View Full Version : Marilyn Campbell Demo

Roland Martin
05-16-2011, 9:07 AM
In lieu of our regular May meeting at So. ME. Woodturners, Marilyn Campbell is coming in for an all day demonstration, May 22nd can't seem to come quick enough for me. Marilynn is an incredibly talented artist, producing some exquisite work with epoxies, re-assembly, coloration, etc. I had just learned of Marilyn's work a couple of months ago and am very excited to be able to spend a day with such a talented lady. I've included a link to her website if anybody's interested in seeing what she does, quite amazing work. marilyncampbell.ca/ (http://www.marilyncampbell.ca/)

Jim Adkins
05-16-2011, 2:34 PM
Roland....you're in for a treat, saw her at the AAW Symposieum in Albaquerque (sp?) 3-4 years ago and she is a really good demonstrator with great presentations. Enjoy the Demo!!

David E Keller
05-16-2011, 4:24 PM
Thanks for the link, Roland. Her site contains some really interesting pieces. I'm looking forward to hearing your report on the demo.