View Full Version : "Johns Happy Face"

Keith Burns
05-28-2011, 6:25 AM
This is from a piece of mesquite John Hart left me when he graced my shop with his presence awhile back. It was hollowed with the new Carter Hollow Roller system of course. Mesquite is my favorite wood, it cuts great, it's stable, finishes well and always has so much to offer in it's grain patterns. The finial is african blackwood. It measures 4-1/2" dia. x 10-1/2" tall. Finished with my 10 minute finish. I think the title fits this one:).

Mike Cruz
05-28-2011, 7:03 AM
That should bring a smile to anyone's face! Very nice. I may look into mesquite someday...the wood looks so happy. :)

John Keeton
05-28-2011, 7:34 AM
Classic Keith Burns!! Beautiful piece, Keith. Love the collar and the embellished tip on the finial. One nit - Hart needs to brush his teeth. That bark brown look makes for a wierd looking smile!:D:rolleyes:

Tim Thiebaut
05-28-2011, 7:55 AM
Yup you got it, I bet he is smiling just like that since he can stay home and do nothing but turn for 4 days! Great looking piece, love the finial!

Roger Chandler
05-28-2011, 8:02 AM
As usual..........a very nice work! I really like your finials...............and your HF's........:D;)...

Alan Trout
05-28-2011, 9:08 AM

Very nice. Well done.


Pete Jordan
05-28-2011, 9:10 AM
Great job Keith!

Have you shared your 10 minute finish with us?

Steve Schlumpf
05-28-2011, 10:14 AM
Beautiful work Keith! Great form and I really like all the little extras you put in with the finial/lid! Very nice work!

I've only turned Mesquite a couple of times but it is a pleasure to turn and I love how the wood plays with the light!

Roland Martin
05-28-2011, 10:26 AM
A really nice piece, Keith. I'm with John, Hart really needs to take better care of his teeth;).

Curt Fuller
05-28-2011, 10:35 AM
They don't get any nicer than that! I sure like the contrasting pieces in the finial.

David E Keller
05-28-2011, 10:47 AM
This a nice looking form, Keith, and the finial details are a great touch. You'll have to check this piece next week and see if it's still smiling once John goes back to work.

Jim Adkins
05-28-2011, 11:08 AM
Aw Jeez Mr. Burns!!!......Another winner for sure. Everything about this piece is
"dead-on", nice form, nice wood and all topped-off with a Grumpy finial and a
happy "smiley" face with dark teeth!!

charlie knighton
05-28-2011, 11:15 AM
very nice, Keith

Michael James
05-28-2011, 11:23 AM
Always a pleasure to see your work - your influence on the HF world is obvious. Thx for posting!

Michelle Rich
05-28-2011, 11:26 AM
very pleasing form & i like the neck ring & finial is super.

Dan Forman
05-28-2011, 1:43 PM
This is gorgeous. The void adds a lot character, and the smile analogy really works. The tip of the finial is a nice touch, the form is wonderful. I'm curious about the 10 minute finish.


Bob Bergstrom
05-28-2011, 3:33 PM
yep. You are totally correct. I can see a definite resemblance. Gorgeous, tall, handsome, and great physique. Yes sir that sure the way it looks.

PS. John Please send the piece of mesquite you promised for writing this post. LOL.

John W Dixon
05-28-2011, 3:39 PM
That is really cool and I love that finial.

John Hart
05-28-2011, 3:43 PM
When I went to Texas last fall to pick up a Jeep and drive it home, I asked my brother Ken if he could spare some Mesquite. So, when I arrived in San Antonio, he had cut down a tree and hauled it over in his truck. Very cool.
So, On my drive back to Ohio, I stopped in Memphis for the night and met my friend Keith for the first time, and gave him a couple of the logs.
I sent this picture to my brother, and he is so proud of what transpired. He's seen some of the crap that I turn....and now he sees his firewood turned by a master.

Now..if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go brush my teeth. :)

David DeCristoforo
05-28-2011, 6:54 PM
Delicioso... "Classic" KB form. Can't be beat!

Keith Burns
05-29-2011, 6:45 AM
Thanks for the kind words y'all, I appreciate it.

A couple have asked about my 10 minute finish so here it is.
1. Sand thru 400 to 600 grit. I power sand at high speed.
2. Rub in Minwax Antique Oil (Red Can). It may feel a little tacky but thats okay. Let set for a couple of minutes. Do not follow instructions on can.
3. Buff with tripoli followed by wax. I use the Beall System.

I am not a finishing expert and have no idea why this works or if it will work with other oils. Your results may vary. Works best on dense woods. Other woods may require a second or third application of the oil applied in the same rub in manner.