View Full Version : Sharpening

Vince Lannutti
05-24-2011, 9:32 PM
Anyone aware of any online videos that would help me to learn how to sharpen carving chisels ? It's the only thing keeping me from trying to carve.

Thanks, Vince L.

larry senen
05-24-2011, 10:04 PM
try lee valley tools.
mr. lee has written books on sharpening that i know covered carving tools.

Gary Hodgin
05-24-2011, 10:15 PM
I've done very little carving but do have a video by Nora Hall in which she has a short segment on it. The little I've done has been with slip stones, small strops, and a Tormek. You might want to post in the Woodcarvers' Forum.


Terry Beadle
05-25-2011, 12:40 PM
Jim Kingshott has a video on how to sharpen carving tools. I don't think it's on-line any where though as it's a commercial video.

Don't let the sharpening disciplines scare you. Look at ads similar to this one : http://www.sharpeningsupplies.com/Carving-Tool-Sharpening-C30.aspx?gclid=CPjKnuPEg6kCFcKd7QoduC5xIw

It's almost self explanatory. Priactice will make you good and using them will tune your senses to what will improve the sharpening. You just need the appropriate set of stones, files and sand paper on sticks to get r dun !

Enjoy the shavings !