View Full Version : raised panel profiles

michael gates
05-27-2011, 4:14 PM
Does anyone know a website that shows the different profiles of raised panels. I am looking for actual doors not drawings and odd panel profiles, not the standard ones.

Philip Berman
05-27-2011, 4:25 PM
google 'em. "raised panel", click on images, you'll come up with tons. I think French and Italian are great, typically not rectangular, oftentimes with a very large tongue around the perimeter before the raised area begins.

Larry Fox
05-28-2011, 9:44 AM
While they are not picture of the actual panel Freud' site has the ones that are available on their RP-1000 insert shaper head. Most pictures of raised panels show the panel straight on which makes it difficult to discern the detail on the profile of the field. As Phillip said - dags.

michael gates
05-28-2011, 5:07 PM
It is really hard to get a good idea of what the cutter profile will look like with out seeing a finished door.