View Full Version : Cigar Pen---playing around

Gary Max
05-25-2011, 10:21 PM
Just for the ho-rah I made these today. Lets see if they sell at the show this weekend.
Oh---I ain't the first person to make these.:)

David E Keller
05-26-2011, 12:58 PM
Those look great, Gary! I'll bet the cigar smokers love them.

Jim Burr
05-26-2011, 1:51 PM
Those are so cool Gary! My luck...I'd light that instead of my cigar:o;)

James Combs
05-26-2011, 9:31 PM
Gary, those are some good looking cigars... err... ah... I mean pens. Question: What pen kits do you get your hardware from for them?

I can't really tell from the photo but do you try to match grain with the cap on? If so what is your method? Also do you use a collet chuck for turning and finishing them?