View Full Version : Quick Reply in Mac OSx

Jeff Sudmeier
02-07-2005, 8:15 AM
Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that the "Quick Reply" icons that you can click, in order to be able to reply to a topic without switching pages, are not working on Mac OSX with IE 5.2.

When I click the "Quick Reply" icon, I go to the post reply page, with the post quoted.

Just wanted to let you know. I have started hitting the "Post Reply" button instead.



Jim Becker
02-07-2005, 8:48 AM
Jeff, I have that problem sometimes in WinXP/IE when I don't wait for the page to fully load before clicking on the button...like when I'm trying to be "too quick" to Quick Reply!

Bob Hovde
02-07-2005, 9:03 AM
What? IE gets confused? Tell me it isn't so!! :eek:


Jeff Sudmeier
02-07-2005, 10:34 AM
Jeff, I have that problem sometimes in WinXP/IE when I don't wait for the page to fully load before clicking on the button...like when I'm trying to be "too quick" to Quick Reply!


I do as well, but in this case, the page if fully loaded. I am thinking it is a MAC OS/IE thing...

Jonathan Shaw
02-07-2005, 11:39 PM
I nearly ashamed to admit I haven't used my Mac in many months now, as I've switched to the dark side... However, I highly recommend that you try any browser other than Internet Explorer. You will have a faster, more compatible, web browsing experience. Give these two a test drive:

Safari (http://www.apple.com/safari/)
Firefox (http://www.mozilla.org/)

David Fried
02-08-2005, 7:53 AM
Doesn't work with OS X 10.3.7/Safari either. :confused:

Jeff Sudmeier
02-08-2005, 8:29 AM
It must be a Mac thing and how the handle the coding of the buttons. If you check out the links, they are the exact same, so javascript must be handling the Quick Reply. Aww well... no big deal.. I will just keep going to the other screen :)

Jonathan Shaw
02-09-2005, 1:25 AM
Bummer. :(

Well, give Firefox a try sometime (if you want to). It is a good browser... I used it on my Mac, on my PC, and on my PC and Solaris boxes at work. Great browser. Lots of neat extensions for it, as well. Such as one that blocks ads <i>within</i> web pages, and one that lets you undo closing a tab (if you close one or more by accident, which I tend to do).

Javascript execution is implemented within the web browser -- not by the operating system. So you will experience different results in different brands/versions of browsers due to differences in their specific implementations. I suspect that since Saw Mill Creek works correctly for me in the Windows flavor of Firefox, it will work correctly for you, too, on the Mac.


John Hemenway
02-21-2005, 12:55 AM
Jeff, did you get your problem fixed?

I'm using OS X (10.3.8) and Safari 1.2.4 and clicking on quick reply takes me to the QR box at the bottom of the page.

You might try installing all the updates 'Software Update' recommends.