View Full Version : Bandsaw Thread

Dan Anderson
05-31-2011, 12:48 AM
To all the folks who replied on my bandsaw thread,

For whatever reason, it looks as if the moderators here have deleted the thread with no notification or reason given to me. I thought that it was civil and professional, but for whatever reason it was deleted. I am not sure if the moderators did not believe that it was civil/professional, if someone asked for the thread to be removed, or if the thread violated some other rule of which I am not aware. If that was the case, I apologize.

I had intended on keeping everyone apprised of developments and telling everyone how the situation ended, but apparently that would be against the wishes of the powers that be. I will respect their wishes. So for not being able to keep my word to y'all on that, I am deeply sorry.

Thank you for everyone who gave me feedback, and those who gave me ideas and helped me. I wish you all the best.
