View Full Version : Bug Vase

Jerry Lawrence
05-19-2011, 10:56 PM
Ok, so I was attempting to make a small vase to fit the extra base I had made. Well, as I'm sure you all know, sometimes things don't turn out as planned. The top of the vase had a small crack so I had to cut it down too small and I just didn't like the way it came out overall. Well, I had to do something with it...so I thought I'd go for something a little different. I'd like to say I came up with the leg idea myself, but I have to admit I saw something similar (it was a bowl I think, maybe on this site), and stole the idea.
I know the pics aren't great, the legs aren't spaced evenly, the finish stinks, the sanding could have been better...etc etc etc... but comments and critiques are welcomed as always.
Thanks for looking!

Dan Forman
05-19-2011, 11:24 PM
Oh oh, Just when David D. was starting to recover from horror of the crab hollow form, and now this...:eek:

I like it, but then I like all sorts of creepy crawly things. :D


Tim Thiebaut
05-20-2011, 12:34 AM
Very inventive! It might have been Curt Fullers spider jewlery box you saw, those legs look kind of similar to that piece.

Curt Fuller
05-20-2011, 9:43 AM
I love it!

Steve Schlumpf
05-20-2011, 11:12 AM
That's really cool and offers a unique twist to a stand vase!

Really reminds me of Curt's spiders! Nice work!

Jim Burr
05-20-2011, 12:34 PM
Ha!!! That's is great Jerry!! Send it to Hollyweird so they can use it in a movie! Really well done!

David DeCristoforo
05-20-2011, 12:56 PM
Alright... that's it. I'm never gonna sleep again!

Jeff Nicol
05-20-2011, 5:48 PM
Looks fun to me, I have seen the same sort of thing on many different pieces over the years. Little lege, spikes, antennae or whatever can add some cool looks to many things!


And I agree with David, if we all try and make all the things that we like we will never sleep again!