View Full Version : Update - Demolition done and Construction Starts

Patrick Galpin
05-29-2011, 9:45 AM
The footings were completed with big O drainage pipe inserted into them to allow the copious amounts of water that is flowing on the surface of the bedrock to escape to the back of the addition to eventually escape with a drainage trench.

The wall forming was done without incident; levels were shot and marked on the forms for all the various heights and cutouts required.
My foundation guy was concerned about the parking the cement pumping truck on my driveway so they elected to drive around the side yard. Unfortunately, it had rained the previous couple of days and the ground was soft resulting in them getting stuck half way.
Luckily my 60 year old tractor was able to give it enough of a pull so the 60,000 lbs unit could get out. Parked on my driveway, the unit could just reach the farthest corner of the addition.
With our water issues, I placed super seal plastic on the outside of the foundation to ensure we don’t have more water issues, and big O drainage pipe covered by gravel around the addition.
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