View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
05-30-2011, 8:10 PM
30 May 2011

Greetings Everyone and Happy Memorial Day to you all.
May we all pause and remember those that gave "all" so that we can have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in this country.

All I'm going to say for me and this past weekend....is.....wedding.!!!!

Daughter in white and mother behind her:

Here I am getting flowered and of course I'm acting my usual self:

The bride and the groom:

And this is the barn that they got married in front of:

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this Memorial Day weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

David Nelson1
05-30-2011, 8:27 PM
Smoked a brisket for the block party and today I got some time on my bench. Final dimensions for the post, upper and lower rails as well as the panel inlays.


mickey cassiba
05-30-2011, 11:36 PM
Well then Dennis...with this behind you...what's next?
Congratulations to you and all the clan.

David Hostetler
05-31-2011, 10:39 AM
LOML and I started the weekend off by upgrading our phones. We were both horribly overdue, and Best Buy had a promotion...

Did our weekend errands, and then I went to work on the smoker. I smoked up a brisket, a couple of pounds of sausages, more hot dogs than you can shake a stick at, and a dozen ears of corn for a family gathering. Afterwards we went to the cemetery to do some grave maintenance and pay our respects to family that has gone on before us... All in all a good memorial day weekend...

I have so much more i needed to do, but it appears I needed some rest too, which I got in there... Feels good to start a work week off not exhausted...

Ken Fitzgerald
05-31-2011, 10:47 AM
A little yard work and installed an weatherproof GFCI on the patio so the LOML could lay on the swing and read in the evenings and I could operate the rotisserie on the grill without a long extension cord.

Nothing quite as important or stupendous as your weekend Dennis.

Matt Meiser
05-31-2011, 10:50 AM
Spent a considerable amount of time trying to keep water from pooling in the storage area of my shop where they excavated to pour concrete. Pumped it from a low lying area behind to an area where it could drain to a ditch out by the road, tarped the area by the door to keep it from running in through the ruts from the Bobcat, etc. Looks like I was successful because they are prepping for arrival of the concrete truck as I type.

Also did some cleanup in the shop, as much as I can with all the storage stuff dumped in there. And I got the camper water system flushed out and sanitized.

Jim Rimmer
05-31-2011, 11:24 AM
Completed my refinishing project earlier in the week and with a couple of days cure time, I moved it into the house (it won't be used for awhile so it can continue its curing there). With that done I can make dust in the shop again. Started on the prototype of two A&C bedside tables I plan to make. To get the thicknesses I needed for the prototype I had to laminate a lot of pine and Poplar so it's taking longer than the real ones will. I bought Genuine (Honduran) Mahogany for the project so I want to make sure I have the proportions and procedures right before I cut into wood that cost me $9.50/bdft.

Spent some time with friends consuming BBQ and trimmings. Watched a couple of WWII movies and snippets of others. God Bless those who paid the price for our freedoms.

Neil Brooks
05-31-2011, 11:30 AM
Beautiful pics, Dennis, and ... a heartfelt congratulations to you and your wife, and all involved !

For the record, I don't happen to think a tool belt would have been TOO out of place with that suit, but ... maybe that's just me.

Finished another cutting board. LOML and I owe gifts to some people, and ... who can't use a cutting board ?? ;-)


Been doing the "pegged breadboard end" thing. Like the subtle look.

Found a local who's quietly sold lumber for some 50 years. Bought about 75bf of maple, cherry, and walnut.

Can't get 8' boards easily into my Subaru, so ... seller just threw them in her truck, and drove them to my house. Good people. Good prices. Good boards :)

Made arrangements to meet a CL seller of some 4/4 Zebrawood AND Purpleheart, tomorrow, and ... to stop by my favorite local cabinet shop to sift through his cutoffs. He gives me good prices, and ... I clean up his shop :)

So ... some woodworking, but LOTS of wood buying -- often even MORE fun than building stuff :D

Gary Radice
05-31-2011, 11:34 AM
Replaced the bearings on a 1950's era Craftsman shaper that I picked up recently, and also acquired a nice 3/4 Craftsman motor from the same era to run it. Also completely disassembled my old French road bike (bicycle, that is) and repainted the frame. Ordered new brake levers and cables, got new tires and tubes and handlebar tape, brake pads, and a new helmet. Straightened the handlebars a bit and put on a shorter stem. Took the top off of the swimming pool and reconnected the pump. Busy weekend!

Ryan Hellmer
05-31-2011, 2:53 PM
I finally got the old cabinets from the kitchen remodel hung in my shop. 10.5' of uppers, the lowers weren't what I want out there so they went on CL. After that I did some MUCH overdue cleaning and cleaned and waxed cast iron. The shop is starting to look useable again.

Jim Becker
05-31-2011, 8:58 PM
Geepers creepers...Dennis in a suit and tie?? They didn't have a bib-tux available??? Sheesh... Seriously, major congratulations on A's beautiful wedding!!!

As for me, it was a very hot and humid weekend around here. Saturday, I had my riding lesson and later on, we drove down to the Devon Horse Show to watch our barn's team compete in the Hunt Teams event as well as watch some world class jumping. Sunday, I was in the shop working on some portable bridle racks (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?166874-Project-Portable-Bridle-Racks-(Equestrian)) that our barn owner needs for this coming week's return to Devon with several riders. They are renting stalls and there are limited options for hanging tack.

Monday, I had another riding lesson and then cooked these...


Professor Dr. SWMBO made some fresh potato salad and killer fresh guacamole to accompany said baby-backs. :D

Keith Westfall
05-31-2011, 9:36 PM
And this is the barn that they got married in front of:

Barn?? If home had been that good, I would have never left... :D

Congrats on the wedding - Bride looked beautiful.

Joe Mioux
05-31-2011, 10:38 PM
Geepers creepers...Dennis in a suit and tie?? They didn't have a bib-tux available??? Sheesh... Seriously, major congratulations on A's beautiful wedding!!!

I thought the same thing..... Huge Congratulations Dennis to you and your entire family....

for me: worked most of the weekend, however, on Monday, I did smoke a brisket.... it was fantastic!

06-01-2011, 9:40 AM
Congratulations, Dennis.

For me, past weekend, we drove over to the Indy 500 - a bit of tradition for last several years. Great day, good race. Got back home in good time. Smoked a brisket on Monday, hung a TV in our exercise room, not much else.

Mike Wilkins
06-02-2011, 9:01 AM
Congrats Dennis on the wedding. I also walked my oldest daughter down the aisle this past Saturday. Great day for all, especially the wife. Talking about some serious stress relief. One down and one to go.
Oh, and I did get some time in the local Woodcraft. Just browsing.