Big As You Think!" Totally stupid.

We're right next to the Show Me state, which I am not really sure I want some of them to show me anything. Of course Kansas is in the middle of Oklahoma which sucks and Nebraska which blows.... Tee Hee!

Jeff Sudmeier
02-08-2005, 2:46 PM
Well our new slogan is "Life's So good", they paid $22000 for some artist to come up with a song for the new slogan. Only problem is that it sounds very similar to a British song! So now the state tourism board has to decide whether to change the slogan again or what! :) Gotta love it!

Bill Arnold
02-08-2005, 3:31 PM
Well our new slogan is "Life's So good", ...
After last hurricane season, Florida's slogan should be, "WHOOOOOOSH!!!"

Jim O'Dell
02-08-2005, 3:33 PM
What ... Texas isn't it's own country?!?!
Yeah, What's with that? I mean we're the only state whose flag can fly at even height with the US flag, instead of one step below, so we should count as our own region ;=))) Jim.

Dan Stuewe
02-08-2005, 3:41 PM
[QUOTE=Scott Coffelt]One would think that the states in the direct center would be called center.

I've heard the term "filler" for the states between CA and NY. Does that sound better?


Jason Roehl
02-08-2005, 3:47 PM
Didn't Aaron put a map together a year or so ago? Is that still around? Been updated?

It's pretty out of date (lots of new members since), but here's the map/thread:


Mark Blumer
02-08-2005, 4:05 PM
After the last election, I'm in a bluish-green section of the country. I'm also in the only state where you don't need a map to show people where you live...you just hold up your left hand and point to the appropriate knuckle. I live at the base knuckle of the middle finger.

Mark Blumer (East Lansing, MI)

Dale Thompson
02-08-2005, 9:35 PM
Five minutes ago, I knew where I was from. Dang Alzheimers made me forget - AGAIN!! :cool: :mad: All I can remember is that for the past few days I have been chasing a bunch of young ladies on Fiji. :cool: One more shot of grease in my wheelchair bearings and I'm sure that I will catch one. ;) :D

Dale T.

Steve Ash
02-08-2005, 10:31 PM
Same region as Mark Blumer....I live about 18 miles south west of Lansing, Mich.

02-08-2005, 11:14 PM
Hmmm, I don't see the map. I'm in the mid-atlantic region :). I never know if I'm in the North or South. I am south of DC, so I said south. Plus, I like warm weather better :)

Jason Roehl
02-09-2005, 8:02 AM
Hmmm, I don't see the map. I'm in the mid-atlantic region :). I never know if I'm in the North or South. I am south of DC, so I said south. Plus, I like warm weather better :)

Yeah, but, Jay, you're in MD! They're too anti-gun in that state to be part of the South--you can't be a good Southern redneck unless you can have a loaded gun rack in your truck! :D :D Besides, there is a well-known Creeker who claims to be a Southerner, but is actually from MD... :D

02-09-2005, 10:01 AM
Yeah, but, Jay, you're in MD! They're too anti-gun in that state to be part of the South--you can't be a good Southern redneck unless you can have a loaded gun rack in your truck! :D :D Besides, there is a well-known Creeker who claims to be a Southerner, but is actually from MD... :D

Point taken. ;)

I was born in MD and lived here until college. But, after 13 years in VA and 1 in TX, I might have been slightly influenced. I can assure you that most of Southern MD dosen't agree with the politics of the rest of the state. My views agree with neither.

I will admit though, my pickup has no gun rack. :eek: So, maybe I should've voted north. Texans did consider me a yankee. :rolleyes:


Tom Mullane
02-09-2005, 4:21 PM
Siince I can't find the map and live in MD I chose North East... however if you live here they will tell it is Mid Atlantic.... and if you live South of the Mason-Dixon line (I do by about 1 mile) then supposedlyl you are in the South...
HELL.. when I still lived in NY I knew where I was... LOL...