View Full Version : Quick change jaws?

Prashun Patel
05-23-2011, 2:16 PM
I use a Nova G3 chuck and have a set of Cole jaws for it. The worst part of any project for me is having to switch the jaws out. Does anyone have a quicker solution to changing the jaws out? Do I have to just buy a new chuck and have them dedicated to the regular and cole jaws, respectively?

Al Wasser
05-23-2011, 2:35 PM
I have never seen of a quick way. Most folks, me included, bite the bullet so to speak and get a chuck just for a given set of jaws. I think I now have 6 Nova chucks and if I find a good deal I just might get another

Tim Thiebaut
05-23-2011, 3:01 PM
As much as I hate to use my hard to come by money on another chuck, I am buying a body only for my talon this month, I switch jaws from the standard to the spigot jaws so much I am tired of it, and thankfully oneway sells a body only so that will save me a little money.

Steve Schlumpf
05-23-2011, 3:51 PM
I have a Talon chuck and use all the jaws. Not sure what the problem is with changing them as it usually takes me less than a minute to pull the chuck off the lathe, change jaws and get it back onto the lathe. I did make the process easier by using an allen wrench held in my portable drill. Can you say Zip!!

Prashun Patel
05-23-2011, 3:59 PM
Thanks all. It's just a little pet peeve of mine. I always seem to drop one of the eight screws and it bounces right into the pile of dust/shavings. I'll give the allen-wrench-in-a-drill a spin, whilst I prowl for a 2nd chuck.


Bill Bolen
05-23-2011, 5:22 PM
That is the reason I gave myself for buying soooo many chucks.:D

Peter Fabricius
05-23-2011, 5:31 PM
Hi all;
The allan key in the drill chuck sounds real good... I change jaws with the chuck still on the lathe head and just lock the spindle and turn the eight screws out with the T-handle allen key. Fairly easy but I did get a second Stronghold to reduce the number of times the jaws needed to be changed.
Peter F.

Jim Burr
05-23-2011, 6:00 PM
That's the sole reason I bought another Baracudda...sometimes, those changes are a pain.

Tim Thiebaut
05-23-2011, 6:48 PM
I have a Talon chuck and use all the jaws. Not sure what the problem is with changing them as it usually takes me less than a minute to pull the chuck off the lathe, change jaws and get it back onto the lathe. I did make the process easier by using an allen wrench held in my portable drill. Can you say Zip!!

Its really not that big of a deal Steve,l but depending one what I am doing I might change out jaws several times a morning....it would just be nice to have a second set around always setup.

Greg Just
05-23-2011, 10:13 PM
[QUOTE=Prashun Patel;1708397] I always seem to drop one of the eight screws and it bounces right into the pile of dust/shavings.

I have a big magnet handy to find those sawdust loving screws!