View Full Version : Frued Fusion blade question

Sam Joyce
05-21-2011, 1:28 AM
Hey guys Im sure a bunch of you have this blade so i thought I'd ask. I purchased one recently and upon removal from the package saw that the expansion/vibrations slots are filled with a clear, epoxy like substance. The slots being filled might seem normal to me but some is sitting on the plate itself around the slots and clearly is not flush with the plate. It looks kinda sloppy especially for such a premium blade but it could be perfectly normal too and have no effect on operation. Id like too know what your guys experience regarding this is before I get to cutting.
Much appreciated

Rich Engelhardt
05-21-2011, 5:13 AM
I have 5 Freud blades, a Freud box joint set and a Freud dado set. None of them have anything like that.
Does it extend out beyond the width of the teeth? If so, it sounds like a bind/pinch & kickback waiting to happen.
Might be worth a call to Freud customer service.

scott spencer
05-21-2011, 8:06 AM
Sam - My knee-jerk reaction is that it's nothing to worry about but I haven't seen it. A pic might help....can you post one?

glenn bradley
05-21-2011, 8:50 AM
I agree that unless it sticks out more than the kerf width, I wouldn't really be concerned but, it does sound like a boo-boo. Freud is pretty right up there when it comes to backing their product. A call to customer service wouldn't hurt.

(800) 334-4107

Bill Huber
05-21-2011, 10:07 AM
I have 5 different Freud blades and when I first bought them some had the stuff you are talking about and some didn't but it comes right out after you use the blade a few times. I think it must be some thing to do with the coating they put on them.

I would not worry about it.

Bill White
05-21-2011, 1:22 PM
Take a razor blade to it. Use the blade or send it to me.

Ben West
05-21-2011, 3:07 PM
I thought I remembered reading somewhere that Freud started filling those slots with epoxy or something similar...claims it reduces vibration.

Checked out their website and, sure enough, it says the slots are filled with a special polymer.


Sam Joyce
05-21-2011, 5:39 PM
Alright, sounds like I shouldnt be worried about it. Hopefully the stuff will rub off after the first couple of cuts. On a positive note the blade is super sharp and has almost no runout. Thanks for your opinions lads.